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Feng left the villa halfway up the mountain. He sat in the car and spoke every word. Long Jiu, who was driving the car, clearly saw Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly through the rearview mirror, and his body exuded a sharp coldness. She knew that Lin Feng was in the most dangerous time at this time. She couldn't help but mourn for the Crescent Moon Gang. It seemed that Lin Feng would definitely take a series of revenge against them.

Long Jiu was right. Lin Feng had the character of revenge, because he would never take the initiative to provoke others, but if someone wanted to ride on his neck and shit, he would never let him live a peaceful life.

From Shangshan's mouth, Lin Feng knew that the Crescent Moon Gang not only had a casino, but also had channels for seawater smuggling. If he wanted to crack down on them, these two ways were possible.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and he picked up his mobile phone and called He Mingshen.

"Hello, Xiaofeng, why did you think of calling me? He Mingshen said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

"Well, nothing, I just found out who hired someone to attack me a year ago."Lin Feng said in a somewhat cold voice

"What?" He Mingshen couldn't help but gasp and exclaimed.

Because, he has always kept this matter in mind, but after inquiring from many sources, he still couldn't find out which organization sent the killer.

However, today Lin Feng actually said that he had found out, which made his old face blush and he was very embarrassed.

Lin Feng seemed to have clairvoyance.

When he heard He Mingshen's tone, he knew what he was thinking.

Lin Feng said slightly:"Boss He, it's not your fault.

The people who know about this are the high-ranking officials of the Japanese gang.

Others don't know at all.

The reason I called you is that I want to renovate the luxury yacht you gave me.

" He Mingshen was a little confused when he heard it.

Since he had given this luxury cruise ship to Lin Feng, how to decorate it was his business.

Why would he ask himself this? But he knew that Lin Feng didn't mean for him to pay, but for other reasons.

"Xiaofeng, tell me what needs to be changed."He Mingshen is now obedient to Lin Feng's words. As long as he can do it, he will never say no.

"Hehe, Boss He, let me put it this way, I'll pay you and I want you to help transform my luxury cruise ship into a mobile combat fortress at sea."Lin Feng smiled and said.

His real idea was to make this luxury cruise ship a cruise ship when it was sailing normally, but when it encountered danger, it would seem to transform into a warship that could fight at sea, with all kinds of high-tech weapons and heavy weapons, the kind that could fight.

Although Lin Feng now has a lot of money and is famous in the gambling world, he is far behind He Mingshen in other aspects, so those heavy weapons and other things that He Mingshen can get, Lin Feng can't.

Because many high-tech weapons are in the hands of the country, ordinary people can't get them at all.

But He Mingshen is special in Macau, I believe he will definitely find a way to get them.

He Mingshen listened to what Lin Feng said later and felt that the latter was too bold.

Lin Feng's request was simply to have an arsenal, and he actually needed some 100mm caliber recoilless guns, and he also had to modify a launcher that could launch anti-ship torpedoes and the more torpedoes the better under the ship, and even install an anti-aircraft missile launch platform.

"Xiaofeng, what are you doing? Are you going to start a war?"He Mingshen was sweating coldly. Although his luxury cruise ship was registered with the nationality of a small country, ordinary people were not allowed to board the ship for search without permission, because the deck of a foreign-national ship belonged to foreign territory. In other words, no matter which country the ship went to, that country had no right to board the ship for search before submitting a diplomatic note.

But Lin Feng was still a little too crazy. He must have a big plan to make such a decision.

However, He Mingshen didn't care what Lin Feng wanted to do. As long as it was within his ability, he would never object.

In this way, the task of transforming the luxury cruise ship was handed over to He Mingshen.

Now, with Lin Feng's wealth, even if the luxury cruise ship was converted into a destroyer, as long as there was money, there seemed to be nothing that could not be done in the arms smuggling industry.

After Lin Feng returned to his villa and lived a happy life for a few days, Ah Zhen also entered the university. The school she applied for was a financial university. Money can make the devil push the mill. Even though Ah Zhen did not take the college entrance examination, she directly entered this school just to learn a skill and then be able to help Lin Feng. Feng has help.

After finishing the arrangements in Hong Kong, he came to Dazhou Island. Now Dazhou Island has changed a lot from the past. With the continuous investment of funds, the previously simple training camp has gradually been improved. Some security personnel even brought their families to the island. The sparsely populated Dazhou Island has also begun to come alive. On this day, Lin Feng and Long Jiu had nothing to do, so they held hands and walked to the back as if they were sightseeing.

They talked and laughed, from the beginning when they met, then got to know each other, and finally fell in love. All the way, the last Then they talked about the time when they were competing in the super load off-road and were surrounded by wolves in that stone cave. The cave was full of warmth and passion.

So, they walked and walked and came to this stone cave again.

Lin Feng opened his perspective eyes and looked inside. He hadn't been here for a long time and didn't know if there were wild beasts here now. But at first glance, it was okay. There was no change inside, just like before.

Just when Lin Feng was about to look away, suddenly, his face froze, because there was a hole big enough for one person to enter on the stone platform where they had turned the dragon upside down and the phoenix upside down.

"What is going on?"Lin Feng could not help but frowned deeply. In his memory, there was no such stone cave at all, and these stones were extremely hard, and even a sharp combat knife could hardly scratch them.

Suddenly, Lin Feng remembered that he and Long Jiu did hear a sound at that time, but there was no stone cave at that time._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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