"I'm not talking about special training. Well, special training is a period of high-intensity training of Pokémon's physical strength, skills, and speed, and usually you have to do a moderate amount of training, and then Yai meets some powerful Pokémon. Battle, let's consider the results of Pokémon training. Only through continuous strengthening and constant battles, the strength of Pokémon will increase, the experience of battle will be rich, and the level will continue to improve. Look at you, when did you have special training and when did Pokémon go? After training, except for the necessary battles to raise your Pokémon to the next level, you usually don’t pay attention to the Pokémon’s training, how much will you pull down slowly?” Xiaotian said lightly.

"So that's the case, Pokémon still need exercise." Ash suddenly realized

"Then Pikachu, let's do special training."

"Remember to give the Pokémon to Miss Joey after the special training to eliminate fatigue," Xiaotian said lazily.

Xiao Zhi is now starting to exercise his Pokémon, maybe he will surpass Xiao Mao who is traveling in a sports car.

It must be interesting to think about the picture at that time, Ao Jiao Xiao Mao lost to the second goods Xiao Zhi, um, very interesting

Sundae and Xiaoxia continued to go fishing. Sundae was cruel and insisted on catching the Duck once, while Xiaoxia, as a water-type Pokémon lover, also participated in fishing, while Xiaogang went to pack up the ingredients. Now, it is said that so many people will make a big meal for a while

Continue to lie lazily on the grass and enjoy the rare leisure time

Xiao Zhi, the second guy, just knew that he wanted to train Pokémon, and he ran to training a long time ago.

Turning his head to look at Xiaozhi's Pokémon, Pikachu, as a skin god, needless to say, his aptitude is extremely high, reaching the divine level, and his special skills are the king. From the introduction, it was Pikachu who received the thunder talent that contains the life force of Feng Wang. There has been a change in qualifications, it should be the first episode of the anime

Pikachu was moved by Xiao Zhi's behavior, jumped in the air to receive the power of thunder and lightning in the air, and then issued a thunder trick to kill the big needle bee. Unfortunately, he did not participate in training, except for the gym challenge, and cleaning up the Rockets' sticky duo. Upgrading, still very weak

Needless to say, the fire-breathing dragon, as the strongest old spray, also has a rare and peerless qualification, and his physical strength and physical attack have reached the orange God-given qualification.

The rest......Xiaotian will not talk about it

Wonderful frog seeds, just grades, jenny turtle grades, stronger than birds, grades, and big butterfly grades, they are basically children and their aptitudes are average, perfect, and Pikachu and fire-breathing dragons are still worth seeing.

"Xiaotian Xiaotian, see if this is just that Duck Duck" suddenly the sundae screamed

Um?Xiaotian turned his head to look, then was shocked, it was really that highly qualified Duck Duck

Is this Duck really that talented?He was caught twice in a row, his head was caught by the door, Xiaotian was speechless

"It's this one, congratulations, you finally caught it" Xiaotian sincerely congratulated you

"Hurry up and conquer it." Xiaotian is also happy for her that Sundae can subdue such high qualifications, although this Duck is a bit stupid

Even being caught twice in a row, Xiaotian admires this Duck, you are so stupid to break through the sky!

"It's great, it finally succeeded" Sundae said excitedly and then released the Pokémon

Defeated and recovered this highly qualified, super stupid Da Duck suddenly Sundae turned his head and said to Xiao Tian with a dark expression on his face

"Xiao Tian, ​​are you asking me, are you a pig? Did you ask this sentence?"

"Why, you heard it wrong, how is it possible? How can the beautiful lady of the sundae be a pig?" Xiaotian weakly explained

"Huh!" It's okay, I just harvested the Ducks and it seems that the sundae is very happy, otherwise I will be miserable, this sundae still remembers this sentence

Xiaotian touched the cold sweat, don't make the girl angry, otherwise terrible things will happen.

After a while, Xiaogang prepared a table of rich food. After everyone enjoyed dinner, Xiaotian continued to lie on the ground lazily.

As for Xiaozhi, he went to training after eating quickly.

During the period, Xiaoxia harvested a big tongue shell, so everyone spent a good night together

24. Kojiro's big family event

The next day, Xiaotian Xiaozhi and his party set off together,

Encountered a communal card on the way

"This is a boy who looks like Kojiro," Ash said, looking at the photo of the missing person posted on the board.

Just when Xiao Zhi wanted to say something, an extended car came quickly.

"Do you know where Mr. Kojiro is?" a housekeeper shouted with a loudspeaker

"I only know Kojiro from the Rockets," Ash explained

"It's great, you know Mr. Kojiro, please get in the car." After saying that, he asked Xiaozhi and his group to get in the car.

The car quickly opened the door and drove for a long time, and what came into sight was a super luxurious house

The car stopped, just got out of the car and saw the luxurious and tall house in front of him, Xiao Zhi said that it was really big.

"This house is ten times bigger than mine"

"Everyone, please enter the master's house." The housekeeper also invited a loud speaker to the side.

Hearing the housekeeper's shout, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang will go in without saying a word.

"What are you doing?" the butler expressed puzzled

"You didn't let us in, did you?" Xiao Zhi puzzled

"What you are in front of is the kennel of our beloved Katie, the master of Kojiro. I'm talking about the owner's mansion."

Said and pointed to one side of the house that was more than ten times bigger than this so-called dog kennel.

bang bang bang bang down

Only Xiaotian's and Sundae really stood silently on the side.

Xiaotian has watched the anime, so he knows that after getting off the bus, the opposite is the dog kennel, and the bigger house is next to it.

As for the sundae, it's almost the same, so I'm not shocked.

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