I didn't expect Marko's porridge to be so soon, Lin Nan thought he would have to wait a little longer.

Walking into the kitchen, Lin Nan smelled a smell of porridge.

His brow furrowed slightly, and then he walked quickly to Marco's side, "Your porridge?"

"That's right, this is the porridge I made, try it! In addition, when I was making porridge, I also soaked a salted radish, and fifteen minutes of pickling time should be enough, and I squeezed the water of the radish dry before pickling. "

Marco crossed his arms and said confidently.

Eating porridge is naturally best served with kimchi.

"I didn't expect you to prepare kimchi, yes!"

Lin Nan glanced at Marko's kimchi quietly, he didn't say anything, and then scooped a bowl of porridge in the bowl with a spoon, the porridge was still a little hot, but if you drink it slowly, you can still drink it.

He took a sip gently, then took a piece of pickled radish with his chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and chewed it gently.

From beginning to end, there was no superfluous expression on Lin Nan's face.

And Marco, who was still a little confident, suddenly became nervous, and he couldn't see the evaluation from Lin Nan's face.


Marco swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "How's it going?"

Lin Nan was still chewing the radish in his mouth.

"Hey, you're talking about something!

Marco panicked.

Lin Nan put down the bowl and spoon and looked directly into Mar's nervous eyes.

Being stared at by Lin Nan like this, Marco felt a sense of panic, and he was full of panic: "Don't look at me like that, how does porridge and kimchi taste?

"Do you really want me to say it?"

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"But don't talk nonsense to me, I have a number in my heart about what I'm doing!" Marco said to Lin Nan confidently.

Lin Nan nodded, and then said, "Your porridge and kimchi are rubbish. "

... Your porridge and kimchi are rubbish!

... The kimchi of your porridge is rubbish!

Marco seemed to have been struck by lightning, and Lin Nan's words swirled in his mind like a recurring thunder-

His face turned extremely blue: "Nonsense! The level of porridge I make is at least at the middle level!"

He doesn't want to admit it!

"Yes, do you think your level is average, can you be called a chef at your level?" Lin Nan said lightly with a faint smile on his face.

"That's right, don't pretend to be a ghost there, you have the ability—you have the ability, you can also make porridge and kimchi for me!"

Marco really felt Lin Nan's culinary skills at this moment, he could make stilted beef, and it was very delicious - Marco thought that Lin Nan's cooking skills were first-class at that time, and Marco also planned to learn more under Lin Nan, but this mood was ruined by Lin Nan's words, and he actually asked himself if he could make porridge!

Marco couldn't sit still—

Porridge who won't make!

No matter how good a chef is, not all porridge is made the same!

Marco just doesn't believe in this evil!

He didn't believe it, Lin Nan made porridge several times better than him!

"It's okay, if you're not convinced, I can make you a porridge and kimchi, but the porridge you made, I guess no one on the ship will eat it, you drink up your pot of porridge first!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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