But it is rare for a fire-breathing dragon to evolve. Ah Bo is very surprised, even shocked, a fire-breathing dragon is a small fire dragon, a fire dinosaur

The final evolutionary form of the

"This is ga evolution, which allows some ultimate form of Pokémon to evolve a form used to fight again, and the fire-breathing dragon will change back after fighting. This evolution requires keystones and evolutionary stones, and evolutionary stones have special corresponding magical Baby, for example, my evolution stone is from a fire-breathing dragon. I can only let the fire-breathing dragon ga evolve the rest of the Pokémon. What I still need is the bond between the Pokémon and the trainer.

You can make the Pokémon ga evolve, and the ability will be improved after the evolution. The stronger the strength, the smaller the improvement, and some Pokémon will change.

Attributes and characteristics" Xiaotian didn't hide it and slowly told Ah Bo

"I really envy you." Ah Bo said enviously.

For Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon ga's mighty and domineering shape after evolution, coupled with his tyrannical strength, Ah Bo is very envious

"There is very little ga evolution in our Kanto region, and we know very little about it. After all, this is the latest research result in the Carlos region, and it is difficult to obtain."

Xiaotian still remembers that he still owes Sundae an evolution stone, but he doesn't want to add another

"The strength of Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon is really powerful, and the shape is so handsome." Sundae is also very envious of Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon

"This fire-breathing dragon belongs to Xiaotian?" Ah Bo was surprised when he heard Sundae's words

"Yeah, the fire-breathing dragon is a novice elf that Xiaotian received as a rookie trainer, and this Pikachu,

As Xiaotian's first Pokémon, the strength is also very strong." He raised Pikachu in his arms, and the sundae was full of pride, as if these Pokémon were sundaes

Of course, Bo didn't care about this. What he cared about was that the fire-breathing dragon belonged to this little boy, not the elders in the family.

"How is it possible, how can a novice trainer who started in the first year of the earth train a Pokémon of the peak of the king?" Ah Bo was very shocked

"Haha, my fire-breathing dragon has had a chance and eaten the treasures of heaven and earth, so..." Xiaotian has an expression you know

"But even so, you're amazing." Ah Bo looks like this

In this world, there are not only some items that can enhance the Pokémon, but also some natural treasures that can change the life of the Pokémon

The fire-breathing dragon did not eat the treasures of heaven and earth, but he could only explain it in this way, otherwise the novice elf with excellent qualifications would be strong enough to reach the peak of the king in less than a year. There is obviously a problem.

The fire-breathing dragon has only eaten the source of life and changed its aptitude. The introduction only said that it contains a lot of life breath and can change its aptitude.

But I didn't expect that the source of life still has a lot of energy being slowly absorbed by the fire-breathing dragon

Looking at the current level of the fire-breathing dragon, the speed of increase is so fast. It is estimated that it will take some time to absorb all of them.

Of course, Xiaotian hopes that the more energy, the better, so that the fire-breathing dragon will make greater progress. It is indeed a good enough item for points.

Habitually check the information of next Bangira

Xiaotian was stunned, how could it be possible?

Bandera class

characteristic; sanding

Qualification; Orange Godsend

skill; slightly

Introduction; the highly qualified Bangira was captured by the Pokémon hunters when Kira was still alive, and the hunters discovered this place after arriving in Kanto

Attraction, bad idea Pokémon hunters are escorted by center guards while catching Pokémon, champion-level Pokémon

Packed up, Kira was thus freed and stayed here, the extremely bellicose it evolved into Bangira through constant battles

However, because there is no Bangira's clan here, the class has no sense of belonging to this resort, but because it was once arrested and very hostile to humans, it may be subdued!

Xiaotian was stunned when I saw this introduction. This introduction is very long, but it's not important.

The important thing is that this Bangira can be captured

The aptitude bestowed by the tall gods, the level is even higher, and the strength is even more able to compete with the super fire-breathing dragon for a long time.

You must know that although the fire-breathing dragon is only at the peak of the level, it can even compete with the quasi-champions above the level because of its very high qualifications.

Enough to see the strength of Bangira

Although it was not cultivated from an early age, the i-sucking degree is a hard injury, and without systematic training, the potential is slightly wasted

But it doesn't matter, I have a system store, which is enough to make up for these regrets

It's a big deal to spend some points, this Bangira is clearly worth it,

Thinking that this little chicken is frozen, let Bangira out and spray the healing medicine on Bangira with your own hands, so that you can gain Bangira's favor

Seeing Xiaotian's actions, Sundae and Ah Bo were a little puzzled but didn't say much.

"Bangira, your strength is very strong, but there is no family here, do you want to stay here for a lifetime alone?"

"I know you were captured by Pokémon hunters when you were young, but humans aren't all bad, so travel with me

Give you and me a chance, if you think I can't get your approval, then I will help you find Bangira's clan and give you freedom, can you see it?" Xiao Tian said gently.

"Ban?" Looking at the little day, Bangira was a little hesitant

Although Xiaotian healed Bangira just now, he was very moved, but his hostility to humans did not decrease. Hearing Xiaotian's words, Bangira was a little uncertain, and it also felt lonely. Most Pokémon in the Holy Land have Clan qu, there are only a few foreign Pokémon, I bowed my head and thought for a long time, Xiaotian was not in a hurry and waited slowly

"Ben" Bangira nodded in agreement

Bangira thinks that he can try to keep up with Xiaotian. He can't beat the monster by himself. If he forcibly subdue him, he can't do anything about it. He just doesn't listen to his orders. to the origin, disobeying his orders

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