Under the coercion and temptation of Lin Nan and Whitebeard, Marco finally let go of his dignity, let go of everything, and chose to compromise.

In the past half a month, he completely handed himself over to Lin Nan-

He sighed: The world is unpredictable - who would have thought that such a thing would be encountered -

Whitebeard left, and the crew members of the other ships also came to the restaurant at sea one after another, and ate delicious stilted beef.

Fortunately, there are people from the Whitebeard Pirates to help, otherwise the manatee on Lin Nan's boat would not be able to solve it.

After selling all the stilted beef, it was getting dark, and the guests on the ship were leaving one after another.

And there is another person from the Whitebeard Pirates who has not left in the Blind Sea Restaurant, that is Marco, and his whole person is at the disposal of Lin Nan during this time, which is what he promised, and it is also the meaning of Whitebeard's father.

Everyone was busy cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, and some were washing dishes in the back kitchen, but in short, no one was idle.

Everyone is conformist and knows what to do on board.

And Marco, standing on the boat like a transparent person, looking left and right and not knowing what to do.

Lin Nan glanced at Marko: "If you don't help, give me a trip to the kitchen." After that, Lin Nan also hooked his finger at Marco.

Marco pursed his mouth, and then glared at Lin Nan and said, "Tell you Lin Nan, I only stayed on your ship to learn cooking skills from you, don't think that I will go to the kitchen to work and wash dishes!"

Marco raised his proud head, as if he would rather die than give in.

"Who told you to work? Besides, don't forget what Whitebeard said to you before leaving, and you also promised it yourself, and you will be at my disposal during this time!

Lin Nan hugged his arms and said with a smile.


Marko's breath faltered, and he suddenly didn't know what to do.

"So-you didn't tell me to work, what are you telling me to go to the kitchen with you?" Erko was stunned, and his tone softened suddenly.

"Of course, I will teach you how to cook! Half a month is a very short time, if I don't hurry up and teach you, I'm afraid that when the time comes, you will still be the same! I don't believe in the ability to understand!"

Lin Nan said disdainfully.

"I'm Marco!"

Marco was anxious, and he felt a very straightforward contempt from Lin Nan.

"Look at your appearance, it seems that you are still very unconvinced? Well, you will know if it is a mule or a horse coming out to slip away, don't talk nonsense, follow me into the kitchen!"

Lin Nan chuckled, he didn't say anything, and walked straight to the kitchen.

Marco had a fire in his heart and followed Lin Nan into the kitchen.

He didn't believe how this guy who was younger than himself could teach himself!

"I heard, you can cook some home-cooked food, right?"

The two came to the kitchen, Lin Nan played with a handful of rice grains in his hand, and asked casually.

"That's right. Marco nodded without hesitation.

"That's good, in that case, it should be easy to teach you-" Lin Nan nodded symbolically: "Do you know how to make porridge?"

Do you know how to make porridge?



Marko's eyes turned extremely red: "Lin Nan! Don't look down on people! Do you think I'll be a person who can't even cook porridge! You bastard!"


He actually asked me if I could make porridge!

This is simply an insult to yourself!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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