Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another three months have passed.

Sanji and Luo's progress is flying, it can be said that they are outstanding in strength among teenagers, and they can even do powerful adults.

Three months ago, Sanji had an accident with a demonic kick, and after that, he put away his lazy mind and began to devote himself to training.

In the end, he succeeded in mastering the way to activate the Demon Wind Feet, and he could cover his feet with a layer of scorching flames whenever he wanted.

This is the seventh day that Yiwei Sea Restaurant has left that volcanic island, and Yiwei Sea Restaurant has not docked for a while, drifting on the sea, occasionally encountering pirate ships to do some business, make a little money, and live a fairly leisurely life.

"How long do you think we're going to drift on the sea?"

Sanji said to Luo.

Both of them look down on each other, but under such a relationship, the two have a friendship invisibly.

Although the two fight every day, they occasionally subconsciously stay together and chat or something.

The relationship is very good.

"You ask me, who am I asking! Brother Lin Nan is the captain, by the way, is it better to remove the skin of the tomato from the scrambled tomato egg, or is it better not to remove it?"

Luo Chong Shanzhi rolled his eyes, then scratched his head and asked humbly.


Sanji slapped Luo's head: "Do you have bean dregs in your head? Why do you peel tomatoes?"

"I know I don't need to peel it, I'm just not sure, so I'm asking you, I want to make sure-" Luo said with a pout.

"It looks like business is coming. "

Lin Nan, who jumped off the bow of the boat, put away the binoculars, and then said to everyone.

"It's ready! This should be a big order today!"

Lin Nan rolled up his sleeves and put on a white chef's uniform.

"Why do I think something is wrong with this pirate ship!" Looking at the fast-moving pirate group from a distance, Jinping couldn't help but frown.

"Uh-I think something is wrong with you-"

The fragrance wafted out, and the bewitching old lady crossed her hands on her waist, and a trace of weirdness flashed on her beautiful face.

When the old lady spoke, everyone turned their attention to her.

In everyone's opinion, the old lady rarely speaks under normal circumstances, and everyone is surprised as soon as she speaks.

"What's so weird?"

Lin Nan looked at the old man in surprise.

This woman who has been with him for several days and nights.


The old lady stared at the big ship with a pair of eyes, and said the name that made everyone shudder.

Kaido, the king of beasts?

Is that Kaido you talking about?


Lin Nanhu looked at the old lady's eyes suspiciously.

"Well, that's supposed to be Kaido's pirates, and it's best not to do this business, so as not to get caught on fire. "

The old lady's willow brows were furrowed.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They really thought that Kaido, known as the Beastmaster, was on that ship.

It turned out to be just Kaido's men.

"I'm afraid this business can't be avoided, but I'm going to see what Kaido's people are so scary. "

A hint of coldness flashed in Lin Nan's eyes.

Since he is here to eat, as the boss here, he will naturally not refuse, but if someone comes to make trouble, then don't blame him Lin Nan is not polite.

What about even Kaido's people.


"Stop the boat!"

"Come and see how many people will go up with me, there will be a restaurant in the sea area under the jurisdiction of BIGMOM?"

A tall guy in a beast sweater, and a guy jumped into a blind restaurant.

They were followed by several strange-looking men.

Seeing the few people who came to the ship, Lin Nan's eyes were fixed on the pirate at the head, this person had a ponytail and two twisted braids tied on his head, a strong physique, a metal jaw on his mouth, and two ivory-like decorations on his head and shoulders. Armed with spiky willow spikes, he wears a feather-like coat and two scythe-shaped weapons.

"This man!

It Devil Fruit can be transformed into a mammoth!

Jack is one of the captains of the Four Emperors, one of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, one of the three major disasters, the fierce general of the Hundred Beast Pirates, the captain of the Mammoth, and Kaido's henchman!

It's not a small one!


This sea area is under the jurisdiction of BIGMOM? I didn't expect to drive a boat everywhere and float to other people's territory.

But what are Kaido's people doing here?

"Come to dinner, right? Today's special meal at this restaurant is—"

Lin Nan had a hospitable smile on his face, and when he was about to introduce the dishes, his words were interrupted by a rough voice: "Bring me all the delicious food! If it's not delicious, I'll destroy your restaurant!"

If it doesn't taste good, I'll ruin your restaurant!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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