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Mingshen's face darkened. He didn't expect that someone would come to cause trouble on the first day of the new casino's opening.

He immediately stood up, went to the desk, and quickly tapped on the keyboard, then looked up at the computer screen.

Lin Feng walked over in confusion and said,"What's wrong with Boss He?"

He Mingshen looked at the screen with a wry smile and said,"I didn't expect that a ruthless person would come to the new casino right after it opened."

"Ruthless man?"Lin Feng's eyes lit up. He came behind He Mingshen and looked at the screen.

A man with a devilish face appeared on the screen. He was sitting there with a sneer on his face, staring at the dealer and laughing.

"Who is this person?"Lin Feng didn't know him, so he asked He Mingshen.

He Mingshen sighed and said,"This person is called Du Kuan, and people call him a gambling evil. He is very good at gambling, especially when it comes to shaking the dice. He is simply a super-ears man. He can guess the numbers in the dice cup almost accurately every time. He is a very powerful guy. I really didn't expect that he would be brought here by some wind."

"The gambling evil, Du Kuan?"Lin Feng's mouth curled up into a smile. Anyway, he was free, so he decided to meet this gambling evil today.

"Let's go and meet Du Kuan. He Mingshen stood up and walked outside.


At this time, Du Kuan's gambling table was surrounded by many people, all waiting for the dealer to roll the dice.

"Hey, hey, how long do we have to wait? Hurry up and roll the dice"

"That's right, they are not afraid of losing money, right? Such a big casino can't even afford to lose such a small amount of money. I really despise them."

"Can you please stop shaking the dice cups? We'll just close the shop."

The gamblers around were getting excited. They started shouting loudly, attracting the attention of the gamblers at other tables.

Du Kuan sneered and watched the situation.

At this time, a hearty laugh came from outside.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the famous gambling devil Du Kuan would come to our Grand Lisboa Casino. It's really a great honor for us."

Hearing this voice, the gamblers knew that the casino's masters had arrived, and they all made way for him.

He Mingshen walked in with a big smile, and behind him followed a young man.

"Haha, Boss He, I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't come." Du Kuan leaned lazily on the chair and smiled evilly.

He Mingshen clasped his hands and said with a smile:"Thank you, it's good to be able to eat."

"It is our honor that the gambling evil can come to our place for entertainment. I have taken 10 million in cash, and you can take all the money on the gambling table. How about we stop here today?"

Du Kuan sneered, glanced at He Mingshen and said with a smile:"10 million? You are sending away beggars, right? I have won 54 million in just two games. How can I care about your 10 million? How about this, Boss He, you are also a well-known figure in Macau. Today I will give you a face. How about I leave after placing a bet once?"

Looking at Du Kuan's teasing expression, he narrowed his eyes slightly. You know, there are already 54 million on the gambling table, but if you place a bet again, it will be at least 6 times, which is more than 320 million in compensation. Even the Lisboa Casino will be hurt. It is really cruel.

However, he still smiled and said:"Since you said so, we can't stop everyone from getting rich, so let's play a game."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the dealer, who nodded and left the gambling table.

He Mingshen was about to go in and shake the dice, but Lin Feng grabbed him.

""Boss He, you are the big boss, how can you come out? Let us handle this little thing." Lin Feng said with a smile.

He Mingshen was obviously stunned. Although he knew that Lin Feng was also very good at playing dice, he could only hear the number of dice and had never seen him shake the dice directly.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded slightly to him, indicating that he had absolute confidence.

""Okay, then you go ahead." Since Lin Feng has always been very confident in He Mingshen, he nodded and agreed with Lin Feng's opinion. He slightly tilted his body and let Lin Feng walk in.

Originally, the gambling evil Du Kuan thought that He Mingshen would appear, because in his impression, no one would be more skilled than He Mingshen.

But why does this young man in front of him feel so familiar? The gambling evil Du Kuan frowned deeply and couldn't help looking for Lin Feng's information in his mind.

Suddenly, he finally remembered who this person was. Could it be that he was so confident? It turned out that he was the gambling god of Macau, Lin Feng.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the God of Gamblers would become his younger brother."The Gambler laughed loudly.

Lin Feng shrugged and said indifferently:"Hey, I'm just a worker. There's nothing I can do. Besides, I have some shares in this casino, so I have to make a move."

"Humph. Well, let's see if the God of Gamblers is as good at dice rolling as he is at gambling cards."Du Kuan said viciously with a fierce look in his eyes.

At this time, several people around the gambling evil Du Kuan quickly took out a series of miniature cameras and filmed Lin Feng from different angles.

Obviously, they were all prepared to take over this new casino. As long as the dealers made any cheating moves, they would not be able to escape their eyes.

"Haha, the gambling evil Du Kuan is really not unprepared. You know the rules, no video is allowed here."He Mingshen sneered.

Du Kuan said with a fake smile:"Don't worry, after this bet, I will definitely hand over all the chassis to your casino, but if there are other tricks, don't blame me for not giving you face."

Facing Du Kuan's threat, He Mingshen's face darkened. If he didn't do anything, he would definitely be able to hear the numbers on the dice cup with his hearing. It seems that this round is not going to be a good one._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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