When the guests heard of Lin Feng's arrival, they all made way for him.

As the saying goes, a person's name is like a tree's shadow. The name Lin Feng may not be too well-known in other places, but for the locals in Macau, he is a well-known figure. He rose from obscurity to become the gambling god of Macau. Newspapers and TV stations have repeatedly broadcast his name countless times.

If Lin Feng wins again in the World Gambler God Competition in a month, his reputation will be even more famous.

Lin Feng had a smile on his lips, and said to He Miaoqiong who was walking over,"Happy birthday."

Then he handed the gift he bought to He Miaoqiong.

He Miaoqiong showed a happy smile on her face, nodded, and said with a smile,"Why are you alone today? Where are Brother Wu and the others?"

You know, since meeting He Miaoqiong, Long Wu and Long Jiu have been inseparable and have always been around him.

"Oh, nothing, they went out to do something, so I came here alone. Lin Feng said with a smile

""Haha, Xiao Feng is here so early." He Mingshen came out with a smile. You know, he has always been optimistic about Lin Feng, so he invited Lin Feng to come in the name of He Miaoqiong.

"Boss He, how are you? Lin Feng nodded to He Mingshen and said.

"Qiong Qiong, you and Xiao Feng go over there and chat. I'll help you entertain the guests here."When He Mingshen saw Lin Feng coming alone, he couldn't help but feel happy. He had been thinking about how to create opportunities for the two of them, but this time he saved all the trouble.

"Daddy……"He Miaoqiong's face was slightly red, and she stamped her feet in anger. It was so obvious that the two people were getting closer. She didn't know what Lin Feng thought.

However, since her father had said it, she couldn't let him down and let Lin Feng think about other things. So, she took Lin Feng to the private room next to her and chatted with him.

In fact, Lin Feng wanted to leave after delivering the gift. He felt very unfamiliar with everything here, and those hypocritical words made him feel uncomfortable. Now he might as well go out and find a place to go to the casino to gamble and make some money.

Unfortunately, after He Mingshen's words, he couldn't just leave. He could only wait until the banquet started before leaving.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the door, and everyone couldn't help but look towards the door.

A man with his hands behind his back, a smile on his face, and his hair combed very neatly, strode into the banquet hall.

Behind him was a very young girl, and a woman who was about 30 years old, followed by several people. Obviously, most of these people were his bodyguards.

When He Mingshen saw the person coming, he was shocked. He didn't expect this person to come to his daughter's birthday party.

"Haha, Boss He, long time no see."

""Haha, Mr. Shi, I didn't expect you to come. It's really a great honor for my humble home."

The two people greeted each other politely and shook hands.

Lin Feng was stunned. He looked up in confusion and couldn't help but gasp.

It turned out that Mr. Shi mentioned by He Mingshen was actually the magician Shi Yijian, who served as the general consultant of the Las Vegas Casino in the United States.

The young girl behind him should be his daughter Acai, and the older person next to him should be Shi Yijian's personal secretary.

"Mr. Shi, shouldn't we be in Las Vegas? How come time has come back again?"Not only Lin Feng was curious, but He Mingshen was also very curious.

Because Shi Yijian was known as"the one who wins the world without any opponents". Seeing that the World Gambling God Competition was about to start, if he intervened, it would be difficult to tell the winner.

"Haha, Boss He, you know that the World Gambler Contest is about to start, and the referee team specially invited me to be the referee of the World Gambler Contest. I have no choice but to bring my daughter Acai back, first to be the referee of the Gambler Contest, and second to take my daughter out for some fun."Shi Yijian smiled slightly, he saw He Mingshen's nervousness, but in his eyes, these so-called gambling gods nowadays certainly can't be compared with his era

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you to a young talent." When He Mingshen heard that Shi Yiqian was only here to be a referee, the heavy stone in his heart fell.

The two of them came to Lin Feng's side and smiled at Shi Yiqian:"This is our Macau's new gambling god Lin Feng, Xiaofeng, this is the famous magician Shi Yiqian."

He Mingshen briefly introduced

"Well, the God of Gamblers is really good, young and promising, a rare talent."Shi Yijian nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

At this time, Lin Feng also stood up, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Shi Yijian, and said with a smile:"Excuse me, I heard that the magician Shi Yijian has won all over the world and has a unique skill of flying cards to kill people invisibly."

Shi Yijian was still smiling at the beginning, but when he heard the last sentence, his face froze, because few people had seen him use the flying card technique, why did this boy know so much about it.

However, before Shi Yijian asked, He Miaoqiong and A Cai came together and chattered non-stop.

It turned out that the two were best friends when they were young, but because Shi Yijian went abroad as a general consultant, he never returned to China.

"Ah Cai, thank you for coming to my birthday party." Facing Ah Cai's arrival, He Miaoqiong was honestly happy and surprised.

However, Ah Cai pulled He Miaoqiong aside mysteriously and said,"Was that man your boyfriend just now?"

""Ah?" He Miao���She was slightly startled, then smiled bitterly. What the hell was going on? They were not like a boyfriend and girlfriend.

She shook her head and denied it.

"Wow, that man is very handsome, and there is an inexplicable aura on him that makes me feel very comfortable."Who knew that after He Miaoqiong denied it, Ah Cai's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

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