"It's useless, let's not say that your strength can't break Groudon's defense at all, that is, Groudon is really impatient with your harassment. With one hit skill, your Pokémon will die. Only, or even a few, yes, you heard that right, with Groudon's strength, it is very likely to kill your Pokémon with a single blow, can you bear it?" Xiaotian asked Xiao Zhi who was shocked. said

"This... this, I'd better withdraw." Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Xiao Zhi said in a cold sweat

If he can play a big role, Ash would rather risk the death of a Pokémon to join the battle, but even if he joins the battle, it's useless, and he wants to die a Pokémon?Xiaozhi is not a quilt, and Xiaozhi is not stupid

"Below the Heavenly King, all leave." At this time, the boss of the Huoyan team said domineeringly

Seeing that all the people around were looking at him, the leader of the Fire Rock team explained

"This kid is right, the Pokémon below the Heavenly King, with Groudon's terrifying strength, a basic skill is likely to kill your Pokémon, and the Heavenly King level can at least break the defense and cause a little damage to Groudon. Influence can be regarded as cannon fodder, but cannon fodder with a face below the Heavenly King is not, and it is not worthwhile to risk the death of a Pokémon.” Although the boss of the Fire Rock team said it harshly, everyone could hear it. kindness

Even if the Pokémon below the king can't break the defense, but a fly jumping and jumping in front of you, are you going to fight?So if the crowd spreads out, a Pokémon can still attract at least one attack

It's just that the price is too high. The life of a Pokémon just to attract an attack is not worth it.

Of course, it's not just that. This is to block Groudon from the front, and the aftermath of the battle is also very terrifying. The danger that the trainers who are present has to bear is very huge.

If it can cause danger to Groudon, that's fine, at least it has a little effect. Although the danger is not proportional to the gain, but at this time, it is too much to care about, but the trainers below the king can do nothing but harassment. , but still have to bear this huge risk, it is not worth it

"Xiaotian, I am also a king of heaven, and I want to stay too." Sundae on the side looked at Xiaotian with anticipation after hearing the words of the leader of the Huoyan team.

"No, although you have a few Pokémon at the level of kings, it doesn't make much difference whether you have such strength in such a battle. I don't want you to be hurt." Xiaotian directly and severely refused the request for the sundae.

Just kidding, for an opponent like Groudon, it is impossible for Xiaotian to be distracted and take care of the sundae when he fights. Once the sundae is injured, Xiaotian will not be distressed to death. Cannon fodder, doesn't do much at all

"Then... I know, you have to be careful" Sundae looked at Xiaotian with some worry

Sundae had already anticipated Xiaotian's rejection, and knew that Xiaotian was worried about his own safety. Sundae wanted to stay because he was worried about Xiaotian. He just wanted to stay here, even if he was watching. Xiaotian is fighting, as long as you know that Xiaotian is okay, you can feel at ease

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi and others, the three girls from Sundae, and Xiao Luo, who were below the Dark Organization Heavenly King, all retreated.

The people in the alliance have Tianwangdu to contact, as well as all the powerful trainers in Fengyuan Continent. Yulongdu can be said to be insane, seeking help everywhere.

The Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet contact the dark forces in the Fengyuan area. These guys’ homes are in Fengyuan. Naturally, their help is indispensable for such a thing. As for the dark forces in other areas, the Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet’s There is no contact between people, let’s not say that the time is too late, even if it is possible, people are in other continents, and the affairs of Fengyuan mainland have nothing to do with them.

Time passed slowly, and some powerful trainers who were very close to the sea came to the island where Xiaotian and others were in time to help, but more were huge machines in the sky or at sea.

In the sky, three huge flying machines were temporarily installed with a large number of attack weapons, sea miles, ships, fishing boats, small boats, and various boats. At this time, the alliance was no longer concerned about economic losses. Even if these ships could stop Gu La It's good to move forward a little more.

If you rely on trainers alone, the hope of stopping Groudon's landing is simply too slim, but humans also have a place where humans are powerful, and that is the machine

These machines are already the limit that Yulongdu and the dark forces can mobilize. After all, there is too little time, only two hours. It is lucky to have these.

As for the place to fight Groudon, everyone chose this small island. After all, many trainers' Pokémon need to be on land, in the vast sea, and they can't fight at all, not to mention, the large number of weapons that the alliance shipped in time, these There is no place for weapons at sea

At this time, the island can be said to be armed to the teeth. As for Groudon, although he controls the power of the earth, it doesn't matter, as long as he stops Groudon from landing on the island.

If Groudon really landed on the island where Xiaotian and others are, then it can only be said that this sniping has completely failed, and everyone has stopped.

Soon, two hours later, the huge figure of Groudon, everyone on the island could vaguely see, and the battle was about to break out.

491. Contact

Looking at the huge Groudon coming slowly, everyone in Xiaotian's presence felt tight. This is the super mythical beast Groudon. No one can remain calm in the face of Groudon, even Xiaotian can't either

Taking Xiaotian, who was biting the land shark fiercely, Yulongdu and a few strong men flew into the sky and looked at Groudon who was approaching from a distance.

"Huh? What's wrong with Groudon?" Seeing Groudon from a distance, Xiaotian wondered in his heart that Groudon was not normal at this time.

Groudon had regained his sanity after the battle with Kyogre before, which was clearly seen by everyone, but now Groudon's eyes glowed red, like an irrational beast, as if there was no such thing at all. Reasonable

"Grado, the divine beast, the level is 105101." After checking the information of Grudor, the difference between Xiaotian is that Grudor's strength is not in its heyday.

"What's going on? Could it be that the Alliance's people have already controlled Groudon? Is this posture to try Groudon's strength? But that's not right, if the Alliance's people really control Groudon, it's impossible. Let this matter be exposed, find a few strong men to sneak test Groudon's strength." Seeing Groudon's game, Xiaotian was full of doubts, you must know that this incident was caused by the alliance calamity, repercussions - that's not the usual big

As for saying that this matter is not spread out, it is simply impossible. With so many trainers present, even if the top alliance leaders who control Groudon launch an attack together, it is impossible for a single trainer to run away.

"System, what's going on with this Groudon, and it's been controlled again?" Xiaotian asked the system in his heart, unable to think of the reason.

"..." In the face of Xiaotian's inquiry, the system is still uncle

"Hey, hey, when I let the fire-breathing dragon eat the origin of the world, I don't know how many points I lost, hey, I feel so bad, what a good chance to get points, just let you ruin it like this" I want to make the system It's not easy to come out

"It's your decision to let the fire-breathing dragon eat the origin of the world" Facing Xiaotian's black cauldron, Mr. System couldn't keep silent.

"I'll talk about the fire-breathing dragon later, first tell me what happened to Groudon, and it was controlled again?" Xiaotian changed the topic in his mind, and now the most important thing is Groudon's affairs

"...., that Groudon has fallen into a deep sleep, but was disturbed by someone's attack. The current Groudon is not under control, but when it is asleep, facing attacks and threats, the subconscious naturally counterattacks" Regarding Xiaotian's question, System Jun was silent for a while and still gave the answer

Hearing the system's answer, Xiaotian curled his lips. It wasn't all bad for the fire-breathing dragon to eat the origin of the world, at least he grasped the handle of the system. Xiaotian secretly thought to himself.

"Huh? Wait, you mean, this Groudon's current behavior is just a subconscious counterattack in the face of the threat in its sleep?" Then Xiaotian reacted and asked in surprise.

"Yes, those who attack Groudon are not strong enough, so they can't completely wake Groudon, but in the face of such an attack, Groudon's subconscious will naturally counterattack"

"Does this count as getting up? This Nima is too scary" Xiaotian couldn't help but scolded in his heart

When some people are forcibly woken up, they will be very irritable between half asleep and half awake, and their consciousness is not very clear. They think they are dreaming.

Seeing this way, Groudon is obviously still asleep. People who are angry now belong to the kind of irritability between half-sleep and half-awake.

But this Nima is too terrifying. When people get up and get angry, they lose their temper. In the end, when they get to Groudon, this guy will destroy the continent.

"Huh? No, the people from the alliance found Groudon, and they didn't want to seal it and get it back for research. What did they attack Groudon for?" Soon, Xiaotian realized that the people from the alliance attacked Groudon in the name of using it. Master Ball subdues Groudon's greedy and ignorant attention

The Master Ball claims to be able to conquer all Pokémon, but that is for ordinary Pokémon, not the same for divine beasts, let alone the supernatural beasts.

And this time, someone in the alliance unexpectedly knocked down the super mythical beast with a job title. You let the donkey kick your head, right?

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