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Feng was not polite, he strode into the boat.

However, Lin Feng did not notice that when he turned around, Ma Jiaowen's face suddenly darkened, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his sharp eyes.

Although Lin Feng did not see it, Long Wu, who had been on the verge of life and death for many years, did feel the murderous aura.

But he did not say a word. If he wanted to play tough, the security personnel they brought were not vegetarians.

After entering the gambling boat, Lin Feng looked around as if he was shopping, but he curled his lips. Although they were both comparable boats, Ma Jiaowen's boat was obviously much inferior to his own.

In fact, it was not Lin Feng's fault. Ma Jiaowen's strength was not comparable to He Mingshen. The gap between them could only be described as a ditch.

You have to know that the gambling boat that He Mingshen gave to Lin Feng was worth 3.4 billion Hong Kong dollars, but Ma Jiaowen's boat was only about 1 billion at most.

Walking into the casino on the ship, I saw a man with a face full of flesh sitting there smoking a cigar. He looked like a nouveau riche because the big gold chain hanging around his neck was shining. When he saw Lin Feng and Ma Jiaowen and others coming in, he looked at Lin Feng with disdain and said,"Brother Wen, I have been waiting here since I took a shower. How long has it been? Why did you just arrive?""

"Hehe, Pai Wangji, look, isn't this a distinguished guest? So I went out to greet him."Ma Jiaowen said with a smile

"Distinguished guest? Is that him? He should be a big fat sheep, right?"After saying this, he burst into laughter

"Big fat sheep?" Lin Feng rubbed his nose. This title was the first time he heard it since his debut. However, he did not say anything but just smiled. It was hard to say whether they were fat sheep or not. He just hoped that they would not cry later.

Behind them was a large TV made up of several TV screens. It was broadcasting a live football match between France and Brazil.

Lin Feng smiled and said,"How about it? Can I come and play too?"

There were only four seats on the entire gambling table. In addition to Ma Jiaowen and Pai Wangji, only two seats were left.

"Of course, guests are here, so why shouldn't we give them priority?" Ma Jiaowen winked at the mirror and strode out.

Lin Feng sat there carelessly and said with a smile,"In that case, let's get started."

Just like that, Lin Feng, Ah King, Ma Jiaowen and Pai Wangji sat at the gambling table.

"How about we play cards and bet on football at the same time?"Ah King said.

Ma Jiaowen said with a wry smile

"Okay, Brazil will give half a goal."

When it comes to football betting, Lin Feng is an outsider, so he didn't say anything, but through the information given to him by King, he knew that France would definitely win.

"So, if I bet on Brazil, 1-0 is 22.5 million, 2-0 is 45 million."Ah King lit a cigarette and said slowly.

Ma Jiaowen rested his chin on his hand, sneered and said:"Brother, money is not so easy to make."

"As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger, and opportunities come from danger."Ah King exhaled a mouthful of thick fog and said with a smile

"OK, that's right, fortune and wealth come from risk, so let's play Big Two and bet on football at the same time."

"Lin Feng, which team do you think will win? Are you also betting on Brazil?" Ma Jiaowen asked, glancing at Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng curled his lips, shook his head and said,"Forget it. We are here together, so of course we can't buy the same thing. If you lose, it will be bad. I'd better bet on France to win. Well, then let's buy 100 million first.""

"What?"King Ji couldn't help but exclaimed. He didn't expect that this man called Lin Feng would be so generous and bet 100 million just on a football bet.

Ma Jiaowen narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded, and said,"Okay, let's play cards first."

"How big is it?" Lin Feng said, tapping the table with his fingers rhythmically.

"One ticket is worth 10,000 yuan, eight tickets are worth double, ten tickets are worth triple, and thirteen tickets are worth quadruple."Ma Jiaowen said in detail.


Lin Feng snapped his fingers, and Long Wu came over in big strides, took out a safe, put it directly on the table, and then opened the safe. Inside was all cash and a sealed envelope.

"Haha, I brought 50 million in cash today, and a cash check for 1 billion. If you have the ability, you can just take it away."Lin Feng laughed and looked around sharply.

As for Ah King and Ma Jiaowen, they were both veterans in the casino. Of course, they knew that Lin Feng was just talking. You have to know that he is the God of Gamblers, how could he lose so easily.

Ah King began to shuffle the cards and then deal them to everyone.

Lin Feng took the poker cards in front of him and thought about how to play Big Two in his mind.

Big Two is also called Chu Da Di. It is a very popular poker game in the market. The maximum number in this game is 2, so it is called Big Two.

At the beginning, each player will get 13 cards. The person who gets the 3 of clubs can play first. You can choose to play single, pair, straight, flush, gourd, iron, straight flush and other card shapes.

The player who gets the 3 of clubs plays first.

The first hand must have the 3 of clubs.

When it is your turn, you can only play cards that are larger and have the same number of cards.

When the last one When a player plays a five-card hand such as a straight, flush, full house, iron, and straight flush, the player can play the same five-card hand to nail it.

It was the first time that Lin Feng played Big Two in this world, so he felt a little fresh.

When they were gambling here, Sheng Jing walked out of the casino, came to the deck, and dialed his mobile phone.

Because he saw that Lin Feng and others brought too many bodyguards, which seriously affected his plan.

He wanted to plot against Ma Jiaowen and let him die of a recurrence of heart disease, and then kill King directly on the high seas without anyone knowing, and easily seize all of Ma Jiaowen’s property.

However, the appearance of Lin Feng disrupted his plan. He was afraid that Lin Feng would use the black-eating-black method to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Ma Jiaowen winked at him and asked him to find more people. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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