After Lei Bao withdrew part of the funds of the Ho Group, he began to snipe He Mingshen. He originally thought that He Mingshen was aggressive and determined to win.

However, he did not expect that He Mingshen would also learn from Lin Feng, buying low and selling high. After several times, he made a lot of profit again, and then he directly withdrew from the Lei Group stock market. What made

Lei Bao even more crazy was that he only wanted to snipe He Mingshen these days, but ignored Lin Feng.

Because his subordinates brought a form, and Lin Feng had already won 50% of the controlling stake in the branch of the Lei Group.

"What?"Lei Bao stood up suddenly, rushed out, and kicked the subordinate away.

Lin Feng obtained 50% of the controlling rights, which means that Lin Feng has become the highest decision-maker of this listed company. Although this company is only a branch under his chairmanship, as long as Lin Feng disagrees, even the main company has no right to interfere.

This was originally his trump card because he was afraid that someone would maliciously acquire the Lei's main company, but now it has become his weakness.

Lei Bao is now in a state of extreme anger. He almost went berserk.

However, at this time, the enchanting woman came in again. She saw that Lei Bao's temper was very bad recently, so she didn't dare to disturb him. But just now, the acquired company called and said that it would hold a shareholders' meeting and asked all shareholders to be present.

"Why, why did this happen? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on this company?"Lei Bao was furious. Looking at the subordinate lying on the ground, he really wanted to kick him to death.

"Mr. Lei, I have reminded you many times, but you have been focusing on the fight with the He Group and have neglected Lin Feng."The subordinate felt a little wronged. When Lin Feng and others won 40% of the controlling stake, he had already told Lei Bao, but the latter did not take it seriously. After knowing that Lin Feng won more than 50% of the shares, he said that everything was too late.

"Damn, you still blame me?"Lei Bao was already furious. Seeing his subordinate still saying these words, he couldn't suppress his anger. He stepped forward and kicked his subordinate in the face. Immediately, blood flowed out.


The woman screamed and shrank back in fear, fearing that if she said something wrong, she would also be disfigured.

""Get out, all of you get out of here!" Lei Bao roared, and then he started smashing things in his office to vent his anger.

In the afternoon, Lei Bao, with a dark face, led a large number of bodyguards to the branch that used to be his, but now belonged to Lin Feng. The front desk staff was so scared when they saw Lei Bao coming aggressively that they didn't dare to say a word.

Lei Bao strode into the elevator with ease, and then walked towards the meeting room.

This time, his mood was obviously very different from before. All the employees were no longer nodding and bowing to him in flattery, but were somewhat avoiding him, turning a blind eye, because they all knew that Lei Bao's mood was extremely bad, and it was not the best time to flatter him.

When they arrived at the meeting room, the bodyguard pushed open the closed door, and saw Lin Feng sitting in the chief seat, drinking coffee leisurely.

"Lin Feng, you are very good, you did a great job."Lei Bao stared at Lin Feng with a smile on his face, and his hidden tone seemed to want to eat Lin Feng alive.

"Haha, Boss Lei is here, why don't you say hello? As the highest decision-maker of the company, I have to give Boss Lei some face."

Although Lin Feng said this, he didn't mean to stand up at all, he just smiled and said

"Humph."Lei Bao snorted coldly and found a seat to sit down. He wanted to see what kind of trouble Lin Feng could cause by convening this shareholders' meeting.

Lin Feng stretched lazily, glanced around, and said to the original secretary of this branch company beside him:"Have all the shareholders arrived? Are there any who have not arrived yet?"

The secretary took a quick look and found that all the shareholders were present, so he said:"Boss Lin, all the shareholders are here now."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled:"Actually, I came here to announce one thing, that is, I have now become the highest decision-maker of this company, so from now on, all development projects will be stopped. Everything will be under my command. I will start some projects as appropriate."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, the entire conference room took a breath of cold air. You know, if all projects are stopped, then their company will be in a state of suspension of operation, and it will lose a lot of money every day.

"I don't agree."Lei Bao stood up first and opposed Lin Feng's opinion.

Lin Feng knew that his plan would never succeed. He smiled and said,"Boss Lei, whether you agree or not, I am the highest decision-maker now. No one should think of refuting my opinion. If you think it is unreasonable, you can hand over your shares and I will buy it directly."

"Mr. Lin, I want to talk to you alone."Lei Bao said, gritting his teeth. Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders.

His main purpose this time was to find Lei Bao. Since he wanted to talk, there was no problem.

Just like that, the two came to the president's office.

Lin Feng sat down hard on the leather chair, put his legs on the desk, smiled at Lei Bao and said,"I wonder if Mr. Lei has anything to say?"


Because Lei Bao clenched his fist too tightly, there was a cracking sound in his fist. He didn't expect that he would make mistakes step by step. When would he, who was once a powerful figure, beg for help?

But if he didn't do this, all the major projects of his Lei Group would be stopped, which would be a devastating blow to him.

Therefore, this time, no matter what, he had to take back the controlling rights of this branch.

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