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"Brother Wu, what do you think of this place as a training camp?"

Even if Lin Feng was optimistic, he still had to ask Long Wu. After all, Long Wu was the chief instructor now. If he disagreed, there was nothing he could do.

However, Long Wu nodded and agreed that this place was very suitable for a training camp.


Lin Feng snapped his fingers and said with a smile,"OK, it's a happy decision. I'll go back and talk to Boss He about the rent here."

At this time, Wang Lao's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone, walked a few steps away, and then picked up the phone.

"Mr. Lin, this is Mr. He's phone call."Old Wang handed the phone to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked up the phone and took a casual look. This place is very remote and ordinary phones have no signal at all. Obviously, this phone is a satellite phone, which can receive signals even in more remote places.

"Hello, Xiaofeng, are you satisfied with this place?" He Mingshen's voice came from the phone.

Lin Feng smiled and said,"Not very satisfied.……"

"What? You are not satisfied with such a good place?"He Mingshen said speechlessly.

"Boss He, you have to wait for me to finish my words. I was just going to say that I was not very satisfied, but I was quite satisfied. This place is great, just right for me to use as a training camp."Lin Feng said with a chuckle.

He Mingshen smiled speechlessly. This Lin Feng actually made a joke. Just say it directly, and it's over.

"Well, as long as you are satisfied, that's it. You can use this island first." He Mingshen was about to hang up the phone, but Lin Feng said directly:"Boss He has something else to do. I want to rent this island. Give me a price."

"Xiaofeng, this island is a place I once wanted to develop, but due to some special reasons, it has never been developed. Now it is just left there, you can use it first."

"That won't do. One is one and two is two. You have already found such a good place for me. I will not use your place for nothing."Lin Feng's voice immediately became high. Renting this place and borrowing it from He Mingshen are two completely different things. So no matter what, he has to put the matter on the table, because he has other things to do on this island.

No matter what He Mingshen said, Lin Feng agreed to use it for free, so He Mingshen really couldn't beat Lin Feng, and said helplessly:"Well, this island still has 50 years of use. Just give me a transfer fee of 50 million."

50 years of use rights, 50 million transfer fee, seems a bit much, but it is very cheap. This island was bought by He Mingshen at the beginning with nearly 200 million funds. It has not been long since then, and he directly sold it for 50 million. Only people like He Mingshen who are not short of money can do that. Otherwise, ordinary people will vomit blood.

Lin Feng nodded. He also thought the price was very fair. This is equivalent to only 1 million a year. This island is so big, it is really worth it.

"Well, it's settled. I almost forgot that you should come to Macau in three days. The new casino will be opening for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. You are also a major shareholder, so you can sign the contract for Dazhou Island."He Mingshen said

"The new casino has been completed so quickly?"Lin Feng was a little surprised. It had only been a short time since they got the gambling license, but the casino was about to open.

"Haha, silly boy, the casino has been built a long time ago. As long as you have a gambling license, you can renovate it and open it at any time. Don't be late."After He Mingshen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin Feng exhaled a breath of turbid air, looked at the surrounding environment and laughed. With a 50-year right of use, this place will be his base within 50 years.

After a simple stroll, Lin Feng and others came to the beach. Now it is still very desolate, but he believes that in a few months, there will be earth-shaking changes here.

Lin Feng boarded the speedboat, turned his head, and took another look. The scenery here was surprisingly beautiful.

Not far away, the sea is full of rugged rocks, strange rocks, and strange reefs.

The beach covered with white fine sand stretches for more than a thousand meters, and the blue sea hits the beach. , stirring up patches of white mist. This beautiful scenery is even better than the seaside of Hainan Island that Lin Feng had visited in his previous life.

The island in front is covered with green trees, the climate is pleasant, and there is a high mountain standing tall. Standing on the beach, Lin Feng can only see the mountain-peak shrouded in a faint mist.

Based on the plants on the island, Lin Feng can tell that this should be a volcanic island, formed by the accumulation of underwater volcanic eruptions billions of years ago. After its formation, it has undergone a long period of weathering and erosion. The rocks on the island are completely broken and gradually become soil. Therefore, it is possible for so many plants to grow on the island.

I am afraid that there are animals in this high mountain forest, and there may even be wild beasts.

""Brother Wu, this will be our base camp from now on. I will allocate a sum of money to you tomorrow. You can buy whatever you need directly, and then use our cruise ship to transport the materials here. You can clean up the surroundings first. If that doesn't work, we can build a student building. Many people will be stationed here in the future." Lin Feng said to Long Wu with a smile.

"Don't worry, Lin Feng, I will definitely train a group of real warriors for you."Long Wu said proudly.

Lin Feng believed Long Wu's words without a doubt. Although they didn't spend too much time together, Lin Feng didn't have to doubt Long Wu's character at all.

""What name should we use for our security company?" Long Wu asked again.

Lin Feng stroked his chin, thought for a while, and then said:"The action is as urgent as thunder, so we will call it Thunder Security Company���"

In this way, the first force formed by Lin Feng was called Thunder Security Company.

The next day, an advertisement immediately appeared in major newspapers and radio stations. It was an advertisement issued by Lin Feng to recruit security personnel. The requirements were very simple. As long as the standards were met, they could participate for free, and even after passing the training, they would have a huge guaranteed salary. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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