"It's a big piece of wood, it's maddening"

It was also embarrassing to see Xiaotian who was angry with the sundae all the way.

After walking for a long time, "There is a wild area of ​​Pokémon in front of you, you can catch Pokémon at will." Seeing the sign in front, Xiaotian smiled and said to the sundae, "Yeah! It's great, let's go quickly." The sundae jumped happily. I got up, I forgot about what happened just now

Enter the Wilderness Area, exchange for Pokémon Balls for the Wilderness Area at the manager Uncle Caesar, and walk out of the manager's house

"Hey, I want to catch the Pokémon myself, so I don't need your help." Sundae is arrogant again, saying that there is no need to fight to capture the Pokémon, you only need to still hit the Pokémon Ball to recover it and look away. The sundae, Xiaotian expressed his innocence

In this way, Xiaotian and Sundae are separated, and they are wandering in the Pokémon Wilderness area by themselves

The strength of the Pokémon here is not strong, and the aptitude is average. Xiaotian never thought that he could capture the Pokémon with good aptitude, but what if there is a leak?

I walked around on the land for a long time, but I didn't see a Pokémon with good qualifications. When I was going to try my luck by the lake, my eyes suddenly lit up, and I looked ahead, under a big tree, a long A black Pokémon with a shark head is looking carefully at the sky

how can that be?Round land shark?Where did it pop out, or is it flashing?Xiaotian was very surprised, and without saying a word, he threw a Pokémon ball and successfully captured the round land shark. Xiaotian was very excited, and then checked his qualifications, but Xiaotian was dumbfounded.

Round shark

Features; Sharkskin

Secondary Trait; Ice Immunity (Artificial Trait)


Physical strength; white (poor)

special power; white

attack; white

special defense; white

physical defense; white

speed; white

skill; slightly

Introduction; a Pokémon that survived an evil experiment, but its body is destroyed and its physique is so poor that it cannot fight at all

Xiaotian is confused, what is this?A good quasi-god Pokémon, how could it be ruined like this by an evil experiment

Looking at the round land shark who clearly felt weak, Xiaotian was full of pity, "Having the body of a quasi-god, but being made into it by an evil experiment.

The physique is extremely poor, no wonder just saw the round land shark that it did not run, and the eyes were full of hope, do you want me to take you away, and then train you to make you stronger?Yes, being a quasi-god Pokémon also has its own dignity," Xiaotian thought to himself.

"Don't worry, I will definitely change you and make you stronger." Touching the head of the round land shark, Xiaotian said with a smile

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Yuan Lu Shark's eyes were full of hope, "Don't give up on me, okay?" This is the monologue in Yuan Lu Shark's heart now.

Even if I can't do it myself, isn't there a system? There are some items in it that can change the round land shark. Xiaotian is very relieved.

With the round land shark, Xiaotian returned to the administrator's house

"This round land shark has undergone an evil experiment, and its physique is so poor that it can't fight at all. Do you still want to subdue it?"

Seeing that Xiaotian came back with the round land shark, Caesar said very seriously, Caesar didn't want Xiaotian to find out that the round land shark couldn't fight in the future

And discarding the round land shark, let's make it clear now

"This round land shark can't fight, you'd better put it back, it's always good to let it live here"

"It doesn't matter, I will definitely change the round land shark," Xiaotian said firmly

"Since you've decided, I won't advise you, but remember that if you abandon the round land shark in the future, or treat it badly, Miss Junsha will come to you, because this round land shark is your master. Miss Sha put it here" Caesar said seriously

"Well, don't worry." Xiaotian nodded.

Walking out with the round land shark, looking at the round land shark, Xiaotian has given up the idea of ​​​​training and changing the round land shark

After walking such a short distance, the Round Land Shark was out of breath. It was completely different from the usual energetic Round Land Shark. However, the perseverance was good. The Tired Round Land Shark still insisted on following Xiaotian.

I can only hope in the system store. Xiaotian carefully checks the store items and finds items that can change the round land shark.

Returning Dan; Pokémon can change its physique, aptitude, and return to its original state by taking it

Gene Dan; enhancing genes can restore their physique and aptitude to their peak state and enhance their points again

There are only these two that can be bought now. After thinking about it, Xiaotian still decides to buy Gene Pill, although the points are more expensive

But again at peak state, it must be much stronger than the initial state, so this point is still worth it

"Buy Gene Dan"

"Make sure to buy Gene Dan, spend points"

Taking out the gene pill, I saw that Xiaotian suddenly had an extra pill in his hand, exuding a faint aroma

"Round Land Shark, eat this, you will be reborn, give it to" Xiaotian said, hand the medicinal pill to Round Land Shark

"Wow, wow, wow" tearfully looked at the elixir in front of him, and after looking at Xiaotian, Yuan Lu shark ate the elixir in one bite.

Round Land Shark's heart is full of gratitude to Xiaotian. In the past, there were trainers who subdued him, but when he knew that he couldn't fight, he chose to give up on himself. It wants to become stronger, but it is given up again and again, and the round land shark is about to collapse. He has time to exercise, but the body destroyed by the experiment can't support the high-intensity exercise. Just now, the round land shark Seeing Xiaotian wandering aimlessly, although he checked a lot of Pokémon, he didn't recover it

When he saw himself, he was very happy to subdue himself, but in the end his face was a little weird, did he find his physique?

Yuan Lu Sha was ready to be abandoned, but the boy in front of him gently touched his little head and said, "I will change you"

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