"The forest belongs to everyone, who said it belonged to mushrooms, and the apples we see are ours." Hearing Miaomiao's translation, Musashi said carelessly. As for the anger of mushrooms, Musashi didn't take it to heart at all.

Although the mushrooms who were robbed of the apples were very angry, they did not snatch them. Until the three of Kojiro ate all the apples, the anger of the mushrooms broke out completely.

In this group of mushrooms, half of the mushrooms directly glowed white light, evolved, and they were still evolving in anger, so the evolved bucket hat mushrooms directly started

"Mom, run!" The Rockets had a bad feeling when they saw the mushrooms evolve. Now, as soon as they saw the mushrooms, the Rockets fled in an instant.

On the other side, after Xiaotian and the others finished their lunch, they rested and played, until they encountered a few buckwheat mushrooms, and then there was a lot of trouble.

In fact, Xiaotian doesn't care if he sees those few fighting mushrooms. This is a forest. It is normal to have wild Pokémon, but Xiaotian never thought that those fighting mushrooms would attack directly after encountering Xiaotian and others.

Moreover, the target of the attack is the most advanced Huoju. You must know that although the Huoju has sufficient level, it has not evolved because it does not have a strong heart. It can be said that it is the weakest among all the Pokémon here.

Fortunately, the fire chick was playing with the elegant cat at the time. Seeing that the fire chick was about to be attacked, the elegant cat hurried up to block the attack, but the powerful punches used by the doll mushrooms produced a huge explosion, waiting for Xiaotian to wait. People have reacted, the elegant cat and the fire chick have been blown away, and they have disappeared.

"Fire chick, elegant cat" Xiao Yao was shocked when she saw her Pokémon being blown away

Those fighting mushrooms flew two Pokémon, and they wanted to continue to attack, but a jet of flame came over instantly, and the powerful power directly knocked all the fighting mushrooms into the street.

It was because Xiaotian and the others didn't expect that the fighting mushroom would attack, and they didn't react. Now they want to attack, are they outlawed?

Therefore, the fire-breathing dragon directly rewarded those bucket-lid mushrooms with a jet of flame

"Master, what about my elegant cat and fire chick?" Xiaoyao asked Xiaotian anxiously

"Don't worry, now all the Pokémon of the flying type go out and look for the fire chick and the elegant cat." Seeing Xiaoyao's anxiety, Xiaotian commanded

Although the forest here is very large, all the flying Pokémon from Xiaotian and others went out to find them. I believe that two Pokémon will be found soon.

However, Xiaotian could never have imagined that Xiaoyao's two Pokémon were sent flying to the nests of those douchi mushrooms, and they were quite lucky.

When the Fire Chick and the Elegant Cat fell to the ground, they looked around and saw a large number of mushrooms and bell mushrooms appearing around, and these bell mushrooms obviously received the information from their companions, and were very hostile to the Fire Chick and the Elegant Cat, and then directly launched attack

Although the level of the fire chick is not bad, the fire chick that has not evolved is like a pet in Xiaoyao's hands. After a lot of battles, it is enough to deal with a fighting mushroom, not to mention a large group of fighting mushrooms. , turkey chicks are simply helpless

Fortunately, Xiaoyao's graceful cat was sent flying over together. Seeing the fighting mushroom attack, Xiaoyao's graceful cat hurriedly stood in front of the turkey chick to protect the turkey chick.

The strength of Xiaoyao's elegant cat is very strong compared to the fighting mushrooms here, but there are too many fighting mushrooms here, one is not good, the last group

All the graceful puss was bruised soon

Looking at the elegant cat who was constantly being hit by the fighting mushroom for protecting himself, Huo Chi was moved, and at the same time he hated that he was not strong enough to help.

Of course, the elegant cat was severely bruised by the fighting mushroom, and when there was no resistance, those fighting mushrooms still wanted to attack the elegant cat.

Xiaoyao's turkey chicken broke out completely. When the turkey mushrooms wanted to attack the elegant cat, the turkey chicken stood in front of the elegant cat and let out an angry roar. Then, the turkey chicken was enveloped in white light, turkey chicken evolved

Although, even if the turkey chicken evolves, it can't defeat the large number of bell mushrooms here, but the turkey chicken has finally evolved because it wants to protect the elegant cat.

Just when those fighting mushrooms wanted to launch an attack on Lizhuang Chicken in 3.1, a huge jet of flames came from the sky, directly knocking down a piece of fighting mushrooms. It turned out that Xiaotian and others rushed over in time.

"This is, Lizhuang Chicken? Huo Chi has evolved?" Seeing Lizhuang Chicken Xiaoyao was surprised

"Xiaoyao, the elegant cat is injured, go and heal it." Xiaotian handed the healing medicine to Xiaoyao and said, and then looked at a large number of mushrooms and bamboo hats around him.

Under the pressure of the fire-breathing dragon's powerful strength and super momentum, these wild Pokémon instantly gave up and did not dare to attack.

"Let's get out first," Xiaotian said.

Although these Pokémon are afraid of fire-breathing dragons, they are still full of hostility when they look at Xiaotian and others. There must be some reason for this. In order not to cause more hatred, Xiaotian decided to leave first and talk...  .

437. The Power of Xiaotian's Pokémon

Although Xiaotian and others were very curious about why the hat mushrooms and mushrooms in the forest were so hostile to humans, under such circumstances, Xiaotian had no way to check them, so he could only leave the forest and continue to set off.

Although there were some accidents in this forest, Xiaoyao's turkey finally evolved, which is also a surprise

Next, Xiaotian and others continued to set off, but on the way, Xiaotian was a little distressed

Because Xiaotian has already received information from Dr. Damu, all his class has been promoted to the king, including Lucario, and he has also been promoted to the king.

Although Xiaotian was very happy that his own Pokémon was promoted to Tianwang, Xiaotian was also very distressed. Originally, there were only a few Pokémon below Tianwang, but now there are three that have evolved to Tianwang, and there are too few Pokémon below Xiao Tianwang. span

Although the ice rock monster has not reached the level of Tianwang, Xiaotian estimates that it will be almost the same when the alliance conference in the Hoenn area starts.

There are also giants that are faster than the eagles, so the Pokémon below the little Tianwang are the metal monsters and the king of leave.

There's no way that Xiaotian's Pokémon have the lowest level of heaven-sent talent, and the speed of leveling up is simply unbelievable.

On the way, Xiaotian thinks about his Pokémon

His own trump card, fire-breathing dragon, emperor's qualifications, level 91, the strength after mega evolution is more powerful, after mega-evolution plus his own emperor's qualifications, it is enough to make fire-breathing dragon rival the powerful existence of level 93, as a fire-breathing dragon The attack power is extremely powerful, especially the mega evolution has fire and dragon elements, and the attack power is unparalleled

The second trump card, Bite Lu Shark, full-colored emperor qualification, level 90, can also evolve mega, similar to the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, enough to fight with the powerful existence of level 92, as an all-round player Bite Lu Shark, although there is no Special strengths, but the full-colored emperor's qualifications are very strong in all aspects, especially it can be said that the strong bites have no weaknesses at all, even the ice type that restrains the dragon type, because of the strong bite of the land shark's first Two characteristics, complete immunity

The second characteristic of the bite land shark, ice immunity

The third god pet, the sword monster with a strong shield, has been promoted to the king, level 80, has eaten the steel template, and the power of steel skills has increased by 50%. In addition to the qualifications of the emperor, there are also the races with the strongest attack and the strongest defense Value, a well-deserved pet, the only disadvantage When the attack and defense change, you need to switch postures

The fourth god pet, the king of leave, level 62, as the king of flash leave, the acceleration feature directly makes up for the weakness of the king's speed, the characteristic of Hercules, makes the king of leave attack strong to the level of perversion, Xiaotian's king of leave can be said Whether it is physical strength, defense, attack, or speed, they are all very powerful. The only weakness is that they are weak against long-range attacks. It is also Xiaotian's only pet that is only suitable for participating in alliance competitions.

The above four are only the four pets of Xiaotian, and the next three are demigod pets

The huge Kirby beast, level 79, the strength of the Kirby beast needless to say, the Pokémon that burst out is far beyond the aptitude of the emperor. In the case of the same level in melee combat, it can be called invincible. It's a gift from God, the level upgrade is a little slower than the Pokémon with the emperor and the king's qualifications

The giant Boss Cordora. 78, similar to the giant Kirby beast, is good at melee combat

The giant carnivorous beast, level 86, with a super huge size, can't even beat the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce biting land shark combined. It can be said that the resistance of the giant carnivorous beast is almost invincible, but the shortcomings are also very big. The size is too big, it is a perfect target, and because of the size, the food of the giant carnivorous beast is too large, and the average person can't afford it. Although Xiaotian can bear the food of the giant carnivorous beast , but it's a hassle to feed the giant carnivores every time

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