Lin Nan had already seen Tetsuo Redfoot's thoughts, but he didn't understand a little, what was the reason for Tetsuo Redfoot?

"I'm going to join the Whitebeard Pirates. "

Tetsuo Redfoot put down his glass, his eyes deep, and he looked at the Moby Dick not far from the Blind Sea Restaurant.

A faint smile appeared on Lin Nan's face.

He guessed a few of the endings.

"Drinking. "

Lin Nan didn't answer Tetsuo Redfoot directly, he took the initiative to pick up the wine glass that Tetsuo Redfoot put down, and poured some red wine for him.

"I'm sorry, Lin Nan Xiaoyou. Please forgive me for my selfishness. "

The red-footed man bowed to Lin Nan, and then he took the wine glass and drank it all on his back.

"How many times have you said that red wine should be tasted slowly, if you don't drink it like this, it's a complete waste!

Lin Nan scolded with a smile.

He sighed with emotion in his heart, Hawkeye Mihawk had left not long ago, and now Tetsuo Redfoot was also planning to leave, and it would not be long before he knew who would be on the ship.

"Get used to—"

Tetsuo Redfoot scratched his head in embarrassment, and then his face returned to normal, and he said, "Captain, aren't you going to ask why?"

"I'm not interested in the reason why you want to go to the Whitebeard Pirates, that's your business, if you really think about it, I won't stop you, don't worry, and you don't have any burden in your heart. "

Lin Nanfeng said lightly.

He said this, but he was a little reluctant, after all, he had been with the group of partners on the ship for a long time, and naturally he also had a certain feeling.


Tetsuo Redfoot smiled bitterly, and then, he said slowly: "Whitebeard is a very good leader, and he is also the person I admire the most Tetsuo Redfoot, when I saw it today, I found that I had found my place, and I hope he will take me in tomorrow." "

"He will definitely take you in, he can't ask for it, you have a good cooking skill, and there will be no shortage of excellent chefs in their pirate group in the future, and Marco has been studying here for half a month, and his ability is good, and you cooperate with him, and it is usually very easy." "

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Lin Nan Xiaoyou, our restaurant will set sail tomorrow, right?"

Tetsuo Redfoot asked.

"That's right. Lin Nan nodded.

"Before I leave, I have one more thing I want to ask you for. "

"If you have anything to say, just say it, don't grind, just say it, what's the matter-"

"Sanji - Sanji that kid is a hard-working child, since I met him on the island, after experiencing that fate, I realized that this kid has a burning heart for cooking, if you have time, teach him more cooking, and my leg technique, he can't learn it, usually urge him to practice more, don't waste this ability - I have one last request, I hope, Lin Nan Xiaoyou don't tell Sanji the news of my departure——"

Tetsuo the Redfoot said a lot to Lin Nan, but he almost talked about Sanji, as if Sanji was his son.

"No problem—though, if I keep the Whitebeard Pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates, I don't think I can hide it for long—Sanji will find out one day. "

Lin Nan said.

"That-how long can I hide it, anyway, I'm sorry for you, Lin Nan Xiaoyou!"

Tetsuo Redfoot said and bowed to Lin Nan again.

"Since you've said it all, so be it!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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