"Why do I want to fix you, I do this for your own good, I don't let go of the money to earn, I don't do business, I accompany you all day long, who am I for? Tell me, why should I, an adult, let you practice to death every moment of the day for the sake of you?"

Lin Nan hated that iron could not be made of steel, and he knocked it Shanzhi's head.


As soon as Shan Zhi was in pain, he couldn't help touching his head, and eating pain was painful, but after listening to Lin Nan's words, he gradually understood Lin Nan's approach, but a week has passed, and it's useless for him to just run in that hot place-

He said that he wanted to practice some kind of demon wind feet, but what kind of ghost trick is this demon wind feet!

Wearing out a pair of shoes every day, a pair of shoes costs three or five hundred thousand Bailey, at first the shoes were broken and there was no place to buy shoes, but later Brother Lin Nan didn't know where to take out a bunch of small leather shoes with a very good yard, selling 500,000 pairs.

Sanji, who has no rut, can only buy shoes ruthlessly-

This island is deserted, where else can you buy shoes other than from Linna?

What is this kind of sale called?


I have to say that Boss Lin Nan is a complete profiteer.

No, Sanji took out a stack of money from his pocket and put it in Lin Nan's hand, and then took the brand-new small leather shoes from Lin Nan's hand with a smile on his face.

Putting on the new shoes, Sanji didn't have the slightest smile on his face, and some were just lifeless.

"Okay, let's practice here today, and continue tomorrow - when you're done, we'll go to sea when you're done. "

Lin Nan nodded and said seriously.

It's not like lying at all-

Sanji sighed in his heart, when will he go to sea when is the time? When will he be able to go to sea until then? Practicing the devil's feet, the eight characters have not been skimmed yet, and there is no hope.

"No, I mean, how long have I been like this-Brother Lin Nan, you torture me every day, let me run, it's okay to run, the key is, you tell me to run on the volcano every day-what are you asking me to practice like this? Luo is much more fun than me day by day, he just stands in his ghost circle and dances with knives and guns, I don't see him doing anything serious-I think you just don't like me, Chengxin."

Sanji looked at Luo's side, Luo Yi was really in a semi-arc circle, playing with the knife in his hand, playing smoothly.

"I have to say it a few times before you can believe me, I don't have time to mess with you here, let's go, go to dinner first. "

Lin Nan waved his sleeves, stopped talking, and strode towards the sea restaurant.

Shanzhi was depressed and kept up with Lin Nan's pace.

Sanji is right, both of them seem to be training their own abilities, but Sanji and Luo's training methods are very different, Luo has eaten the fruit of the operation, and he is exploring how to use this ability by himself, after all, a fruit ability is in his own body, if you want to become stronger, you still have to learn by yourself, you have to explore by yourself, and others can't help at all - and Sanji is different, he needs to practice the demon wind feet and has to put in a lot of hard work, only in this way can he get close to success.

Thinking about the current Sanji, if you don't force him not to supervise him, it will be difficult for him to achieve something.

After all, he is young and mentally immature and not strong-willed, and he has a lot of playfulness to calm down and study, and the only way is to find someone to supervise him.

And Lin Nan is the only person to supervise him.

When Tetsuo Redfoot left, he had promised Tetsuo Redfoot that he would help Sanji, and he was slowly fulfilling that promise.

Sanji has always been kept in the dark, and he has never known what the use of running the volcano every day is.

In this way, three months passed again, and Sanji's size changed slightly, and it was obvious that he had grown a lot taller.

His temperament has also changed dramatically, and his daily training and daily food supplements make him look energetic and energetic.

"Brother Lin Nan, I'm really quitting - no matter what you say this time, I won't practice anymore!

This time, after running through the volcano, Sanji's mood broke down a little, and he couldn't bear the same thing he did day and night.

"Are you going to give up? I think you're doing a good job, you've achieved a little bit now, and if you just give up, you'll be in vain. I've seen all your changes, do you think you really haven't changed at all?"

A faint smile appeared on Lin Nan's face.

"I don't feel any change in me. "

Sanji said bluntly: "Don't do it, really don't do it this time!"


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