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Yiqian had a smug smile on his face, and he looked at Lin Feng and shook the cash check in his hand.

Lin Feng knew that Shi Yiqian didn't care about the 5 million US dollars. He was just very upset about losing to a junior, and he was just trying to regain a little self-esteem through this matter.

You know, Shi Yiqian is known as the"invincible hand that wins the world". Those hands are not only invincible in stealing and changing cards, but also in stealing things.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and said,"Thank you, Mr. Shi."

He took the check taken by Shi Yiqian and walked out of the Grand Lisboa Hotel.

Sitting in the luxury car prepared for him by He Mingshen, Lin Feng slowly moved his wrist, and a stack of golden playing cards appeared in his hand.

""Tsk, do you think you are the only one with fast hands?"

Lin Feng played with the golden playing cards in his hand. These playing cards were all gold-plated, and the edges were very sharp. If he used the flying card technique,���It can definitely compete with bullets.

This stack of gold-plated playing cards belonged to Shi Yijian. When Lin Feng saw him stealing his check, he stole Shi Yijian's stack of playing cards when he took the check.

Lin Feng is not a pushover either. His invincible hand is obviously not worse than Shi Yijian's.

When Shi Yijian found out that his gold-plated playing cards were missing, Lin Feng had already boarded a speedboat and sailed towards Hong Kong.

Shi Yijian sighed. He didn't expect that he had only been gone for a few years, and such a powerful master would appear among the younger generation.

After returning to Hong Kong, Lin Feng immediately returned to his villa.

At this time, A-Ku, Jersey and Jersey's girlfriend were all waiting there. The moment they saw Lin Feng appear, A-Ku couldn't help but show a look of joy on his face.

""Great, Lin Feng, you are finally back." Ah Ku went out to greet her.

When he first learned that Keren was a fake, he was in a low mood and wanted to return to Japan immediately to rescue the real Keren, but Lin Feng warned him not to do that, as Yang Guang's cunning was not comparable to that of ordinary people. Therefore, only when he made the next step would there be hope of rescuing the real Keren.

Therefore, during this period of time, Ah Ku took care of Keren's sister in every possible way, letting her buy whatever she wanted and play however she wanted. At the beginning, he had some savings for Keren's sister to squander, but that little savings was soon used up. In the end, Lin Feng took out several million and gave them to Ah Ku for Keren's sister to squander.

But the good times did not last long, and that little money was soon gone. He had no face and could not ask Lin Feng for money again. Money.

Aku could only continue to gamble, but now he would not gamble against others, because there was gold everywhere in Hong Kong, and even if he did not leave his house, he could still win money.

Betting on horses became Aku's way of making money. He spent three days, analyzing the latest horse racing classics without sleep, looking for loopholes. Finally, he found the loopholes in a few days, and won the top three. He only spent a few hundred thousand and won nearly 40 million.

When Lin Feng knew about this, he was also very surprised. Aku was definitely a professional gambler, and he had very high attainments in all aspects, so Lin Feng decided to keep this kind of person by his side.

Now this evil spirit has finally revealed her fox tail. After being robbed, Aku also relaxed for a rare time.

"Well, how are you doing recently? Did Yang Guang call?"Lin Feng sat lazily on the sofa and stretched.

He was too busy recently and felt a little tired.

At this time, A Ku's phone rang suddenly.

"Hello." A Ku frowned and answered the phone, because the phone number was very unfamiliar.

"Ah Ku, help me!" Keren's sister cried for help on the phone.

Ah Ku wanted to snort coldly, but in order to deceive Yang Guang, he suppressed his emotions and said in a cold voice:"Yang Guang, I know it's you, what do you want?"

"Haha, don't get excited, I don't have any other requests, I just want you to gamble with Tienan once."Yang Guangyan's treacherous voice came out on the phone.

"Why, you must make me gamble with Tienan, I have already quit gambling, I want to live a peaceful life."Aku's eyes exuded murderous intent, wishing to kill Yang Guang immediately.

"Don't worry about this. As long as you agree, I will let Keren reunite with you after the bet. Otherwise, hehe, I have several brothers around me who admire Keren's beauty."Yang Guang said with a grim smile

"OK, I promise you."Aku knew the big fish had been hooked, and he immediately replied

"Not bad, it seems that Keren still has a great position in your heart. How about this, you wait for my call, time and place, I will inform you in a few days."After Yang Guang finished speaking, he hung up the phone

"Beep, beep……"

A Ku's phone beeped, and he put the phone aside and said to Lin Feng,"Yang Guang said he would let me know the time and place in a few days."

Lin Feng wrinkled his nose and sneered.

The next day, Lin Feng took A Ku, Jersey and Jersey's girlfriend to Dazhou Island. When they arrived at Dazhou Island, they told Long Wu about A Ku's situation.

"Lin Feng, tell me, how do you need us to cooperate?"Lin Feng didn't care who they were. As long as Lin Feng gave an order, he wouldn't even frown.

"Find a few unfamiliar security guards, and then the Jersey girlfriend will take them to Yang Guang's other place in Japan.���Save people, and the rest of the people, of course, will participate in a free training. If they perform well, they will officially become official members of our Thunder."Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light emanated from his eyes.

This time, it is not an ordinary experience, but an experience between life and death. As long as they can come out alive, it proves that they can fully serve as a security team member._Feilu reminds you: Three things to read - collection, recommendation

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