"What's the use of this ball?"

"I do not know"

"Can you take it off?"

"It looks like it's connected, but I guess it can't"

"It's very mysterious here, what is this ball for?"

"I don't understand the research, do I need to break it?"

"Don't talk about it, the whole room is mysterious about this ball. What else can be studied if it is broken?"

"It seems that it can only be broken." Xiaotian and the four studied for a long time, but in the end they didn't find out the secret of the ball, and in the end they could only sigh helplessly.


"Farewell, this should be a relic, let's not destroy the relic, let others study it in the future."

"I'm so unhappy"

"Well, let Pikachu use electric shock to attack the ball. If it breaks, you can only blame it for its poor quality, but if there is nothing, there is nothing you can do, you can only withdraw." Finally, Xiaotian said his final proposal

"All right"

"Pikachu uses electric shock to attack this ball" Xiaotian directs Pikachu to use electric shock to this mysterious ball

"Pikachu" heard Xiaotian's words, Pikachu cleverly used electric shock to hit the ball in the middle of the disc

However, what Xiaotian and the four did not expect was that the ball was not broken by Pikachu's electric shock, nor did it bounce off Pikachu's electric shock, but miraculously absorbed Pikachu's electric energy.

476. Something big happened

"Is this charging?" Xiaotian said curiously, watching the mysterious ball absorb Pikachu's electric shock

"It's amazing, it can actually absorb the energy shot by Pikachu." Xiaoyao on the side was also curious.

"Huh? What's going on?" Just as Xiaotian and the others looked curiously at Pikachu charging the ball, a purple light suddenly appeared on the edge of the disk, wrapping the four of Xiaotian on the disk.

Then, the four of Xiaotian felt the world spinning for a while. When the four of Xiaotian regained consciousness, they looked around again, and the four of Xiaotian were very surprised.

This secret room originally had nothing, it was very empty, except for the ball on the disk, but now there are four more pillars around the disk, what is the situation?

The four of Xiaotian were puzzled for a while, and they didn't understand what the light was doing. After a dizziness, there were four more pillars around the disc. Could it be that this disc was a teleportation formation, and he and others were teleported to another secret room. ?

No matter, although there are few doubts in their hearts, the four of Xiaotian did not dare to continue to charge the ball. Who knows where it will be sent when it is sent?

"Let's go back the same way and see if we can go out. Let's see if this is where we came in." Xiaotian suggested.

"Yeah" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae all nodded in agreement. No one dared to try blindly for unknown things.

However, what surprised Xiaotian was that Xiaotian and the others followed the same path and walked out directly, but after walking out of the tree hole, the four of them were stunned when they saw the scenery outside.

First of all, there is no thick fog outside. Of course, what was originally important is now unimportant, because Xiaotian really wants to ask, what the hell is that towering tree outside?

The big trees that Xiaotian usually encounters, even if they are huge plants, can still bear the range.And not only that, all the plants around are incomparably huge, and the four of them feel like they have come to the country of giants, they are incomparably small.

Before Xiaotian and the others could react from the shock, there was a loud noise in the distance, and Xiaotian hurriedly looked back at the tree hole he came out of.

They are both tree holes, but the difference is that the size of the big tree is completely unequal. Xiaotian clearly remembers that when he and others came in, although the big tree was also very large, it was not too outrageous. With Xiaotian's body size, Five or six small days are enough to circle around the big tree.

But at this time, the big tree where the tree hole is behind Xiaotian, let alone five or six small days, even fifty or sixty may not be able to circle the big tree.

The three girls on the side of the sundae also discovered that Xiaotian was abnormal, looked back, and were all stunned.

"Quickly hide in the tree hole." Hearing the sound coming from a distance getting closer and closer, Xiaotian hurriedly greeted the three girls of the sundae to hide in the tree hole. In this unknown place, be careful.

As the huge sound got closer and closer, Xiaotian and the four couldn't help being a little nervous. This was the fear of the unknown, and then when the Xiaotian and the four saw the thing that made the sound, they couldn't help but gasped. cold air, mouth twitching

I saw a Pokémon walking slowly not far away. That's right, just one Pokémon made Xiaotian and the four take a deep breath, because this Pokémon was too big, and one was the least tall. More than ten meters of iron armored tyrannosaurus

Just when Xiaotian and the others were shocked by this huge Pokémon, the sky was suddenly shrouded in shadows. Xiaotian and the others couldn't help but look up, only to see an equally huge creature in the sky, almost obscuring the sky. Eagle roars by

Seeing these two big incredible Pokémon, the four of them looked at each other and couldn't help being shocked.

"This is not the ancient times, is it?"

Huge plants, unbelievably huge Pokémon, and two, this is only possible in ancient times

"Ancient iron armored tyrannosaurus, level 74" Xiaotian briefly checked the huge iron armored tyrannosaurus that was slowly leaving, but the result of the inspection made Xiaotian's heart sink.

"It's an ancient time, this Nima is a pit, this is an era when the king is not as good as a dog, and the quasi-champions are everywhere, the champions are strong here, but the real top existences are those who are over level 100. It exists against the sky, and because of its size, the power of Pokémon in ancient times far exceeds those of later generations." Thinking of this, Xiaotian's heart is not as simple as a sinking, it is simply frightened.

If it were me, Xiaotian would not be afraid. After all, Fire-breathing Dragon and Bite Lu Shark are powerful champions. Even if they are not that strong in this era, they can at least run

Of course, the premise is that those powerful beings don't look down on Xiaotian, fire-breathing dragon, and biting Lu shark.

The three sundae daughters that Xiaotian is worried about, although the three sundae daughters, like himself, are not seen by those powerful beings, but Xiaotian is still worried, because Xiaotian's strength here is not enough to protect the sundae three women's safety


Don't say anything, just run back quickly, Xiaotian's biggest hope is to be able to send himself and others back through that disc, otherwise it will be really miserable

At the same time, Xiaotian scolded himself secretly in his heart, this is what I owe, why do I play that ball when I have nothing to do?This is good, I was thrown into this perverted era. I can't say if I can go back. Xiaotian believes that the ball can teleport him and others, and it should also be teleported back.

What Xiaotian is really worried about is that there is no time limit for this damn ball to be teleported once. If the ball really needs to be teleported once, it will take a while for it to be teleported again, then Xiaotian and the four will be miserable. cry without reason

Then, the final result completely disappointed Xiaotian. Although the ball continued to absorb Pikachu's electric energy attack, it did not initiate teleportation.

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