"Let's go, if Miss Junsha comes, this matter will be a big deal. This matter is entirely your fault. Once it is exposed, you will not talk about your infamy, and you may even directly deprive your trainer qualifications. Hurry up, I will block it. He," An Qi said to the trainer behind him with a determined look.

Of course, the few trainers who didn't shoot are the exception, it doesn't matter if they go or not.

"An Qi, what do you do?" The trainers were also shocked when they heard An Qi's words, and only then did they realize the seriousness of the problem, but they were a little worried about An Qi's arrangement.

"You don't mind me, I only stop the other Pokémon, I won't attack people, there will be no problem, you can go quickly" An Qi said hurriedly, now Miss Junsha does not know when to come, once Miss Junsha comes, trouble But it's big

All An Qi is so anxious. At the same time, An Qi is also praying in her heart, hoping that the other party will not block, otherwise, she may not be able to defeat the other party with her own strength.

bgfg "Oh? If you don't say I didn't notice it, the leader who directed the Pokémon to attack was me, and although the trainers made their move, they were beaten by Pikachu before they attacked, and you are still A group, it is completely understandable that all of you are planning to attack me, a large group of trainers directing Pokémon to attack a genius trainer, this is a big event," Xiaotian said gloatingly.

"However, if they escape, you will be the one to blame. Are you sure you want to do this?" Xiaotian asked with more interest

Hearing Xiaotian's words, those trainers who were planning to escape suddenly hesitated. Xiaotian was right. Once An Qi stopped Xiaotian and let the other trainers run away, then An Qi would be the one to take the blame, and it was still a big one. black pot

"Don't listen to him, you all hurry up, I'm just blocking the other's Pokémon, even if I'm guilty, it's not a big deal, I can't compare with you at all, hurry up" An Qi shouted to the trainers anxiously

"Oh? It's not a big crime?" Looking at the trainers who were crippled by An Qi and planning to escape, Xiaotian laughed in his heart, helping a large group of criminals escape, how could the crime be not big?However, although I won't blame those trainers, that's my generosity, but if you want to run away, that's not acceptable.

And those trainers who escaped included the leader. Once those trainers ran away, An Qi's crime would be settled directly, unless she didn't pursue it.

Xiaotian still appreciates the atmosphere of An Qi who carries all the crimes by himself. Naturally, he doesn't want An Qi to be ruined like this, and the leader wants to run, but Xiaotian does not agree.

Everyone Xiaotian never thought of blaming, but that scum in the lead wants to run away?no way

"Pikachu" Xiaotian shouted to Pikachu

"Pika" heard Xiaotian's shout, and Pikachu understood it in seconds, and the little yellow face instantly flashed electric light, and then the whole body directly turned into a white light, and launched an attack on An Qi's armored bird.

The armored bird is the main flight type of the steel suit, and the electric skills can cause damage to the armored bird, so Pikachu directly uses a million volts on the armored bird

In fact, An Qi's armored bird had been standing beside An Qi, and before it could fly, it was hit directly by Pikachu's electric shock, and it hit directly. , a powerful energy ball condensed on the small tail, centered on the forehead


The lightning ball hit directly and exploded, and then Pikachu rushed up to the small tail again and flicked it, using the steel tail

The steel tail hitting the steel armored bird can't cause much damage, but it is also relatively speaking, with the strength of Pikachu, the power is also very terrifying. The previous million volts and lightning balls have already caused a huge amount of damage to the armored bird. The damage is now being attacked by the steel tail, and the armored bird is directly slapped on the ground by Pikachu's steel tail, and it slams directly into the street.

Under normal circumstances, with Pikachu's strength, if you want to defeat the armored bird of more than 60 levels, it only takes two hits. Pikachu uses three attacks to defeat the armored bird. That is because Pikachu is afraid that the opponent will fly up and delay time.

In order to increase the speed, although the attack power of the attack is not the strongest, but the speed is faster, so the armor bird didn't even have a reaction to resist, so it went straight to the street. **shu05.com update fast**

444. Junsha Arrival

Before those trainers could escape, An Qi's armored bird was instantly killed, and everyone was stunned for a while.

Then the trainers on the opposite side were left in a cold sweat. The most powerful An Qi, who was the most powerful of them, was killed in seconds, and the strength was too strong. Is there any hope of running?

And the other party made it clear that he would not let himself escape. This means that he should be held accountable. When he thinks of the tragic ending that Miss Junsha will come to and he and others will face, those trainers are afraid. Yes, my bowels are all blue

Isn't it just pretending to be a force at the beginning? You said that you owe something to you, especially the leader who took the shot first. If he hadn't attacked the genius trainer personally, he and others would not have been implicated. For a time, in addition to regret, all the trainers looked at the leader angrily.

Those trainers had no plans to attack Xiaotian at all. If the leader hadn't attacked Xiaotian personally, those trainers would not have been implicated. While the trainers regretted, they also hated their own hands, but More, hatred for the leader _

Not to mention those trainers, the leader is now completely confused. Although those trainers' shots can be said to be their attack on Xiaotian, it can also be said to be to save their companions, at least there is still a little hope

But the leading trainer is different. He really attacked Xiaotian, and that means there is no hope at all. Once Miss Junsha comes, then his guilt will be settled, so the leading trainer is now completely panicked

Before everyone could react from the blow of the armored bird being killed, there was the sound of a police car in the distance.


As soon as they heard the sound of the police car, the trainers sank in their hearts and were completely desperate. As soon as Miss Junsha came, she and others would be finished. All the trainers, except the few who didn't take action against Xiaotian, other Everyone's face is gloomy, and they are full of despair about their future.

An Qi, who heard the sound of the police car, also had a look of pain on her face. Her partner is likely to be deprived of the qualifications of a trainer. I am afraid that they will be infamous all their lives. If this happens, their future will be completely ruined, even their own of towns also suffer stigma

The so-called exposure is not a report on TV or a newspaper, but something similar to the trainer's forum, just like Xiaotian's watch-type mobile phone, you can log in to the trainer's forum, and there are all kinds of gossip and bragging. It's about the trainer, and it's the group world networking

Once this incident is announced on the forum, most trainers around the world will know about it, and the impact can be imagined. After all, talented trainers like Xiaotian are definitely the focus of everyone's attention.

As for the original book, Xiaozhi doesn't have this stuff, that's because Xiaozhi is poor and can't afford it, but the four of Xiaotian have only one person.

"Xiaotian? Did something happen to you?" Miss Junsha saw Xiaotian a little surprised, and asked casually and solemnly

As a super powerful monster-level trainer, Miss Junsha, whose entire family is a police officer, certainly knows something about Xiaotian, not only understanding, but also attaching great importance to this guy. This guy is a powerful trainer from monsters to perverts.

"A trainer used Pokémon to attack me" Xiaotian complained to Miss Junsha with a calm face

"Is it still your Pokémon?" After hearing Xiaotian's words, Miss Junsha asked in a different way, and she wondered, which trainer doesn't want to live anymore?Dare to do something to this evildoer, let alone Xiaotian's great strength, it is the relationship between Xiaotian, that is quite hard.

"To me" Xiaotian's faint words made the trainers on the opposite side extremely desperate.

"It's unreasonable, there is a trainer who dares to attack you, a genius trainer at the enchanting level, you are so bold, please rest assured, I will definitely handle this matter seriously" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Miss Junsha's face turned slightly said angrily

Miss Junsha is really angry. Which trainer doesn't want to live, and dares to attack Xiaotian. If you don't want to live, you drink dichlorvos, don't drag yourself up

With Xiaotian's powerful strength and relationship, being directed by a trainer to attack a Pokémon is definitely a big event. If you don't handle it well, even Miss Junsha herself will be in big trouble. Do you think Miss Junsha can't be angry?

Hearing Miss Junsha's words, those trainers were ashen-faced, and the only hope in their hearts was gone. It was obvious from Miss Junsha's words that they should be dealt with seriously.

Seeing Xiaotian turn his head to look at them, the trainers closed their eyes reluctantly, waiting for the final and desperate trial


Hearing a word from Xiaotian, the trainers' hearts are bleeding. As long as Xiaotian says "men", those trainers can basically say goodbye to the trainers. The thought of them will be deprived of the trainers. Qualification, take away Pokémon, trainers' hearts are full of pain


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