Lin Nan sent a message to everyone not to stop the matter between the two little men, so the two young men with strong blood rolled up their sleeves and fought after arguing for a minute.

The two of them punched and kicked, the fist style was Huohuo, you punched me and I punched, fighting back and forth.

All I heard was the dull sound of blows.

Both of them are the kind of characters who don't want to admit defeat, so they will never stop until they lie down on the side.

So, Lin Nan's table became a stand, and melon seed drinks were placed on the table.

"Come and sit down, there's a big show to watch today, watch it for free! The melon seed drink in the back row has been prepared, everyone sit down!"

Luo and Shanzhi fought hotly, and Lin Nan's side was also very hot, he shouted at everyone, sat at a table, and watched the play with melon seeds.

Luo and Sanji had no idea that they were already being treated as monkeys by others.

... After an hour had passed, the winner had been decided.

Luo Boy and Sanji Boy lay on the ground together, if it weren't for the rising and falling chest, I would have thought that he was dead.

"Yes, you two had a great fight. "

Lin Nan sorted out the melon seed shells he ate together, and gave him a thumbs up by the way.




The rest of the people don't know what to say.

"In the future, if you two want to fight, it's perfectly fine! I agree, and no one will stop you, after all, as a man, it is inevitable that you will encounter such a thing as fighting, and your fight can also make our restaurant more atmospheric, why not do it! You are cool! Everyone in the restaurant will also follow suit——"

Lin Nan said very sneeringly.

"Looks like you didn't fight enough with that Hawkeye guy before. "

Jinping rolled his eyes at Lin Nan.

"You also know this, it's because he's gone, our restaurant isn't as fun as before!

"Get out! I don't want to fight you!"

Jinping refused, joking, self-reliant, what strength does Lin Nan have? Isn't it enough to fight with him, and if you are full, you have nothing to do!

Where is his opponent?

"I knew you would say this, okay, don't talk nonsense, when those two boys can get up, take them to take a bath, the warm-up time is over, you have to start doing some serious things, in the future, you and I will be the masters of the two of them, help them more in cooking and cultivation, they are good seedlings, and they will be the characters of the hand in the future. "

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Cut, it's nonsense!" Jin Ping would not believe Lin Nan's nonsense, but he had subconsciously agreed to this matter.

Sanji, Luo?

These two are powerful characters in the future, although they are not as famous as Luffy and Whitebeard, but they still have a lot of weight in the entire anime.

Let's talk about Luo, who was a subordinate of Don Quixote Doflamingo at the age of 10 and broke away from Doflamingo at the age of 12 and a half. One of the "eleven supernovas of the pirate world" who landed in the Chambord Islands before the "big event", and his bounty at that time ranked 5th out of eleven. Later, he rescued Luffy and Jinping in the top war, and became the "Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty" 2 years later - this guy was able to become the Seven Martial Seas, which shows that his weight in this sea should not be underestimated!

And Sanji is going to be a little more awesome-

He had a dream to find AllB1ue, the Sea of Legends, and then followed Luffy on the Great Voyage. He also has an identity, that is, the third son of the Vince Mock family-

I was also forced to marry by the MOM of the Four Emperors!

The person who the four emperors all look up to-

How could a Seven Martial Seas compare?

However, the appearance of Lin Nan will also change the fate of these two boys, as for what kind of climate he will become in the end, I don't know-

However, Lin Nan will promise to do his best to make these two boys brilliant.

Don't ruin the lives of the two of them in your own hands.

Soon, the two boys with white bandages came to Lin Nan's kitchen.

"Do you want to fight again?"

Lin Nan looked at the two with a smile.

The two looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Nan: "I don't want to-"

"I think you still want to fight, so let's do it, I allow you to fight every day, and after you fight, I will teach you how to cook!

Lin Nan said seriously.


On Lin Nan's side, one couldn't help laughing.

Too bad!

This Lin Nan is simply too bad! Where is there such a threat to others?

What does it mean not to teach if you don't fight-


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