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Not long after, Lin Feng and others heard the sound of a door opening, and then He Miaoqiong's voice came from the phone

"Who are you? Let me go. I don't know you. Please don't hurt me."

He Miaoqiong's voice was very low. It was obvious that she was a certain distance away from the kidnappers. Lin Feng and others narrowed their eyes. When had He Miaoqiong ever encountered such a situation? It was obvious that she was very fragile at the moment, and she was afraid that these big men would do anything to her.

"Hehe, girl, don't get excited, I'm not here to tease you, just say a few words, your dad is listening there."The kidnapper said with a gloomy smile

"Step, step, step……"

Only the sound of trotting was heard, and then He Miaoqiong's voice became clear.

""Daddy, save me, save me, I'm so scared." A crying voice came from the phone.

He Mingshen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the phone between his fingers made a clicking sound.

"Okay, the conversation is over. Stay there honestly and don't make things uncomfortable. If your father pays the ransom, we will let you go. Otherwise,……"

A vulgar voice came from the phone. Although the kidnapper did not say the rest of the words, they all knew very well that if the ransom was not paid, He Miaoqiong might live a life worse than death.

"How about it? You have heard the voice of Boss He's daughter. Isn't it time to listen to the conditions?"The kidnapper closed the door with a click and said with a sneer

"Yes, tell me, what are your conditions? As long as I, He Mingshen, can do it, I will definitely agree to your request."He Mingshen said coldly

"Well, actually my request is not high. As long as Boss He transfers 20 billion to us, I will let your daughter go."The kidnapper said calmly


He Mingshen almost threw his phone out.

You know, He Mingshen's net worth is tens of billions of assets, but these are just numbers. Although his assets are tens of billions, they include various stocks and fixed assets. The funds that can be used at any time are only about 10 billion.

Moreover, this 10 billion cannot be raised in one day. It can be seen that this working capital and one's actual assets are two different things. It does not mean that how much assets he has can bring out how much cash.

"Boss He, it's very difficult for us to say that. You know, we brothers all need to eat. If we all do the same as you, then we've worked in vain." The kidnapper's voice turned cold. Although they were talking over the phone, He knew that if he angered him, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lin Feng immediately patted He's shoulder and winked at him, meaning that he should agree first, and then they would go to rescue He Miaoqiong now.

He Mingshen gritted his teeth, nodded and said,"Okay, but you have to wait, because I can't find a way to come up with such a large sum of money at once."

"Haha, Boss He, you are joking. Don’t you have group stocks? Just sell a little bit and it will be enough to pay for our hard work."The gangster laughed and said.

As expected, He Mingshen finally figured it out. They just wanted to buy his stocks, so they asked for a high price just to make him sell his stocks.

"This is not something I can decide on my own. I have to hold a shareholders' meeting, so I can't pay you within one day."He Mingshen said calmly.

"OK, we will notify you at this time tomorrow. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer by then. Otherwise, just wait for the body to be collected." The kidnapper shouted coldly and turned off the phone. After hanging up the phone, he looked up and looked at Lin Feng. Now his only hope is on Lin Feng. If Lin Feng can't save He Miaoqiong, then even if he really sells the stocks in his hands, he can't watch his daughter die.

"Don't worry, I will definitely arrange to bring He Miaoqiong back."Lin Feng could see He Mingshen's decision.

Through the Sky Eye, he knew that the people who kidnapped He Miaoqiong were a group of crazy soldiers. They had been fighting on the battlefield for many years and might really make the decision to kill her. So now they had to hurry up and rescue He Miaoqiong.

Two off-road vehicles were speeding on the mountain road.

Each car was full of people.

Lin Feng, Long Wu, Long Jiu and Wang Kun were in one of the cars.

The other car also had bodyguards from the Thunder Security Company.

The steep mountain road was very difficult to walk, but it was still no pressure for the off-road vehicle.

The place where Lin Feng and others were going was called Nanjing.

The main reason is that the south side of the mountain is very steep and full of rocks.

After being washed by rain, it is as smooth as a mirror.

The appearance is indeed as described by Lin Feng, as if it was cut by a knife.

The two cars stopped when they were still far away from the foot of the mountain, because Lin Feng knew that these well-trained enemies would not be so careless. Maybe there were ambushes and sentries near the foot of the mountain. If they were alarmed at this time, it would not only make it more difficult for them to rescue He Miaoqiong, but He Miaoqiong might also be hurt.

So, they got off the car at a distance.

""Line up." Long Wu shouted coldly.

The commandos who got off the off-road vehicle stood in a row in an orderly manner. It can be seen that they are well-trained.

Each of them holds a submachine gun, wears camouflage uniforms, and has stripes on their faces. If they lie in the haystack, it is difficult to find people nearby.

Lin Feng took out a stack of photos. These are the photos that He Mingshen had just developed. Lin Feng and others knew He Miaoqiong, but these new bodyguards did not know her. If He Miaoqiong was injured in the battle, it would be a joke. They were rescuing, not killing.

"Look at the person in the photo. Our mission this time is to rescue her. Do you understand?" Long Wu said coldly without any expression on his face.

Everyone nodded, not daring to speak loudly, because this place is close to the foot of the mountain, and speaking loudly will easily produce an echo._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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