The Pokémon of the sundae are also trained. After all, seeing Xiaotian training the Pokémon so hard, the sundae was also brought along for training.

Sundae also has round land sharks, which are level-evolved, and only reach level by evolving into fangtooth land sharks, which are comparable to Xiaotian's pre-evolution strengths of round land sharks

It is estimated that the fangtooth land shark in the sundae will evolve at around level 4. After the evolution, the fierce biting land shark can reach the level of the elite at many levels. training, it will take a long time

Looking at his fangtooth land shark, Xiaotian continued to set off with satisfaction,

I got the grades wrong before (~ grade is novice, ~ is rookie. ~ is third-rate, ~4 is second-rate, and 4~ is first-rate

~ is the elite, ~ is the quasi king, ~ is the king, ~ quasi champion, ~ champion, ~ the above is the head)

29. A chance encounter with a quasi-King trainer, book friend cameo

In the early morning, a calm and beautiful lake, surrounded by various drinking Pokémon, and two children, a boy and a girl

The girl is beautiful, serene, and elegantly eating breakfast, and the boy is lazy, with broken black hair and dark red eyes

His delicate face made it easy for him to attract the attention of others in this beautiful world. He was eating food slowly.

Surrounded by tons of Pokémon, some of their own and others attracted by food

These two are Xiaotian and Sundae

Xiaotian and Sundae have been living in Yai for many days. Xiaotian, who is the leader, said that this map is too boring.

It clearly states that you will reach the Red Lotus Gym after crossing the canyon.

But there are many forks in the canyon, but the map is not written. When Xiaotian and Sundae randomly choose a day to walk down the fork

That's right, through the so-called Grand Canyon, Xiaotian and Sundae themselves don't know where they went.

At this moment, in the grass on the side of Xiaotian and Sundae, a sound suddenly came out, and then a head was exposed.

"I'm sorry, but can you give me some food, please?" The owner of the head said weakly and tremblingly

Looking at the man in front of him who was almost crawling forward, obviously weak but excited

Xiaotian and Sundae were full of question marks. Although they were frightened, Xiaotian also gave the man some food.

devoured food

"Phew! I'm finally alive!" With a big exhale, the man sighed with emotion

Almost starved to death, although Yai has a lot of wild fruits, although the taste is not suitable for human beings, but it can also eat,

But he didn't expect that he didn't find fruit trees around here at all,

"Thank you very much for your food, my name is Fuyuan Bo, I am a travel trainer, you can call me Ah Bo

I came from the other direction and I ran out of food halfway through and had been going around here for days, so

Thank you very much for your help." Ah Bo first said in a direction and then thanked Xiaotian very gratefully.

"Hello, my name is Xiaotian. Since you are older than us, I will call you Bo Ge. Haven't you found any fruit trees here for many days? Although

The tree fruit doesn't taste good, but it can satisfy one's stomach. As for the problem of food, there is no need to thank you for going out. Let's help each other out." Xiaotian asked

"Hello, my name is Sundae" Sundae introduces itself

"It's still pretty good here. The next section is a forest, and the Pokémon in it are very aggressive. I am often attacked by Pokémon without preparation, and my strength is very strong. I am often beaten up. , if it weren't for my Pokémon strength,

I might not be able to get out," Ah Bo explained with lingering fears.

"You must never enter that forest," Ah Bo then warned Xiaotian

"Well, hearing what you said, I'm so curious, I really want to go see it" Xiaotian said slowly, touching his smooth chin

"This...No, absolutely no, that forest is very dangerous, I won't let you in." Ah Bo's face was firm.

As for Xiaotian who has just helped him, Ah Bo does not think that the child who has just set off for a trip has enough strength to enter there, so Ah Bo is very determined not to let Xiaotian enter.

"Well, let's play against me. If my strength is approved by you, let us go in, how about it?" Seeing the resolute Abo

Xiaotian also knew that he was doing it for his own good, probably because he was afraid that his strength was not enough, so Xiaotian suggested.

"Well, if you can't get my approval, you are not allowed to go there." Hearing Xiaotian's proposal, although Apo didn't think Xiaotian could be strong

But after all, he had just helped himself, so Apo agreed.

"Bo Ge, don't worry, Xiaotian's strength is very strong," Sundae said on the side.

"That's still to be understood after the battle." Ah Bo obviously doesn't believe it

After having breakfast and resting for a while, Xiaotian took Bogo and ran to fight

"Go, Kirby" Xiaotian took the lead in releasing the first-class Kirby, Boge looks a little old and looks a little handsome

But before the embarrassed appearance, Xiaotian didn't think that Bo Ge was strong, so when Bo Ge released Pokémon

Xiaotian was startled

"It's up to you, let's go, my Pokémon." The Pokémon released by Bogo turned out to be at the level of Bangira and even reached level

I'm going to be so strong here, and I'm going to be at the peak of the king, even though I also have Pikachu and fire-breathing dragons who are kings.

But that was because of the help of the system, the Bo Ge in front of him was almost starved to death, and his strength was so strong, Xiaotian was surprised

Compared to Yu Xiaotian's surprise, Ah Bo's heart was shocked. He never thought of the trainer who set off on a trip in the first year.

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