In particular, Xiaotian was the first to pick the grass-type Frog Flower, which was being restrained by the fire-breathing dragon, and the Fantastic Frog Flower obviously didn't care about the little fire-breathing dragon in the air, and was directly hit by the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame.

"Miaowa" was hit by the flames of the fire-breathing dragon, and Miaohuahua was immediately angry. Although the little guy in the air was not big, the skills he released hurt him so bad.

In the face of the fire-breathing dragon's sneak attack, the angry frog flower directly stretched out the vine whip and attacked the fire-breathing dragon in the air.

"I'll go to your uncle." Looking at the huge rattan whip that Mantian was waving, Xiaotian couldn't help but complain loudly. Because of her huge size, Miaohuahua is not only much stronger in defense and physical strength, especially this attack, which is much more powerful. , this attack is too broad, just these four huge vine whips, the forced fire-breathing dragon can only avoid everywhere

There is no way, if a huge rattan whip more than one meter thick hits the body, the fire-breathing dragon is a powerful existence at the championship level, and he is unwilling to bear it, especially if it is four rattan whips.

However, although the vine whip of the giant frog flower is huge, the fire-breathing dragon is also a champion-level powerhouse after all. frog flower attack

Once again endured the flames of the fire-breathing dragon three times, the Frog Flower quit, and not only did not hit the small point in the air with the rattan whip, but also suffered a lot of damage. This is not good, and the strategy must be changed.

So Miaowahua withdrew the vine whip and used hypnotic powder. Miaowahua, who was more than ten meters tall, used hypnotic powder. It was an overwhelming area. The whole sky was covered with hypnotic powder, at least for the fire-breathing dragon. come like this

However, even if you have a lot of hypnotic powder, it is useless, and you can't stand the wind if you have a lot of hypnotic powder.

"The fire-breathing dragon blows me back the hypnotic powder"

Although the fire-breathing dragon is much smaller, with the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, the hurricane that uses its wings to fan out is quite powerful, and it is no problem to blow away those hypnotic powders.

The wonderful frog flower below saw that the hypnotic powder was directly blown away by the other party, and became even more angry. This little one is really difficult to deal with. In this case, take my big move.

Then I saw that the huge flower behind the flower suddenly began to shine and absorb sunlight.

"This is the flame of the sun, be careful not to get hit by the fire-breathing dragon." Seeing the skills that Miaowahua used below, Xiaotian was also taken aback. open up

In fact, without Xiaotian's prompt, the fire-breathing dragon can also feel the skills used by the magic frog. The power is very huge, and he has already concentrated on preparing to meet the other's skills.


A super huge white beam was launched, and the powerful power directly penetrated the three big trees. This is not the big tree of later generations. The trees here are at least ten meters wide, but it is such a huge tree. Three of them were directly penetrated by the flames of the sunflower flower, and it is conceivable how powerful the power is.

But unfortunately, it didn't hit, and the magic frog flower's big move was avoided in time by the fire-breathing dragon who was waiting for it.

"The power of the ultimate move is also much greater. It is indeed a super ancient Pokémon, and its strength is very strong. However, if the tiger doesn't show his power, you will treat me as a sick cat, right? The fire-breathing dragon uses burst and burn." He sighed in his heart, and then commanded the fire-breathing dragon to fight back.


With a super powerful explosion, coupled with a strong burning attack, the wonderful frog flower directly hit the street, even if the super ancient Pokémon is very powerful, but in the end, this wonderful frog flower is only level 79, and its strength is more than a fire-breathing dragon.

"Ding, beat the super ancient Pokémon and get 5 points"

"Huh?" Hearing the system's prompt, Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, then excited.

Xiaotian can't help but be excited, this huge frog flower is only level 79, even because of its super huge size, its strength is equivalent to a quasi-championship level

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Although it is said that the sunshine flames of the wonderful frog are a great threat to the champion-level Pokémon like the fire-breathing dragon, but except for the threat of the ultimate move, the strength of this wonderful frog is no stronger than that of the next-generation quasi-champion-level Pokémon. No matter how much, the sky is equivalent to a quasi-champion intermediate. This is still counting the opponent's increased attack, defense, physical strength, and super wide attack range.

Xiaotian only got 5w points after defeating a quasi-champion intermediate opponent in later generations. Although his strength is similar to that of this wonderful frog flower, don't forget that the quasi-champion intermediate opponent in later generations is directed by a trainer. But it is much more difficult to deal with than this wonderful frog flower

But in later generations, Xiaotian was struggling to find such an opponent. He would rather offend the black forces and directly hit the door to find such an opponent, but what about here?everywhere


However, at the same time of excitement, Xiaotian's face is also a little solemn. This 79-level wonderful frog flower is equivalent to the strength of the intermediate-level quasi-championship of later generations, so what about the super-ancient Pokémon of the quasi-championship level?How strong would even a champion-level Super Ancient Pokémon be?

Those quasi-champion-level Pokémon, Xiaotian, are sure to fight, but for those champion-level super ancient Pokémon, Xiaotian can be sure that he is definitely not an opponent.

Of course, that is only now, so although Xiaotian is a little solemn, he is not too worried. The big deal is that when he encounters a super ancient Pokémon at the championship level, can he hide away?

Glancing at the fire-breathing dragons in the air who were excited by the super-giant frogs everywhere, a surprise flashed across Xiaotian's face.

"Sure enough, in this era, you can also gain experience by defeating those Pokémon. Although the frog flower is level 79, the experience obtained is completely based on the intermediate level of the quasi-champion." This is another one for Xiaotian. huge surprise

"Such a huge frog flower, and it's a pure-bred super ancient Pokémon, I don't know if I can conquer it." Looking at the fainted frog flower, Xiaotian was a little moved

If you can really conquer this big guy, then it will be absolutely amazing when you return to the afterlife.

This is a [-]% pure-bred super ancient Pokémon. Those researchers would not be crazy if they knew about it.

Then Xiaotian took out an overweight ball and threw it at the super ancient frog flower with some anticipation. With such a large body, of course, an overweight ball was used, and other balls could not bear the weight of this big guy, but it was a pity .

"Unfortunately, it can't be subdued at all." Seeing that the weight ball popped out as soon as the super ancient frog flower was put in, and the red light didn't even flash once, Xiaotian sighed, and there was no hope of subduing it at all.

479. Shocked Xiaotian

Xiaotian, who has received huge benefits, returned to the tree hole again. After all, it was useless to clean up the surrounding super ancient Pokémon. Xiaotian was always worried about the safety of the three girls in the sundae.

Say goodbye to the three girls, look around, Xiaotian sets out again to clean up those Pokémon

This era is not the next generation. It has a comfortable living environment. In this era of the strong eating the weak, there is a sense of territory. Although it is not serious, but knowing that there are powerful Pokémon here, the weak Pokémon can only escape and continue to look for them. safe place to live

Xiaotian wants to knock down the area around the tree hole. As long as the Pokémon around here are defeated by Xiaotian, facing the strong, the defeated super ancient Pokémon will generally choose to leave and find a safe place again.

Of course, there will definitely be super ancient Pokémon that won't go even if they're defeated, but it doesn't matter, I'll beat you up once a day to see if you can go.

Under the continuous torture of Xiaotian, Xiaotian doesn't believe it. He beats you "Nine Eight Seven" every day and still doesn't leave. When all the super ancient Pokémon around here are gone, the safety of the three girls in the sundae will be great. ensure

The only thing that makes Xiaotian fortunate is that in this small area around Xiaotian, there is no strong presence of champion level. When Xiaotian checked this area, although there were five champion-level super ancient Pokémon, but that refers to this one. large area said

Of course, even if Xiaotian cleans up all the Pokémon here, it cannot be [-]% safe. After all, no one knows whether there will be powerful super ancient Pokémon passing by.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, the room in the tree hole was cleaned and tidy, and the three girls of the sundae were meticulously tidy up, making this secret room like a warm little home.

As for the outside, in addition to Xiaotian going out from time to time to find super ancient Pokémon to earn experience points, the three girls of the sundae can also go out a long time ago.

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