Everyone at the table was a little uneasy. They didn't expect Lin Feng to be so bold. He was indeed a gambler. He bet all his chips with only 2 and 3.

In their opinion, Lin Feng was a rich second-generation. He won the money this time purely by luck.

The next round started again soon. After the dealer dealt all the cards, Lin Feng used his eyes again to see through everyone's cards and the five public cards.

This time, he really wanted to yell out loud.

Because this time, as long as he persisted to the end, it turned out to be a royal flush, which is the largest hand.

He held two cards in his hand, the King of Hearts and the Ace of Hearts. The other five public cards were the 7 of Hearts, the 10 of Hearts, the Queen of Hearts, the 7 of Spades, and the J of Hearts.

And this time, not only his hand was good, but the other people's hand was also very good, with 4 of a kind, flushes, and straights. It was simply against the sky to be able to have such a big hand. After all, it was difficult to have such a situation under normal circumstances.

Lin Feng scratched his head and tried to suppress his excitement. Every time they raised the bet, he would just follow.

This was also Lin Feng's strategy. Anyway, none of the opponents could escape, so why rush? Just like that, when betting on the bottom cards, the three public cards, and even the last card, he followed them in betting steadily.

Because Lin Feng now has more than 27 million chips in his hand, he will not go all-in like last time.

There are more and more chips on the table, and everyone's eyes are slightly red. Gamblers are like this. Seeing the large amount of chips on the table, no one is unmoved.

And they all have very big cards, so there is no reason not to follow.

The chips in his hand are like hard plastic, and they keep throwing them in.

When it was Lin Feng's turn, he stroked his chin and frowned, because the best public card has appeared, and he is considering whether he should make a move directly.

Scar had a sneer on his face. This time his cards were very good. With two 7s in his bottom cards and two 7s on the table, he could form a four-of-a-kind hand. Only a royal flush could beat him with this kind of hand. But with so many people playing cards, it was hard to get a royal flush.

""What's wrong, kid? Are you thinking about going all-in again?" Scar said with a sneer.

Lin Feng raised his head and said in surprise:"How did you know? I was really considering whether to go all-in."

"Haha, you are really a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger. Then you should go all-in." Scar said disdainfully.

Lin Feng curled his lips and said,"I am afraid of scaring you. What if you run away like last time?"


Lin Feng hit Scar's pain point. If Lin Feng hadn't gone all-in last time, would he have been able to run away? Not only did he lose so much money, he also lost face, which was unbearable for him.

This time, he directly caught a 4-way hand, and he would not run away no matter what.

"Hehe, kid, don't worry, no matter how much you all-in, I will accompany you to the end."Scar laughed coldly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Well, okay, since you said so, then I can't be too cowardly, right?"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he didn't even count how many chips were left in his hand, and directly pushed them all onto the gambling table.


Everyone gasped. Although he didn't count how many chips were left, they knew his total number very well. It was 27 million.

No one else would bet 27 million in one go.

Seeing Lin Feng go all-in, they couldn't help but flip over his cards again and fell into deep thought.

Lin Feng didn't know how many people could follow suit, but he believed that Scar Qiang would definitely go all-in with all his chips. Everyone present had heard his provocative words just now.

These people were all well-known big shots. It could be said that their faces were more important than money.

The man with only two pairs of cards in his hand sighed. It might be unrealistic for him to participate in such a gamble with another pair, because it was easy to have a flush, so he put down his cards.

But his eyes were bright, wanting to see who would have the last laugh.

After hesitating for a while, the others all pushed their chips out, but they were still far behind Lin Feng.

Finally it was Scar Qiang's turn. He had the most chips among all these people, even millions more than Lin Feng.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Feng opposite him, and said coldly:"I don't believe you are so lucky. You can catch big cards twice."

After that, he also imitated Lin Feng and didn't count them carefully. He pushed all the chips in front of him onto the gambling table.

""I have a straight, does anyone have a bigger hand than mine?" A man turned over his hole cards, only to see that it was a King of Diamonds and an Ace of Spades.

He went in with a brave face this time, because he had less than 10 million chips left, but it would be a pity to give up such a good hand, so he bet all his chips on it.

But Brother Pan, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, smiled and said,"I'm sorry, my cards are bigger than yours, I have a flush."

He turned over the cards in his hand, which were a 6 of hearts and a 9 of hearts.

He still felt a little bit of regret. If he could change the 6 of hearts to an 8 of hearts, he would definitely win the game. Unfortunately, his luck was bad and he didn't have a straight flush.

However, he was also proud of himself, and quietly waited for others to show their cards.

In the end, the only two people left were Lin Feng and Scar Qiang. According to the order, Scar Qiang would be the next to open his cards.

He pressed the cigar in his hand hard into the ashtray next to him, and then showed his cards very casually.

"Oh my god, it's actually 4 of a kind!"

When everyone looked over, they all gasped. Except for the Royal Flush, no one could beat Scar's strong hand.

"Boy, there is nothing to say this time, unless you have a royal flush, you have no hope of winning."Daoba Qiang laughed proudly.

Because there are 54 cards in a deck, removing the big and small jokers, there are still 52 cards left. There are six of them in total, and no one has only two hole cards, plus five public cards, there are only 17 cards. He didn't believe that Lin Feng was so lucky that he could get the two rare trump cards.

"Haha, really? Then I'll make you cry when you see the coffin!" After Lin Feng finished speaking, he slowly turned his trump card over to everyone.

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