"Xilona, ​​where is Xiaotian?" When Tian came back, Xiao Zhi was still very worried about Xiao Tian's safety.

"Are you a fool?" Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Xirona said angrily, and did not answer Xiaozhi's words at all, and continued to command the bite land shark to resist those energy tentacles

In fact, Xiaozhi's question is really stupid, Xiaotian and the monster Groudon fight, the huge explosion, Xiaozhi can hear it clearly, who else is there other than Xiaotian in the battle over there

Shirona is in a very bad mood now. She knows that Xiaotian is fighting that terrifying monster, but Shirona has nothing to do. She can't help Xiaotian at all. She can only wait. The anxious Shirona can say that at this moment With a stomach full of fire, Xiao Zhi asked such an idiot question, it is strange that Shirona can give him a good face

Xiao Sheng and Butler's girlfriend had basically zero combat power in such a situation, so they could only hold Kirachi by the side of Butler's machine and wait for the machine to start again. Only Butler's quasi-championship exploded in the early stage. In protecting the safety of people and machines

As for Ash and Shirona, they resist those energy tentacles everywhere in the sky

Hirona and Ash, Butler's ability to persist until now is also the result of Xiaotian fighting the monster in front, because the monster has to concentrate on fighting the fire-breathing dragon, so he can't control too much energy tentacles

Now those energy tentacles that capture Kirachi are much less than the overwhelming tentacles blocked by Xiaotian and Shirona before.

However, even so, those energy tentacles are not something that Ash and Shirona can deal with. Soon, the desert dragonfly that Ash was riding was caught by an energy tentacle.

After all, Xirona is a champion of the intermediate level, and those energy tentacles can barely handle it, while the Desert Dragonfly under the command of Xiaozhi is only the advanced champion. The difference is too big.

"That's the only way", realizing the danger of Xiaozhi, Shirona gritted her teeth and threw out a large number of Pokémon. In addition to the Pokémon that Xiaotian gave to Shirona, Shirona even brought her own Pokémon out together.

At a time of crisis like this, it is impossible for Shirona to watch Xiaozhi being taken away.

And once Xiaozhi is captured, Shirona herself will not be able to hold on for long, so Shirona must rescue Xiaozhi

But Hirona is struggling with those energy tentacles herself, and has no ability to save Xiaozhi at all, so she knows that those Pokémon are likely to be taken away by those energy tentacles when they are released, and Hirona does not release those Pokémon to resist together

"Boom" As Hirona released a large number of Pokémon, one of the fire-breathing dragons spewed out a jet of flame to save Ash. It was the fire-breathing dragon baby that Xiaotian gave to Hirona at the beginning, and now it is a powerful existence at the championship level.

"Block those tentacles," Hirona said to the many Pokémon that came out. Although Hirona was surprised by the huge size of Xiaotian's Pokémon, but now this situation can't allow Hirona to think too much.

In fact, there is no need for Hirona to say that those Pokémon have sensed the situation outside when they are in the Poké Ball. What is Nature's own mission?

With the addition of a large number of new forces, Shirona and many Pokémon were barely able to resist those energy tentacles for a while.

Xiaotian's Pokémon are all very smart, and the flightless Pokémon all spontaneously gather around Jirachi and the machine, and use long-range skills to attack those energy tentacles

As for those Pokémon that can fly, naturally the low-grade energy tentacles that are autonomous in the sky are also combined to fight back, just like the combination of the Giant Claw Mantis and Pikachu

The speed of the giant pincer mantis is fast, but the long-range energy attack is not strong, and it can't attack those energy tentacles very well, while Pikachu's long-range attack is powerful, but it can't fly, which greatly limits the efficiency of Pikachu's resistance to energy tentacles

So the two Pokémon are combined, the giant pincer mantis is carrying Pikachu, the giant pincer mantis is responsible for dodging and finding those energy tentacles, and Pikachu is responsible for attacking and destroying those energy tentacles

Not only that, in addition to those Pokémon that resist energy tentacles, they also have a commander-in-chief, that is Shanaido

Shaneduo's super power attack is not very efficient against those energy tentacles, so in the end, King Shaneduonuo summed it up. Instead of holding a few energy tentacles in an extremely difficult low-level, it is better to conduct overall command.

The IQ of Pokémon is naturally not as high as that of human beings, but now this situation does not require too high IQ. Shanaido only needs to tell Xirona, Xiaozhi and many other Pokémon which direction has energy tentacles to attack, and where to resist. just fine

And Shanaido's spiritual perception can connect all the Pokémon and people here, so Shanaido can play the role of a distant observatory.

But such a character must have a good perspective and be able to see the whole picture, but it doesn't matter, Shanaido has the teleportation skill, and can easily find a good position

Thanks to the overall commander of Shanaido, those Pokémon can resist those tentacles for a longer time, but even with the commander-in-chief of Shanaido.

Xiaotian's Pokémon are also decreasing one by one. The first ones to be taken away are the two big idiots, Kabimon and Boscodora. The speed is too slow, even if there is a hint from Shanaido, Can't respond either. **shu05.com update fast**

502. End

The battle between Xiaotian and the monster Groudon was extremely fierce. Although the monster was stronger than the fire-breathing dragon, the monster's IQ was not good. It could only attack with laser cannons, and it would not evade.

Being continuously hit by the fire-breathing dragon's attack not only caused great damage to the monster Groudon, but also blocked the monster Groudon in place, unable to move forward at all, and even was hit by the fire-breathing dragon's attack and retreated a certain distance.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The powerful destructive power produced by the battle between the fire-breathing dragon and the monster Groudon turned the surrounding super huge area into ruins, occupying one-third of the entire Fiennes area. To fend off the monster Groudon

Otherwise, the people of Xiaozhi, even if they are on the edge of the Farns area, I am afraid they will be affected.

Of course, despite the fierce fighting in Xiaotian's place, the monster Groudon is stronger, but because of the huge gap in IQ, Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon can resist the monster Groudon with no problem.

Resist the monster Groudon, Xiaotian did it, and the rest can only be seen on Xiaozhi's side

On the other hand, the Pokémon that resisted those energy tentacles were grabbed by those energy tentacles one after another, and then grabbed directly.

The first ones to be caught were Xiaotian's giant Kirby and Boss Cordola. These two Pokémon were too slow, and they couldn't respond quickly even with Shanedo's prompt.

Of course, although the speed of these two idiots is slow, their body size is there. Although there is no 580 method compared with the height of more than 10 meters of the giant carnivorous beast, the 6-meter giant Kabi beast and Boscodora, Not so easy to get caught

I saw that these two huge Pokémon were wrapped in a lot of energy tentacles, and they struggled constantly among those energy tentacles. Those energy tentacles were really unable to capture Kabimon and Boscodora for a while.

But as the energy tentacles on the two Pokémon became more and more, the two Pokémon ended up sadly not escaping the ending of being captured.



As the two giant beasts let out a scream and were taken away, the pressure on other Pokémon suddenly increased, and then Pokémon continued to be taken away.

Unexpectedly, the second Pokémon was captured by a combination of speed and special skills of the giant pincer mantis and Pikachu.

In fact, with the thunder of Pikachu, coupled with the speed of the giant pincer mantis and the command of Shanaido, it is very difficult for those energy tentacles to catch this combination.

But the giant pincer mantis saw that Pikachu simply kept breaking those energy tentacles. The giant pincer mantis was a little greedy, and wanted to try it himself. As a result, after a blow, although the energy tentacle was destroyed, it was not broken, and the energy tentacle took advantage of the situation. It was caught, and even Pikachu was wrapped up

Before Pikachu could counterattack and smash that energy tentacle, a large number of energy tentacles around took the opportunity to grab it.


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