"Clap clap clap"

"It's a puffy pig's fantasy, it's so harmful."

"Yes, very precise control"

"The speed of releasing skills is also very fast." Some people around saw Pupu Pig's performance and clapped their hands in praise of Pupu Pig

"Thank you, thank you, we will participate in tomorrow's gorgeous competition, and we will invite everyone to cheer at that time." Hearing everyone's applause, the little aunt who had been lying on the ground before, with her face on the ground first, stood up with a swishing look on her face. Smile to the people around you

"..." Although this little auntie had a smile on her face, why did the jet-black little face that was smashed because she landed on the ground first, looked so happy?

"There is a gorgeous competition in this city tomorrow? Are you a coordinator trainer?" It was Xiaoyao who asked Xiao Guliang with some doubts when she heard what Xiao Guliang said.

"That's right, I'm the coordinator and trainer Jianai, this is my best partner, poof pig" Hearing Xiao Yao's question, Xiao Guliang replied carelessly

"So, you are likely to become rivals tomorrow." Looking at Jianai, Sundae sighed to Xiaoyao, this little girl is very strong.

"So you're going to participate in the gorgeous competition tomorrow?" Jianai asked Xiaoyao excitedly after hearing Sundae's words.

"Well, my name is Xiaoyao, and I will also participate in the gorgeous competition tomorrow."

Xiaotian on the side checked the puffy pig, level 43, Xiaotian couldn't help reminding Xiaoyao

"Xiaoyao, your third ribbon medal has met a strong enemy"

You must know that super power-type Pokémon are very difficult to deal with. In the case that the level is not much different, this Kanai is definitely a strong enemy of Xiaoyao.

"The third one? Xiaoyao, have you already received two ribbon medals?" Jianai was immediately excited when she heard Xiaotian's words, and hurried to Xiaoyao's side to ask, she almost rushed on

"Well, got two already"

"Wow, lend me a look, lend me a look" Jianai jumped up directly

"Wow, what a shame, I'll show you my ribbon medal next."

"What a beautiful ribbon medal"

"The gorgeous conference in Shuijing City, the ribbon is very beautiful"

On one side, Xiaotian watched the two aunts study each other's ribbon medals.

"I'm hungry, I want to eat"

"You want to eat, then come to my house, my mother's food is delicious." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Jianai showed a cute smile and sent an invitation

Kanai's house is not a restaurant, her house sells energy cubes, so this meal at Kanai is a personal invitation

The energy cubes of Kanaijia are different from those of Xiaotianjia. As I said before, this world has not developed energy cubes, and all energy cubes are unique to Xiaotianjia.

However, no matter how much research is done on the energy aspect of Xiaotianjia, it cannot be suitable for everyone's needs. After all, the taste of Pokémon is different.

Therefore, some people first buy those energy cubes that have not been processed at a low price at Xiaotianjia, and then process them to make those energy cubes have their own unique taste. They are selling 1.9, which belongs to secondary processing. The energy cube is also a cooperation with Xiaotianjia

After enjoying a delicious meal at Kanai's house, the three girls of the sundae followed Kanai to the store to watch the making of energy cubes, while Xiaotian went outside to train the Pokémon

Although Xiaotian's Pokémon is very powerful, Xiaotian has never fallen behind in the daily training of Xiaotian Pokémon, and even those Pokémon with relatively low levels sometimes add some training.

Of course, this is a city after all, all Xiaotian did not plan to train those super high-level Pokémon, but planned to train metal monsters

Xiaotian's metal monster has almost reached the edge of evolution. Once the metal monster evolves, it will reach the level of a quasi-king, and the power of the giant gold monster will be fully displayed.

However, the use of metal eccentricity is not arbitrary, but requires training.

Like Dawu's giant gold monster, it can use the power to form a protective shield, or like illusion, it can control items and even control the enemy, which requires a lot of trainers to do...  

457. Xiaoyao's Dark Cuisine

"Metal monsters, use your mind power as you like, come, try to use your mind power to form a mind power shield" Xiaotian is training metal monsters outside

On the other hand, Sundae and others are enthusiastically following Canai to learn the processing of energy cubes

"Come on, chop these selected materials, put them in the machine, and process the odorless energy cubes inside, and then the energy cubes will have the special flavor developed by our family." Jianai processed step by step, Teach the Sundae Three Girls the Steps to Process Power Cubes

"Okay, let's try it out." Then Canai asked the three girls of Sundae to try processing energy cubes.

It is much easier to process energy cubes than to cook, so Sundae and Xiaoyao were very interested and started to try. As for Xiaoxi, he would process energy himself. After all, Xiaoxi prepared the food for Xiaotian and others Pokémon.

As the sundae grows older, it becomes more and more elegant. It is no longer like a crazy girl like before. Now even if you use a kitchen knife to chop the selected ingredients, there is an elegant beauty.

It's Xiao Yao, who is domineering and sideways, obviously cutting vegetables, but when it's Xiao Yao's turn to cut vegetables, she has a domineering arrogance that cuts people, and the second grade is full of air.

Chop the ingredients, put some seasonings, and then put them in the machine for processing. The processed energy cubes will be spit out in a mouth under the machine, very simple steps

After trying the sundae, he took the processed energy cube, stretched out his small tongue and licked it gently, showing a satisfied smile.

"It's a little sour, a little Pikachu might like the taste"

It was Xiaoyao's turn. After processing, Xiaoyao took the processed energy cube and frowned.

"Why is there no taste?"

Sundae Xiaoxi and Jianai on the side heard Xiaoyao's words, and they took out the energy cubes that Xiaoyao had processed and tried it out, and then the three of them looked at Xiaoyao in amazement, strange, Xiaoyao Put so many ingredients in, but there is no taste, how is this made?

"Xiaoyao, do you still remember the ingredients you selected before?" Jianai asked Xiaoyao, so many ingredients were added but there was no taste at all. This is a very strange formula. All Jianai is a little curious.

"I forgot..." Xiaoyao replied very cutely when she heard Jianai's question.

"Forgot? Why don't you remember the material you chose? Do you choose the material as you like every time you process energy? Is there no formula?" Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Jianai's face darkened, how can such processing energy square

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