Xiaotian's words were unanimously agreed by the three women. Before, because they didn't know the reason, the abnormality in the town made the three sundae feel a little scared, but now that the reason is known, the sundae three women are no longer afraid, but rather curious. , what exactly is Pokémon controlling the humans in a small town

Following Xiaotian, the four of them returned to the Pokémon Center in the town. This time, Xiaotian did not call Miss Joey, but walked directly into the Pokémon Center to find the Pokémon that controlled humans.

With Pikachu's sensitive perception, Xiaotian and others quickly found the moonstone

"Moonstone, meteorite Pokémon, because it was found where the meteorite fell, there is a saying that the meteorite is a Pokémon from the universe" Seeing this special Pokémon, Sundae took out the Pokémon for the first time Pokédex

"This is Moonstone, the Pokémon that controls humans, will the Pokémon with incredible power be Moonstone?" The three daughters of Sundae saw Moonstone for the first time, and their eyes were full of curiosity, even Xiaotian couldn't bear it. I can't stop being a little curious, after all, Moonstone is a very rare Pokémon.

Just when Xiaotian and the others looked at Yueshi curiously, the light in the utility room suddenly turned on, and then the door was opened, and Miss Joy walked in.

"You, go away" Miss Joy still said to the four of Xiaotian in a stiff tone

"Why did you hurt Miss Joy?" Seeing Miss Joy's abnormality, especially at this time, Miss Joy's eyes were actually red. Xiaotian and others knew that Miss Joy was absolutely under control. Sundae asked angrily

"I didn't hurt human beings, I was very scared, there were two strange human beings who attacked me, I was injured, I needed to hide, to avoid their pursuit" Miss Joy was controlled by Moonstone and answered Sundae's words stiffly

"You can ask Miss Joy to help you heal if you are injured. It's useless for you to hide like this," Sundae persuaded Yueshi.

"I need to bathe in the moonlight to regain my stamina," Yueshi controlled Joey to answer, but just as Joey finished speaking, the moonstone on one side suddenly flashed a painful expression, and then fell to the ground

The sudden appearance of the moon stone caused the red light in Miss Joy's eyes to suddenly dissipate and return to its original appearance.

"What's wrong with me?" Miss Joy asked with some doubts, her tone was very soft

"Miss Joy, you were controlled by that moonstone, it was attacked by two humans, it was injured, it controlled you to hide, and now it is because of its injury, so you are awake" heard Joe Miss Yi's question, Xiaoyao hurriedly explained

"What's wrong with this child? How can I help it?" Hearing Xiaoyao's answer, Miss Joy expressed indifference to her being controlled, and then Joy asked in distress when she saw Moonstone's face full of pain

This Miss Joy is obviously very kind. She doesn't have any anger or dissatisfaction with this Pokémon's control of herself. Instead, she feels a little distressed for this moonstone.

"This moonstone is injured now and needs to be bathed in moonlight to recover" Sundae replied to Miss Joy

"In this case, wait for the moonlight to come out, and then let the moonstone go out to bathe in the moonlight." Knowing the solution, Miss Joy nodded happily.

"Master, since Yueshi is injured, why not let Miss Joey treat Yueshi?" Xiaoxi suddenly turned into a curious baby

"The moonstone is not injured, but its physical strength is completely exhausted. It should be caught by the capture radio wave, which will absorb the physical strength of the Pokémon."

"Oh" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi blinked her eyes and nodded, seemingly understanding, does this have anything to do with Joey's treatment of the moonstone?

Looking at Xiaoxi with a confused face, Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head, and then explained again

"Moonstone is a very rare Pokémon in the first place. There is very little research on moonstone in the world. It is not certain whether Joey can treat moonstone or not, and even if Miss Joey can treat moonstone, the current situation of moonstone is The stamina is completely exhausted, do you think Miss Joy's treatment restores stamina faster, or is it faster to recover stamina after bathing in the moonlight?"

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"It should be the moonlight," Xiaoxi said uncertainly after hearing Xiaotian's question.

"That's right, it's moonlight. In a situation like Moonstone, if you ask Miss Joy to treat it, it will take at least one night. I don't know if it can be fully recovered, but if you let Moonstone bathe in moonlight, your stamina will recover. Very fast" Xiaotian said with certainty

Although Xiaotian doesn't know much about Moonstone, but Xiaotian understands the original book. In the original book, after Moonstone is bathed in moonlight, the speed of physical recovery is definitely much faster than the treatment at the Pokémon Center.

But now there is a very important problem, that is the geographical relationship of this town. This town is surrounded by mountains. If you want to see the moon, you have to wait for the moon to rise to the highest point before you can see it, which means you want the moonlight. It takes a long time to get to the town

........ ......

Finally, after Miss Joy's suggestion, everyone helped push the moonstone to a hillside not far from the town. Because of the high terrain, it can be quickly shrouded in moonlight.

Time passed slowly, until the moon came out and shed its beautiful moonlight, and no one encountered any accidents or special circumstances.

As for the two second-hand goods outside the town, although they have been wandering outside the town, sadly they did not find it here.

With the help of Miss Joy, Xiaotian and others, the moonstone was carried outside and then bathed in moonlight

Soon, the moonstone, which was shrouded in moonlight, woke up and flew up, flying in the air excitedly.

Looking at the happy little moonstone whose eyes were in a straight line, Xiaotian and the others knew that the moonstone had almost recovered.

"It's almost time for me to make a move." Seeing that Moonstone was fully recovered, Xiaotian took out the Poke Ball and stepped forward, intending to conquer Moonstone.

At first, Xiaotian was just curious about this very rare moonstone, so he came to have a look, but after seeing the moonstone, Xiaotian was a little moved, because the aptitude of this moonstone turned out to be a heaven-defying gift. Qualification

Such aptitude already belongs to the sky-defying Pokémon. It belongs to a very, very rare Pokémon. In addition to the rarity of moonstones, even the extremely picky Xiaotian is a little moved.

If it is rare, it means that the opponent does not know your Pokémon, which will give you a great advantage in battle.

452. Attribution of Moonstone

"Xiaotian, are you planning to capture the moonstone?" Sundae asked suspiciously when he saw Xiaotian taking out the Poké Ball.

"Well, this moonstone belongs to a very rare Pokémon, its aptitude is still a godsend."

"But..." Sundae was a little hesitant. Sundae didn't object or prevent Xiaotian from subduing Moonstone, but Sundae had some doubts in his heart. That Moonstone can hypnotize a person who controls a small town, and his level must be certain. Very high, would such a Pokémon be willing to be subdued by others?Even if the moonstone is captured, will it agree that the trainer follows the command?

On the other side, seeing Xiaotian taking out the Poké Ball, the moonstone who felt Xiaotian's thoughts whizzed, hid behind Miss Joy, and then looked at Xiaotian alertly.

Seeing Yueshi's movements, Xiaotian's body froze, which made Xiaotian a little embarrassed. Just as he was about to take action, the moonstone showed what he meant, obviously "eight-eight-three" Moonstone doesn't want to be subdued.

However, before Xiaotian could act, a roar suddenly came from not far away, and a huge machine came galloping.

"Let go of that incredible Pokémon, we found that Pokémon first" Kate and Kane in the machine drove the machine over, and then shouted directly to Xiaotian

No way, Xiaotian's strength is too strong, even if the IQ of these two people is a little anxious, but they also know that the powerful Xiaotian is the biggest threat to them catching incredible Pokémon

On the other side, when he heard the words of these two second-hand goods, Xiaotian's face darkened.

"Are you blind? That moon stone is clearly hiding behind Miss Joy and has something to do with me?"

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