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Feng brought Long Jiu to Ding Li's mansion. It was indeed very luxurious in this era, but for Lin Feng and Long Jiu, it was not worth mentioning.

Therefore, there was no surprise when passing by the luxurious hall. Ding Li was indeed worthy of being the hero who dominated Shanghai. He could tell from Lin Feng's expression that Lin Feng must be no ordinary person, and the looming aura on his body was almost overwhelming him.

"Where on earth did this Lin Feng come from? Why have I never heard of him before?"Ding Li couldn't help but secretly exclaimed in his heart. Lin Feng did n't care at all. Even in front of He Mingshen, he didn't feel any pressure or awkwardness. Of course, it was even more impossible for him to be with Ding Li.

"I once swore that if anyone could avenge Brother Wen, I, Ding Li, would promise him three things: today you killed Lei Lao Hu, tell me what wish you have. Ding Li fiddled with a gold coin in his hand and said to Lin Feng.

""Tsk!" Lin Feng smiled disdainfully, looked at Ding Li with a half-smile and said,"How come every wish can come true?"

Ding Li shrugged and smiled,"Of course, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you solve it. Having said that, in Shanghai, there is nothing that I, Ding Li, can't do."

After saying that, Ding Li leaned back and leaned on the soft boss chair.

""Oh? Really? That's great. The first thing I will do is to take over all your assets, the second thing is to take over all your territories, and the third thing is to take over your life! Look, these three things are all within your ability. Can you do them?" Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh sarcastically.

He hated people like Xiang Dingli who looked down on others and acted as if he could do anything as long as he had money.

"You are looking for death!"

Before Ding Li could say anything, Xiao Qing beside him took out the pistol from her waist and pointed it at Lin Feng.

At this time, Ding Li's face was also very ugly. Although he could do all the things Lin Feng said, he really couldn't do it. His status and power were what he had gone through so much hardship to get. How could he give up just because of Lin Feng's words?

"Xiaoqing, put away the gun. Ding Li said after exhaling a breath of foul air.

He could see that Lin Feng simply disdained everything he had, because Lin Feng was not afraid at all and just sat there without moving.

"Haha, forget it, no need for that one, it was just a joke, this place is just a transition for me, I won't live here for long."Lin nodded. If Ding Li hadn't stopped Xiao Qing just now, he would not suggest that Shanghai lose another tycoon.

He would leave here sooner or later, and power was just a passing smoke to him. Even if he took the money here back, it would be a piece of waste paper and he couldn't spend it at all.

In fact, he was also a very respectable person. Although he was famous for his iron fist in society, he still didn't give up himself when facing foreign enemies and became a running dog. So much so that he almost died at Xu Wenqiang's funeral.

"Will Xu Wenqiang's funeral be held in a few days?" Lin Feng hesitated for a moment and decided to tell Ding Li about this matter.

Ding Li nodded and said,"Yes, tomorrow is Brother Wen's funeral. Now that I have avenged him, I want him to rest in peace as soon as possible."

"Well, but if I were you, I would bring more people with me. Otherwise, I am afraid that Xu Wenqiang will not be able to rest in peace after he is buried."After Lin Feng finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

Ding Li frowned and looked at Lin Feng in confusion. Did he know some inside information? No, as a tycoon in Shanghai, he didn't know that someone would harm him, and he didn't believe that anyone would dare to do anything to him.

However, he inexplicably felt that what Lin Feng said was from the heart, and it didn't sound like a lie.

"Lin Feng, do you have a place to go? If you don't have a place to go for the time being, why not stay here for a night, and wait until Brother Wen's funeral is over tomorrow, then we can have a good talk."Ding Li tried to keep Lin Feng, he felt that Lin Feng would definitely be of help to him. When

Lin Feng heard what Ding Li said, he was slightly startled. Now he had hundreds of billions in his hands, but that was money from decades later, and he didn't know anyone here, so he couldn't spend it at all.

If he really insisted on dragging Long Jiu out, he might really have to sleep on the streets.

"Okay, I'll sleep here for the night." Lin Feng finally agreed with Ding Li's opinion. He also wanted a place to live. He couldn't let Long Jiu and himself be wronged.

Ding Li arranged for them to stay in a very large guest room. After dinner, there was nothing to do here, because in this era there was no TV except for the radio.

Lin Feng lay on the bed and directly entered the system.

"Hey, system, have you figured it out? Lin Feng shouted loudly.

"The host has finished the analysis. This is Shanghai in 1937."The system replied.

Three black lines flowed down Lin Feng's forehead. Could this system say something meaningful? He already knew that this was Shanghai in 1937. How could he return to his own era?

"How can we go back?" Lin Feng said with a cold face

"Host, the cost of traveling through time and space is too high. You need 1,000 attributes to temporarily open a teleportation point."The system is the system. It will only answer whatever Lin Feng asks.


Lin Feng exhaled a breath of foul air. Although 1,000 attribute points required 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, it was not unacceptable to him. You know, he has a net worth of 10 billion.

However, before he could finish his happiness, the system spoke again, which made him freeze there as if he was struck by lightning.

"Due to time travel, currency cannot be exchanged for attribute points in this time and space, and can only be exchanged with the currency of this era. In other words, now the host is penniless."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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