"Xiaotian, you must teach me how to be as strong as you."

"Xiaotian, how did you do it, how can you be so powerful, it's level 100, how did your fire-breathing dragon improve?"

"What kind of strength is Xiaotian's level 100 fire-breathing dragon, I really want to see it"

"Xiao Tian, ​​your fire-breathing dragon is so huge, what did you eat to grow up?"

"Hey, Xiaotian, don't be in a hurry, teach me."

Seeing that Xiaotian was leaving, Xiaozhi shamelessly chased Xiaotian to ask for guidance, but don't say that Xiaotian has a black face now, even if Xiaotian is in a good mood now, he can't teach Xiaozhi, Xiaotian But with gold fingers, this thing can't be taught

In the end, the four of Xiaotian left Faens and continued to set off, while Xiaozhi could only look at the back of Xiaotian and others leaving with a sad expression, extremely sad.

No way, Xiaogang doesn't know where he is now, Xiaozhi can't go now, he still has to look for Xiaogang

"Xiaotian, is the level 100 fire-breathing dragon that Xiaozhi said is your fire-breathing dragon?" On the way, Sundae asked Xiaotian.

"Yeah." Xiaotian nodded and admitted when he heard Sundae's question.

Not to mention that Xiaotian didn't want to hide the three daughters of the sundae, he said that Xiaozhi's big mouth with no door was revealed. The most powerful fire-breathing dragon here is only his own fire-breathing dragon, and he wanted to hide it. Can't hide it

"Level 100? I, Ditian, actually surpassed my sister by a lot. I knew that your fire-breathing dragon has improved, but I never thought it would be so huge." Seeing Xiaotian admit, the three girls of Sundae were shocked, although they all knew Xiaotian Tian's fire-breathing dragon is now very powerful after being upgraded, but everyone did not expect it to be level 100.

You must know that level 100 is already the pinnacle of the championship level, and there is no heaven-defying existence of the leader level in this world. Does that mean that in the human world now, although I dare not say that Xiaotian is the first powerhouse, but At least no one can surpass Xiaotian, this is absolute

"Huh? Exceeding my sister?" After being shocked, Sundae suddenly noticed something was wrong, and his gaze towards Xiaotian was a bit complicated for a while.

For a while his face turned red and shy, for a while his face was full of grievances, and for a while he smiled extremely happily. Xiaotian thought that he had lost his mind because of the sundae.

But after half a day, Sundae looked at Xiaotian with an extremely resentful look, and the resentful little eyes, seeing Xiaotian dripping with cold sweat, couldn't bear it anymore.

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In the end, it was Xiaotian who secretly found an opportunity to give his beautiful little girlfriend a long French kiss, so that Sundae showed a cheerful smile again, but why did Sundae look at Xiaotian with such resentful eyes? Sundae refuses to speak

Three days later, Xiaotian and the four came to Luling City, which is also the city where the Green Ridge Gym is located.

"Master, let's watch the rocket launch first, and then go to the gym to challenge, otherwise, the rocket will be launched when the challenge in the gym is over." Walking on the road in the city, Xiaoyao pleaded with Xiaotian, and Xiaoyao herself is very I want to see the rocket launch

"Yeah" Xiaotian nodded casually to Xiaoyao's request.

In fact, Xiaotian is also very interested in rocket launches. In his previous life, rocket launches were a major national event, so he could only watch them on TV, and he couldn't see clearly.


But in this world, because of the more advanced technology, launching rockets is not a big deal. There are even people who can launch rockets privately and have their own space station.

"Yeah, great master, then go outside to the space station to watch the rocket launch." Seeing Xiaotian nodded in agreement, Xiaoyao cheered happily

Coming to the space station on the edge of the city, Xiaotian and others saw a rocket flying everywhere in the sky at a glance

Xiaotian and the four looked puzzled, what was the rocket flying around in the air doing?Test flight a rocket?But I've never heard of rockets flying.

The four of Xiaotian looked at each other, and they didn't understand what was going on. The time for the rocket launch had not yet come, and even if the rocket was launched early, it should have been flying upwards and flying outwards too fast. You are swinging left in the air. What's up with the right swing?

"Hey, look, is that Xiao Zhi and the others?" Suddenly, Xiao Yao pointed to the distance and exclaimed.

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaotian and the three turned their heads to look, and at a glance they saw Xiaozhi wearing a peaked cap in the distance. Seeing Xiaozhi and others, Xiaotian covered his forehead speechlessly. Sure enough, there was Xiaozhi. Where there is wisdom, something happens

Then the rocket flying around in the air, don't guess, Xiaotian also knows that something must have happened.

But Xiaotian really wants to know, what are those strange beings who want to rob the rocket?Is this something normal people can drive out? .

504. Rocket Launch Base in Green Ridge City

"Xiaotian, Xiaotian, help quickly, the Rockets took the rocket away." Just when the four of Xiaotian looked at the rockets flying in the air, Xiaozhi found Xiaotian in the distance call help

"These three idiots" Hearing Xiaotian's shouting, Xiaotian couldn't help covering his forehead. Sure enough, there are no people who can do such strange things except the three second-hands of the Rockets.

Let's not say that the Rocket can be taken away, just say that the Rocket was really taken away by the three second-hand goods of the Rockets. How did they drive back?Those rocket divisions don't have runways for rockets to land on. Are they planning to drive rockets to the ground?

Of course, the Rockets headquarters may have a large runway for the rockets to land on, but if the three Rockets really drive the rockets back to the Rockets headquarters, I am afraid that the first person who shoots them to death is the Rocket's old Osaka Wood. span

Driving back to the headquarters of the Rockets swaggeringly, isn't this a clear way to tell the people in the league, "Come on, come on, the Rockets headquarters is here" isn't it?

You must know that the headquarters of a dark force like Team Rocket is very mysterious. Once discovered by the alliance, this is a catastrophic event.

Looking up at the rocket in the air, Xiaotian couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to Sakagi. Team Rocket could have Kojiro and Musashi, and Miaomiao, the three second-hand goods, enough for Sakagi to get angry.

The dark forces do bad things quietly, but these three idiots do bad things in a bright light. Although the relationship between these three idiots has never been successful because of their IQ arrears, those bad things are all recorded in the Rockets. body

But Sakagi couldn't give up Musashi and Kojiro. Xiaotian remembered that Musashi's mother seemed to have been a high-level team member of the Rockets. She didn't remember whether it was to save Sakagi who died, but it seems to be such a statement

As for Kojiro, not to mention, as the young master of the big family, he has such a hobby. Even in the face of the Kojiro family, Sakagi cannot expel Kojiro.

Shaking his head, Xiaotian released Shanaido's rocket that was going to stop the sky from flying everywhere.

Xiaotian didn't release the fire-breathing dragon because there was no need for that, although with the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, even the thrust of the rocket could not match the power of the fire-breathing dragon.

But that is too shocking. After all, if you want to stop the rocket, you must rely on the power of the Pokémon itself, and you can't use the attack at all.

Xiaotian didn't expose the need for fire-breathing dragons at all, and he could block rockets just like Shanaido. Although Shanaido's power was not enough, Shanaido's superpowers were just right for this situation.

"Shanaido, get that rocket back." Xiaotian's command was very domineering, he didn't say to resist the rocket, but grabbed it back.

"Sana" heard Xiaotian's command, Shanaido's eyes suddenly turned red, and he used his super power to directly hold the rocket in the sky, and then controlled the rocket to slowly return to the ground

"So strong" Seeing Shanaido's behavior, everyone who was with Xiaozhi was shocked. How strong does it take to control the rocket flying in the air?

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