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Feng grabbed Long Jiu's wrist with his right hand, and was dragged forward by her. The two screamed and fell off the cliff.

During the tumbling process, Lin Feng kept trying to grab the protruding rocks or branches and weeds with his left hand. Although he did not succeed, he at least slowed down the rolling speed until he fell into the woods.

"ah……"Lin Feng fell to the ground and lay in a big letter shape for a long time. It is estimated that he had at least dozens of cuts on his body. He couldn't help but move his neck, arms and legs. It seemed that he didn't break any bones, so he tried to stand up.

He didn't have time to check the situation around him, but ran to Long Jiu and said anxiously:"Long Jiu, are you okay?"

Long Jiu was lying on the ground on her side, motionless.

Lin Feng was startled and quickly turned her to his side, only to find that she closed her eyes, her face was red, but her lips were pale, her hands were cold, and her breathing was rapid. He quickly touched her forehead and found it was very hot. It was obvious that she had a high fever.

"Hey, hey, Long Jiu, answer me." Lin Feng hugged Long Jiu's shoulders, patted her face twice, and said worriedly:"Are you okay?"

"Um……"Long Jiu hummed lightly, opened her eyes with difficulty, and suddenly found herself in Lin Feng's arms.

She bit her lips lightly, threw herself directly into Lin Feng's arms, punched her chest with her fist, and shed tears in front of Lin Feng for the first time.

"Why did you pull me? Do you know that this is very dangerous? If you die, I will never have a good life."Long Jiu said with sobs, and tears dripped on Lin Feng's clothes.

Lin Feng hugged Long Jiu tightly in his arms, patted her back gently, and said comfortingly:"It's okay, it's okay, look at us, aren't we alive and kicking?"

After a long time, Long Jiu retreated from his arms. Looking at the scars all over Lin Feng's body, her heart was almost broken. If she had known earlier, she would not have been so stubborn, which put the two of them in danger.

"Long Jiu, are you okay? Try to stand up and see if you feel any discomfort. Lin Feng asked about Long Jiu's health, which made her feel warm.

Long Jiu tried to stand up, but she felt dizzy and her foot seemed to be sprained. She just stepped on the ground and sweated profusely. Her body was shaking.

"I sprained my ankle. Why don't you go back and find someone first? I'll wait here."Long Jiu said with a bad look on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go and find a safe place first."Lin Feng supported Long Jiu and came to a big tree, letting her sit there. He was going to find a way out.

But Lin Feng's backpack was above the cliff, more than a meter away, and the rocks went straight up and down. It was impossible to climb back and return along the same route.

He searched for a while and finally found Long Jiu's backpack in the distance. Lin Feng was delighted. It seemed that there was always a way out. As long as he could talk to Long Wu, they would come to support him.

However, to his disappointment, when Lin Feng took out the walkie-talkie from his military backpack, it turned out that it had already broken into two pieces. Apparently, when he fell, it was on the stone.

"Long Jiu, it seems that there is no hope of contacting Brother Wu. Now the only thing we have to do is to find a safe place and wait for Brother Wu and his men to rescue us."Lin Feng walked to Long Jiu helplessly and said

"Why don't you go first? Don't worry about me. I can handle it."Long Jiu said without hesitation.

"Why are you trying so hard? You are already like this, I am still a man if I just walk away! It is inconvenient for you to move now, come and I will carry you."Lin Feng sighed and squatted in front of Long Jiu.

"Why……"Long Jiu sighed. The more Lin Feng acted like this, the more she loved him.

Originally, Long Jiu was familiar with the location of the mountain forest, but at this time, she was already confused by the burn. She lay on Lin Feng, relaxed, and suddenly felt dizzy and fell asleep.

It was not clear how long they had been walking. Lin Feng's legs were weak and his breathing was heavier than that of a cow. He thought to himself,"This Long Jiu doesn't seem heavy, why is he so heavy now?"

In fact, it was not Lin Feng's fault that he was struggling. His physical strength had not recovered yesterday, and he was off-roading today. It was hard not to be tired.

The weather in the mountainous area changed suddenly. A dark cloud came up and immediately blocked the sun. In addition, the light in the woods was not good. It was almost dark just after five o'clock.

"Hey, there is a cave over there!" Lin Feng almost jumped for joy, and walked quickly towards the cave with Long Jiu on his back.

However, it is called a cave, but in fact it is just a cave on the stone wall. But it is a hundred times better than being outside in the rain. Long Jiu has already caught a cold, and he may not be seriously ill if he is caught in the rain.

So, the two came directly to the entrance of the cave, but he did not rush in rashly. If there are wild animals living in the wilderness, then they would be like a delicacy delivered to their mouths, and they would fall into a trap.

He gently put Long Jiu aside, then took a deep breath, relaxed his tired body, and shouted in his heart:"Open the eyes of perspective!"

His eyes flashed with a gleam of light as he looked into the cave.

Fortunately, there were no wild beasts inside and it was relatively safe.

He pulled the combat knife out of his boots, held it in one hand, supported Long Jiu with his left hand and said,"It's better to be careful. Let's go in and take a look. If there is no problem, we can only stay here for one night. If we don't go back at night, Fifth Brother will definitely come to rescue us."

Long Jiu nodded. At this time, she could only rely on Lin Feng.

Entering the cave, there was no smell of animal except for a little damp smell. Obviously, no animal had ever entered here.

Lin Feng carried Long Jiu on his back and groped his way inside. Fortunately, Long Jiu's backpack was not lost. There were still things like lighters in it that could be used.

After checking it out, Lin Feng had a bottom line in his heart. Although the entrance of this cave is not big, it is 20 meters deep, more than ten meters high, and more than ten meters wide. In the innermost part, there is a suspended stone platform of three meters square and about five meters above the ground. The wall of the cave is still very smooth._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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