That's right, at this moment, everyone's location is the coast of the Kingdom of Jerma.

It is an island made up of dozens of warships connected together.

At the same time, this is also the birthplace of Sanji, Lin Nan couldn't cry or laugh, by mistake, he actually came here, no wonder Sanji took the initiative to come to the position of the bow of the ship at this moment, looking at the familiar place.

"Brother Lin Nan, can we get around-"

Lin Nan, who was clenching his fists, suddenly let go of his fists again, and the anger on his face gradually dissipated.


Lin Nan asked curiously.

"I don't want to go to that place again—"

Sanji shook his head and said in a heavy tone.

When he came to this place, he couldn't help but think of what had happened before, as Lin Nan said before, he was an abandoned child, before he was abandoned, he had experienced a lot, and he really didn't want to go back to the place that awakened his painful memories.

"Are you scared?"

"It's not—"

"Haven't been able to get out of the pain yet?"

"It's not—"

"You've always been a coward—"

"It's not—"

"Are you a man?"

"It's not—"


Lin Nan deviated Shanzhi in a few words: "Okay, since you admit that you are not a man, then let's bypass it!"

"No, Brother Lin Nan, I'm really not joking with you now, I'm begging you, okay?"

Sanji swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Lin Nan with a determined look in his eyes.

"Don't beg me, what I just asked you wasn't joking, and since you said you didn't care, why didn't you dare to go back? If you keep running away like this, you'll never get out of the nightmare, you know?"

Lin Nan said earnestly.

All the people on this ship are Lin Nan's relatives, and Shanzhi is not a problem, naturally it is also his problem, since there is a problem, the matter is coming, so it has to be solved.

"What are you talking about here!Sanji, don't be lazy, you're about to dock, get ready, I think you should be able to make a lot of money here tonight."

Jinping also came to the side of the two, he crossed his waist, looking at the strange island in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a smile appeared on his face.

"What nonsense, didn't you just say that this is MOM's territory? Why are you thinking about making money in business now?"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes at Jinping.

"Isn't that you-"

"Dare to love, I will bring you a sense of security?"

"Not really!"

Jinping winked at Lin Nan.

Lin Nan had no time to talk nonsense with Jinping, his eyes fell on Shanzhi again, and said, "Shanzhi, you really don't plan to go to that island?"

Sanji's body trembled slightly, and then nodded slightly.

"Well, let's get to the shore in a moment, and we'll do business on the coast, so you can hide in the kitchen and don't come out. "

A person's heart knot is not said to be untied, and it doesn't play any role in comforting Sanji and educating him at all, and in the end, whether his heart can be opened or not depends entirely on himself.

"That's all right, right?"


Sanji nodded and agreed.

If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with hiding yourself, as long as you're not discovered by the guests who come to eat.

The restaurant came to a pier in the kingdom of Jerma.

The dock of the ship branch naturally attracted the attention of many people on the wharf.

However, the men only glanced at it, then withdrew their gaze and went on with what they were doing, as if it were a normal thing for a foreign ship to suddenly come here.

"What's the matter? Why don't these people come to eat when they see a restaurant on the sea? It's getting late!"

Jinping crossed his arms and looked at such a scene in puzzlement.

"Maybe they have a cafeteria—" Luo said lightly, eating peanuts.


However, Luo was greeted with a fierce fist.

Luo Yan hugged his head in great pain, waited for Jinping dissatisfiedly, and said, "Brother Jinping, what are you doing!"

"Stinky boy, how dare you argue with me! How can the food in their canteen compare to the food on our ship!"

Jinping glared at Luo and said hatefully.

"I'm just going to talk about it—why hit me!"

Luo muttered quietly-

"Hey, Lin Nan, why do you say this, why don't they come to eat!

"You can ask Sanji about this! Sanji knows best. "

Lin Nan slowly processed the beef, and then said without raising his head.

Ask Sanji??


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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