"Little Kirby, energy storage, and defense rolls" energy storage, defense rolls increase defense

"Ultrasonic larvae, another dragon's breath" "Little Kirby is still an energy store, and then the energy is inhaled"

Energy inhalation, consume one energy storage to restore stamina

"Ultrasonic larvae use sandstorms"

"Little Kirby continues to use the defense roll, and then rolls and hits" Xiaotian said lightly

"Fly and dodge," the little Kirby beast standing on the ground could only stare at the ultrasonic larvae.

"Little Kirby Beast is basically nothing at a distance except to destroy the death light" Xiaotian twitched his corners

"The ultrasonic larva is coming to a dragon's breath, what should I do with you?" Sundae said proudly.

"Little Kirby uses patience" to endure the opponent's attack and then counterattack the opponent's attack without fail

"Although I can't catch up with you, my little Kirby's stamina aptitude is an orange godsend.

There is also energy storage, energy absorption, endurance, protection, and it is more beautiful than remote consumption! "Xiaotian thought happily

"It's so difficult to deal with, in this case, the ultrasonic larva uses the wings of Gang"

"My positioning for Kirby beast is that it doesn't move like a mountain, and when it moves, it thunders like fire."

"Little Kirby uses his belly, picks up his attack, and then uses Super Tarzan to push the top"

Bulging belly reduces % stamina and increases super attack

"Kirby~~~~Kirby" I saw little Kirby using his belly to withstand the attack of the ultrasonic larvae

Then grab the ultrasonic larva and jump high, hold the ultrasonic larva in the air and spin

When it's about to land, little Kirby put the ultrasonic larva to the bottom of his butt.

"Peng!" Little Kirby was sitting on the ground watching the ultrasound larvae under the little Kirby's ass. He fainted

This is specially designed by Xiaotian for the little Kirby beast.

Sit down like this, think about it

"Ultrasonic larvae are out of combat, little Kirby wins!"

The sundae stared blankly at the ultrasonic larvae, his face full of despair

"how is this possible?"

Looking at the lost Sundae Xiaotian, I don't know how to comfort her

Just when Xiaotian didn't know what to do, Sundae suddenly said with determination

"You are a travel trainer, please let me travel with you"

"Huh? Okay. But what about your studies and why are you traveling with me?"

"Some time ago, a traveling trainer, Xiao Zhi, beat me, and now you beat me with all my strength. I think traveling will make me stronger. As for my studies, I have completed my studies and can graduate at any time. As for why follow You are because they are girls who can't cook."

"Okay then, please give me more advice in the future" Xiaotian's face is full of black lines, is it normal for girls not to cook?

How can the sundae be so righteous?

In this way, Xiaotian has a travel partner

8 special training

Although there are more MiShaov companions like Sundae, I still have to continue to earn points by earning experience. I have successively defeated other students of the Elf Academy. Little Kirby, and Lalulas have evolved into Kirby and Kirulian as they wished. .

Then Xiaotian and Sundae set off to continue the journey

Through a forest, the goal is the vast sea

"This is the Zhenghui Lighthouse in front, so it's decided, the special training day and then set off, you are also the sundae, you have to do the necessary special training for the magic, this will make your Pokémon stronger, then go to the Zhenghui Lighthouse for the night. Bar"

Go to Zhenghui Lighthouse

"Ding Dong, Dr. Zhenghui, I'm Xiaotian from Zhenxin Town, can I come and stay for a while? I'll cook for you?" "Hello, I'm Sundae"

"You can have dinner, that's great, then please come in"

"Dr. Zhenghui is disturbed. I want to train Pokémon at the beach. Can I disturb you for a few days?"

Dr. Zhenghui said

"It doesn't matter, it's my own person anyway, and you can cook, just do whatever you want. The room is upstairs and you can go up by yourself."

"Thank you, then let's go first"

Clean up the room, call home and be safe

Then come to the beach and release the Pokémon

"You guys have a good time and rest today, you will have special training tomorrow," Xiaotian said, looking at the Pokémon in front of him

Then walk aside and open the umbrellas, lie down, enjoy the sun, sand, calm, and the elves spread out

Kirby went to the big tree to lie down and sleep, while Pikachu played on the beach with Kirulian and Fire Dinosaur

Hackeron and Minas dive into the sea, and the evolution of Ugly Ugly Fish generally requires Charisma, but Xiaotian said that the colorful scales in the store can also allow Ugly Ugly Fish to evolve, which is convenient and not expensive. Pikachu is equipped with electric beads, and there are still a lot of points left

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