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Feng and Long Jiu were soaked through like being caught in the rain.

They had already passed their limits and were waiting for the other to fall first.

However, this was no longer something they could control.

Either of them could become the loser.

The chilly night wind blew over, and the sweat on his body dried up.

It was like being in an ice cellar.

Lin Feng closed his eyes tightly and shivered uncontrollably.

The sound of his teeth hitting each other was so clear in the silent playground.

He swayed more and more.

Similarly, Long Jiu on the opposite side was not much better, and was even worse.

Lin Feng reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that Long Jiu's body swayed more than his own, and was about to fall directly to the ground.

When Lin Feng saw that Long Jiu's body really couldn't hold on, he fell directly to the ground with her. He couldn't bear to make Long Jiu sad.

Long Jiu's body fell forward, her hands directly on the ground, she fell to her knees and began to vomit, but because she hadn't eaten all day, all she vomited was acid water, as if she was pregnant.

Lin Feng was also lying on his back on the ground. He wanted to scream loudly, but he didn't even have the strength to pronounce. He could only open his mouth and breathe hard. He didn't feel sore or painful, and he couldn't feel the existence of his body at all. He felt that he was really dying.

Long Jiu vomited for a while, her body tilted, and she fell to the side. She didn't want to move at all. It would be best if she could just sleep here, and it didn't matter if she never got up again.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Feng's physical strength recovered. He struggled to get up, walked to Long Jiu, stretched out his hand and grabbed Long Jiu's arm and said,"Get up, you can't always lie on the ground now, move your hands and feet to promote blood circulation"

"Who won in the end?"Feng Yun said very weakly, her eyes were tightly closed, her face was pale, although she knew that if she continued like this, she would either die or get seriously ill, but she just didn't have the strength to get up. She was even more surprised at Lin Feng's recovery ability, but she still wanted to find out the result.

Lin Feng knew that Long Jiu was strong, so he smiled and said,"It's still a tie. We tied."

Long Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and with the help of Lin Feng's strength, he struggled to stand up. Just as he was about to walk towards the dormitory, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground again.

Lin Feng was clumsy and quick, he stepped forward and hugged Long Jiu directly


Who knew that Long Jiu suddenly screamed, and then used all her strength to push Lin Feng, but since she really had no strength left, it didn't work.

At this time, Lin Feng also felt that he was in the wrong place, and immediately pulled his arm back.

"Ah, that... I'm sorry, I just wanted to support her."Lin Feng said with some feeling.

He never thought that Long Jiu was really good.

Long Jiu's face flushed, and she missed Lin Feng, but she was already weak all over, and after being grabbed by Lin Feng, she felt that her bones had become soft.

She had no choice but to let Lin Feng support her and walk towards the dormitory step by step.

The two limped towards Long Jiu's dormitory, but when they were halfway there, Long Jiu couldn't hold on and fainted. There was no way, Lin Feng could only carry her on his shoulders and walk slowly.

After entering Long Jiu's dormitory, Lin Feng didn't have the energy to go on, and threw Long Jiu directly He lay on the bed, intending to go back to his room directly, but now he could not muster any strength, so he simply lay down beside Long Jiu and fell asleep. Who cares about the difference between men and women, at this moment, as long as he can have a comfortable sleep, it is better than anything else.

More than ten hours later, Lin Feng finally woke up, and the sunlight outside shone in, making him squint his eyes slightly.

Lin Feng felt that the muscles in his legs and whole body were still sore, as if he had not exercised for several years, but he had done strenuous exercise yesterday. This small room was filled with the sour smell of sweat, and he frowned when he smelled it.

"This smell is really sour and refreshing. I don't know if it's on me or her."Lin Feng laughed at himself. He turned his head and saw that Long Jiu was still in his dream.

"I didn't expect that I was actually with Long Jiu yesterday."Lin Feng looked at Long Jiu's beautiful face and the slightly undulating peaks, and swallowed unconsciously. The feeling when he held her yesterday was still vivid in his mind.

Then, he shook his head and shook off this idea. Since he already had Ah Zhen, he really didn't want to let Long Jiu down.

Lin Feng returned to his room and simply washed up. He knew Long Jiu's character. She would not give up without a winner. In the first two games, they both ended in a draw, so this last game was the key to victory. After a simple bite of food, she finally felt a little more strength in her body.

At this time, Long Wu and others had already started training with the students, and there were constant shouts in the training ground.

Lin Feng walked into Long Jiu's dormitory. She was still not awake. He patted Long Jiu on the shoulder and said,"Aren't you going to get up yet? Then I can win directly."

Long Jiu opened her eyes slightly, and saw Lin Feng's handsome face appear in front of her. She couldn't help but punch him.


Lin Feng grabbed her fist and said unhappily:"I carried you back yesterday, otherwise you would have to sleep outside. Get up quickly, you are almost stinking."

Long Jiu blushed, sat up with great effort, and said:"You go out, we will have the third match in an hour."

Lin Feng shrugged, closed the door and walked out.

After Lin Feng went out, Long Jiu sat by the bed for a few minutes before standing up, but immediately felt dizzy, with stars in front of her eyes, and she could only stand by the table next to her. Smelling the sour smell in the whole room, she knew that her body would be even more smelly now._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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