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The crowd around gasped. In order to be successfully recruited, they got up early and lined up early, but they didn't expect that this boy would be accepted outside. Is this fair?

The boy was also stunned. He didn't expect that the person in front of him was so powerful that he actually said that he would be accepted. You know, although the security company is a newly established company, it can be seen that the company's strength can be seen by being able to advertise to the whole of Hong Kong within one day.

At the beginning, he said that this might be a deceptive company. He lied to prevent his sister from thinking that he was a burden.

However, the boy still shook his head and said,"Thank you for your kindness, but I can't go yet. I don't feel comfortable leaving my sister here alone. I want to protect her."

Those who were not admitted almost vomited blood. They were trying hard to squeeze into this security company, but this boy was so stubborn. He was obviously admitted but still didn't want to go.

Lin Feng smiled and said,"Didn't I just say that you and your sister have already entered the training camp."

The young man was obviously stunned. To be honest, he had applied for countless jobs, but no company had ever agreed to let him bring his sister to work. So in the end, he turned down every job because he couldn't leave his sister behind.

Lin Feng walked up to the little girl, squatted in front of her, and said with a smile,"What's your name?"

The little girl blinked her innocent eyes and said,"My name is Yaya"

""Yaya, are you hungry? Brother will take you to eat something delicious." Lin Feng rubbed her little head and said with a smile.

He knew that the little girl was very hungry, and her stomach was rumbling just now.

However, what he didn't expect was that the little girl shook her head and said,"No, brother said that we can't take other people's things casually, and we can't eat food given by strangers."

"Haha, don't worry, your brother will definitely agree, and he will go with you." Lin Feng laughed and was about to pick up the little girl and walk towards the recruitment office, but the little girl dodged and hid behind his brother. Lin Feng withdrew his hand awkwardly, stood up and asked the boy,"What's your name?" The boy bit his lip and said,"My name is Wang Kun.



"Humph, then Wang Kun, I have already decided, your sister can enter the training camp, and after the three-month training is over, I think your sister should be of school age, I will send your sister to school to study, you can rest assured, right?"

Lin Feng dropped another"emotional bomb", he didn't believe that Wang Kun would not agree to such a generous condition.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Feng's words, Wang Kun's body trembled slightly, this condition was really impossible to refuse, he was still anxious about this matter, he didn't expect it to come to fruition so quickly.

Therefore, Lin Feng has said so much, if he is still shy, then it is obviously a bit shameless and self-righteous.

"Thank you, thank you so much, I will work hard and live up to your expectations."Wang Kun said gratefully

"Haha, okay, I know you two are very hungry, come on, come in with me to eat something, then I will arrange a place for you to stay, and when the recruiters are all here, let's go to the training camp together."Lin Feng laughed heartily, and then took Wang Kun and Yaya into the recruitment office.

After the second day of recruitment, the people were finally gathered. Lin Feng planned to recruit 50 men and 50 women, but only more than ten of them could stay in the end. Lin Feng needed elites, and he would not keep a group of termites.

And the remaining few people, if they want to become the core force, they must sign a long-term contract, so that they can enter his camp with confidence and be reused by him, otherwise, they can only become ordinary security personnel.

That afternoon, Lin Feng sat on a passenger yacht and headed towards Macau. This time, he not only wanted to participate in the opening of the new casino in Macau, but also took back the transfer contract of Dazhou Island, so that he could build his kingdom with confidence.

Only Lin Feng came to Macau this time. Long Jiu wanted to come with him, but because of the issue of the female soldiers in the training camp, he couldn't get away. Long Jiu, who had never lost his temper, also lost his temper. However, after Lin Feng's comfort, he told him that he would go to the training camp as soon as the matter in Macau was over. This calmed Long Jiu's anger.

That night, he and He Mingshen had a simple meal, and then went to the Grand Lisboa Hotel to rest. After a night's rest, he got up early the next day and came to the newly opened casino as scheduled. At this time, it had not officially opened yet, so the surroundings seemed a little deserted. Some dealers were busy, waiting for the hot crowd after the opening.

At this time, He Mingshen strode to Lin Feng:"Haha, Xiaofeng, you got up very early."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and smiled, and then they came to an office in the new casino. It was magnificent inside, with all solid wood tables and chairs.

"Look, the contract for Dazhou Island has been drafted and I have signed it. As long as you sign your name, the 50-year right to use Dazhou Island will belong to you."He Mingshen took out a contract and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyes twitched. It was all in English. He couldn't help but feel confused, but he believed that He Mingshen would not play tricks in this. Then he directly signed his name.

After putting away the contract, He Mingshen brewed a pot of good tea. The two of them tasted the tea while waiting for the auspicious time to open the business.

Less than an hour later, someone knocked on the door of the office, and a charming woman walked in with a slender waist.

"Boss He, the outside said the auspicious time has arrived, but the ribbon cutting has begun. She flirted with He Mingshen and Lin Feng. She knew that these two people were people of status and position. If she could catch one of them, she would soar to the sky.

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