"Pika" heard Xiaotian's shout, and Pikachu understood it in seconds, and instantly hit the ball on the altar with a powerful electric shock.

Absorbing Pikachu's energy attack, glows around the altar and surrounds the altar

"Not good!" Seeing the altar surrounded by light, Xiaotian felt a little more at ease, but before Xiaotian could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly found that a powerful energy rushed in from outside, and Xiaotian knew that it was emitted by a powerful existence. The attack hit around the tree hole, and the tree hole and the altar inside were affected

Before Xiao Tian could react, a burst of dizziness came

When Xiaotian and the others woke up again, the energy outside the altar was gone, and the huge bombing sound outside was gone, and everything seemed extremely peaceful.

"Master, watch the ball!" Suddenly, Xiao Yao exclaimed

Hearing Xiaoyao's voice, Xiaotian turned his head to look, and saw the ball in the middle of the altar, and suddenly there were cracks and then scattered.

"Is it damaged because of the attack?" Seeing that the ball was damaged, Xiaotian's heart moved, and he hurriedly reached out to check his phone

"There is a signal, that is to say, have you returned to the original time and space?" Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the mobile phone had a signal. In the super ancient time and space, Xiaotian's mobile phone had no signal at all.

Now that the mobile phone has a signal, it means that he and others have returned to the original time and space. As for how many days have passed, Xiaotian does not know.

Xiaotian was just worried that the space teleportation array would be attacked during teleportation, which would lead to deviations in teleportation. Now it seems that he thinks too much.

485. Enhancement of strength

When I walked out of the tree hole, it was still foggy in the sky. Xiaotian still remembered that this was the environment when the four of them were teleported away.

In order to determine the exact time of his location, Xiaotian used a mobile communication device to call and contact Dr. Damu, by the way, what day is Dr. Damu today?

The result made Xiaotian heave a sigh of relief. He and others did return to his own time and space, and in terms of time, it was miraculous that the day Xiaotian and others disappeared.

You know, after the ultra-ancient period when the four of Xiaotian were teleported away, they lived in the super-ancient Pokémon for more than a month and a half. After they were teleported back, they found that it was still the same day, which made Xiaotian feel amazing.

"Yeah, I'm finally back." Xiaoyao cheered excitedly when she heard Xiaotian's confirmation. Although the super-ancient period was very interesting, it was an unfamiliar period after all, and she was still comfortable in her own era.

"Unfortunately, that ball is broken, otherwise it was a good place to improve strength in the super ancient times, but unfortunately I can't go there in the future." The sundae on the side looked at the broken ball with regret

Hearing Xiaotian say that he and others have returned to his original era, while Sundae is relieved, he also has some regrets. In that era when the king of heaven was not as good as a dog, it was an era that the strong dreamed of.

Although it will be a little dangerous, but the speed of improving strength is simply the speed of flying, especially for the strong, the stronger the strength, the faster the improvement.

However, in this peaceful era, powerful trainers want to improve their strength, I don't know how difficult it is. As the sister of champion Shirona, Sundae is very aware of the preciousness of super ancient times.

On the other side, Xiaotian's face darkened when he heard Sundae's words. Although the super-ancient era was a treasure for improving strength, the danger was not trivial.

Before Xiao Tian could speak, the Poké Ball containing the fire-breathing dragon suddenly moved.

"This is?" Looking at the trembling Poké Ball, Xiaotian released the fire-breathing dragon in anticipation.


The appearance of a mega fire-breathing dragon x, with a monstrous aura, after coming out, the fire-breathing dragon was excited about the fire-breathing dragon everywhere. As a result, the flames destroyed a large area of ​​the forest, and the fire-breathing dragon hurriedly closed its mouth in fright.

"Hey.ˇ" Looking at the awesome fire-breathing dragon in front of him, Xiaotian was happy but also a little stuck in his heart. The fire-breathing dragon finally woke up and his strength improved greatly. He thought that his time was coming.

In the end, it was very sad to encounter two races fighting, and the strength of the fire-breathing dragon was finally improved, but he was beaten back before he showed his performance in the super ancient period. He didn't even give a chance to say goodbye to the super ancient period, so embarrassing what

I took a picture of the huge fire-breathing dragon. Xiaotian was speechless. The fire-breathing dragon slept for a whole month, but the head suddenly swelled. Now the fire-breathing dragon is nearly 5 meters tall, a veritable giant Pokémon.

What makes Xiaotian depressed now is that not only the fire-breathing dragon, but other Pokémon are also soaring in size, all of them are Yao Ming in Pokémon, all of them are big.

Of course, in addition to being taller, Xiaotian's Pokémon has also been greatly improved in level strength.

Like Pikachu and Shanaido, these Pokémon that are effective against super ancient Pokémon, their levels have all been greatly improved, and they have all reached the champion level.

Of course, these two Pokémon have improved so much because they are more effective against those super ancient Pokémon. As for the other Pokémon, although they have also improved a lot, they are not as good as Shanaido and Pikachu. abnormal

Bandera was originally the third-level Pokémon. Although Bandera at level 88 was not good at dealing with super ancient Pokémon, in that month and a half, Bandera also improved a lot, reaching level 90. Successfully entered the championship level

The original 86-level giant carnivorous beast, this super big meat shield can be upgraded only by eating. After Xiaotian's efforts, the giant carnivorous beast's level has reached 88. Its defense and physical strength can be called abnormal, and it is in a state of fullness. down, even comparable to the super ancient Pokémon of the same level, super meat

The level 82 monster Elong and the level 80 Suijun have not improved much, only one level, the monster Elong has reached level 83, and Suijun has reached level 81.

No way, blame Elong, although he claims to be a tyrant in ancient times, but in front of super ancient Pokémon, he can only be regarded as a good baby, and he can't be violent.

As for Suijun, on the one hand, the terrain is not dominant, and the use of water-based skills in the forest is also based on attributes.

The remaining Pokémon were originally level 80 Shield Sword Monsters, but they have been greatly improved, and the level has reached level 86 directly.

The strong shield sword monster has such a big improvement is also because of the strength of the strong shield sword monster. The strength of the strong shield sword monster with the qualifications of the whole emperor is naturally not bad. The most important thing is the strong shield sword monster's big move, the sword of the saint. Ignoring defense and evasion, it can be called a pervert. Xiaotian likes this trick very much.

As for Bite Lu Shark, Xiaotian was so exhausted that he was upgraded to level 95, which was already the limit. Of course, Bite Lu Shark reached level 95, and Xiaotian was very satisfied. For the remaining five levels, Xiaotian I have long thought about it, I plan to use the world source to improve, otherwise it will be too difficult to upgrade from level 95 to level 100.

In general, Xiaotian's current strength is as follows, level 100 fire-breathing dragon, level 95 fierce bite land shark, level 90 Pikachu, level 90 Shanaido, level 90 Bangira, level 88 giant melted food The beast, the level 86 Shield Sword Monster, the level 83 monster Elong, and the level 81 Suicune, these Pokémon were already quasi-championship-level existences before Xiaotian crossed the super ancient times.

However, after traveling through the super-ancient period, the quasi-champion-level Pokémon must also add the few king-level Pokémon that Xiaotian brought to the super-ancient period.

The giant Kirby, the giant Boss Cordola, the Fast Dragon, the Giant Claw Mantis, and Minas, these five Pokémon that were originally Heavenly Kings were all promoted by Xiaotian to the quasi-championship level, and their levels were all defeated by 80. class

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, of course Xiaotian will not forget them, and the ultra-ancient Pokémon with low strength will naturally use weak Pokémon to fight, otherwise not only will they gain less experience, but also poor points.

In general, except for the 9 Pokémon that were quasi-champions or above, the remaining five-money Li Zhao Tianwang all reached the quasi-championship level. There are fourteen quasi-championship-level powerful existences, and the lineup is terrifying.

Such a lineup may be nothing in the ultra-ancient period, but in this era of later generations, such a lineup is simply a bomb

Of course, the most terrifying thing and what Xiaotian has gained the most is the fire-breathing dragon with a level of 100. Now Xiaotian can finally say that he has stood at the top of the pyramid of the human world.

Of course, although Xiaotian's strength is so powerful that it is terrifying, Xiaotian will not be stupid enough to act unscrupulously and do whatever he wants. The Pokémon Alliance may see Xiaotian's strong strength and tolerate Xiaotian a lot, but there are also bottom lines.

Who knows if the alliance has a trick to deal with Xiaotian, let's not say how strong the last trump card of the eighteen major families is, let's say that the Pokémon alliance definitely has a very strong background

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