
"Oh? Do you have this kind of stone? If so, can I see this super evolution?" Shanaido translates

"Yes, let's evolve the fire-breathing dragon mega." Hearing the words of the super ancient fire-breathing dragon, Xiaotian directly raised his hand and instructed the fire-breathing dragon to super-evolve

"Roar, Roar, Roar"

"Oh? It turns out that the younger generation of this later generation evolved under the stimulation of the stone they carried, but it is only to stimulate the bloodline and make the bloodline temporarily return to the ancestors. My last gift, although it can't greatly improve your strength, it can make you replenish your bloodline."

Shanai Duogang's translation made Xiaotian know the meaning of the super-ancient fire-breathing dragon almost instantly, and then Xiaotian saw the super-ancient fast dragon open its mouth and spit out a mass of blood that exudes powerful energy. More than half a meter, almost a meter of super blood group

This big blood group is bigger than the head of Xiaotian fire-breathing dragon, but it doesn't matter, it's a blood group anyway, and it's not a hard thing, just suck it all in.

The fire-breathing dragon clearly felt the benefits of the big blood group to himself, and the super ancient fire-breathing dragon spit it out, and he couldn't refuse others, so Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon hurriedly opened his mouth and sucked all the blood into his body.

"Super fire-breathing dragon x, level 95, qualification, full colorful emperor" Xiaotian on the side saw that the fire-breathing dragon absorbed the big blood group and hurriedly checked the information of the fire-breathing dragon. There was basically no change. The only thing that changed was the level increase. one level

"Fire-breathing dragon, how do you feel?" Xiaotian asked Fire-breathing dragon with some anticipation

"Roar, Roar" the fire-breathing dragon spewed fire everywhere in excitement

"I feel very good, I am much stronger, and my strength is even greater. The most important thing is that I can maintain this state and will not degenerate." Shanaido has been a professional translator for [-] years.

"That's great." Hearing Shanaido's translation, Xiaotian couldn't help but clenched his fist tightly.

Don't look at the fire-breathing dragon just changed its form, it seems that it is of no use to Xiaotian. After all, Xiaotian has evolution 917 stones, which can also make the fire-breathing dragon super-evolve, and maintaining the super state all the time will make Xiaotian provoke the curiosity of others.

In fact, this is not the case. Although the super evolution is a battle form, the super form is not infinite. First of all, there is a time limit, and after the super evolution, it cannot continuously evolve for a period of time.

The most important thing is to save the time for super evolution, especially in this dangerous era. If there is any danger, the fire-breathing dragon can directly show the strongest combat power and save the time for super evolution.

For example, what danger did Xiao Tianzhen encounter, and what if the fire-breathing dragon state might not be able to handle it?Do you want to super-evolve?With that evolution time, cucumber dishes are cold

As for whether the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X can handle it, let's not talk about it, at least the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X is much stronger than the Fire-breathing Dragon state.


"Okay, the creatures of the future generations and the juniors of the future generations, let's go, I'm going to wait for my final sleep."

Listening to Shanaido's translation, Xiaotian glanced at this super ancient fire-breathing dragon. Seeing that this guy was half dead, it was estimated that he was about to die.

"Fire-breathing dragon, let's go" The strong have the dignity of the strong, even if they die, they have to sneak to death themselves

"Roar" Hearing Xiaotian's words, the fire-breathing dragon gave the super ancient fire-breathing dragon a sad last look, then instantly turned into a white light and returned with Xiaotian.

481. Xiaotian's idea

Very vulgarly patrolling around, Xiaotian took the fire-breathing dragon back to the tree hole. Since seeing the battle of this super-ancient Pokémon at the head level, Xiaotian has not had much hope for the safety of this place.

I thought that as long as I didn't provoke those super powerful beings, I could still level up well here, but seeing the battlefield after two super ancient battles above level 100, Xiaotian's heart suddenly became anxious

The Pokémon over level 100 in this era are too strong, and the number is not rare. Once there are super ancient Pokémon over level 100 fighting around the tree hole, the consequences are absolutely catastrophic for Xiaotian and the four of them.

So Xiaotian is now very eager to know whether the teleportation array in the tree hole can still be used, and if it can be used, how long will it take to continue to use it?

In fact, if it's just Xiaotian himself, Xiaotian is not too worried about his own safety. Even if there are super ancient Pokémon over level 100 fighting around here, Xiaotian feels that there is still great hope for him to escape, but Sundae III The woman couldn't escape from the devastating aftermath.

Such a result is simply unbearable for Xiaotian, not to mention Sundae and Xiaoxi who have been with the tide for 2 years, they are the stupid girl Xiaoyao with thick nerves. If she really hangs here, Xiaotian will be sad, let alone Xiaoyao Hee and sundae

Moreover, Xiaotian is more concerned about whether this teleportation array can continue to be used. If he can't continue to use it, he is really blind. Although Xiaotian can find those Pokémon with the ability to teleport in time and space, it is also the last helpless. s Choice

Let's not talk about whether I can live until Xiaotian finds a Pokémon that can travel through time and space in this dangerous and terrifying era. If he can really live until then, I don't know how long it will take. Xiaotian doesn't want to cross over at the age of twelve. , when I went back, I was already an old man

Xiaotian, who returned to the tree hole, did not talk to the three girls, but went directly to the altar and spent 20w points on the system master to let the system master see if the ball can still be used, and if it can be used, how much time will it take?

Xiaotian has used the viewing function to check the ball and the altar for a long time, but he can't see any useful confidence. Now it is because Xiaotian was frightened, and he thought of the system uncle, compared with his own viewing function. , the system uncle is obviously more powerful

As for paying to the system?There is no way to do this. The system is the uncle, and it is not a bird at all. If you don't pay points, Xiaotian can't do anything about it.

System: "If the space teleportation array is intact, it will take [-] days to use it again. Special reminder, don't just charge the ball with your dick. If the ball blows up, you will not be able to go back to bgae."

"Ding, deduct 20w points"

"Uh.. Okay, I get it." Hearing the system's prompt, Xiaotian secretly wiped away a cold sweat in fear. Fortunately, he thought of the system in time. Just completely blinded

Who knew that this thing could be charged and burst?It's a big hole

"Fortunately, I can send it again in half a month." Then Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this transmission can continue, it is the best news for Xiaotian

Although there are a lot of super ancient Pokémon above level 100, those existences are also considered to be leaders, which is not common. Xiaotian can't believe that in the past half month, there are two more than that. Level 100 super ancient Pokémon fight around here

Of course, even if two super ancient Pokémon over level 100 actually appeared and fought around, Xiaotian would have no choice. Xiaotian can only pray that within half a month, there will be no powerful existences fighting around here.

Knowing that the altar can be used in half a month, Xiaotian will naturally tell the three girls of the sundae the good news, and also remind the three girls that in this era, they are a great opportunity to improve their strength, which should not be missed.

Xiaotian didn't tell the three girls about the battle between the two super ancient Pokémon over level 100, telling them that it would have no effect except to make the three girls more worried.

"This altar can be used again, we can feel at ease, but don't be too happy, those super ancient Pokémon with levels over 100 in this era are powerful and scary, in case there are two powerful super ancient Pokémon There is a battle around here, we can only evacuate, otherwise once the teleportation altar is destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, we will be miserable, so while now, you must seize the opportunity and improve your strength as soon as possible"

"Xiaoxi and Sundae, you all have Heavenly King-level Pokémon, you can find some super ancient Pokémon in the early days of Heavenly Kings to fight, and you can brush up your experience as much as you like. Strength, the super ancient Pokémon in the early stage are equivalent to the advanced strength of the later kings, but you are much smarter than those big guys, and with your command, you should have a great chance to defeat those big guys."

"Master, master, what about me?" Xiaoyao on the side heard that Xiaotian didn't mention that he hurriedly asked questions

"Uh.. As for you, if you are lucky enough to meet some super ancient Pokémon cubs, you can try it out, but I don't expect much hope"

It's not that Xiaotian despised Xiaoyao's low strength, but what Xiaotian said was the truth. In this era, those Pokémon with a level lower than level 50 are simply pitiful, comparable to the rarity of later generations of kings.

"Why is this?" Xiaoyao pouted and looked unhappy when she heard Xiaotian's words.

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