Of course, if the other party is really dead in the sea and can't come out, Xiaotian has no choice, so Xiaotian contacted Sundae and asked Sundae to help him send back his Minas and Suijun, and he was sending them to himself.

As for Xiaotian, of course, he followed the other party in the sky. Otherwise, what if he lost the other party in the vast sea and let those people run away?

"If you say you're stupid, you still don't believe it. We who do bad things need to understand our brains. What if that Xiaotian is strong? We still catch people."

"Old. Boss, that's right"...  

515. Tracking

The two robbers raised the machine into the sea after they went all the way. It seemed that the two robbers were still very careful, but with Shanaido there, it was useless to be careful.

"What's that thing?" When the two robbers controlled the machine to rise to the sea, the robber boss asked with some doubts when he saw the huge black shadow in the sky

"Old. Boss, that's a fire-breathing dragon. What a big fire-breathing dragon. It's Xiaotian who is chasing after him."

"Run, run!" Hearing the younger brother's words, the robber boss hurriedly shouted, his voice was stunned.

Although the robber boss doesn't know whether it is true that the rumors that Xiaotian resisted Groudon, the huge fire-breathing dragon in the sky, the unparalleled momentum, makes the old robbers tremble.

Hearing the boss's words, the robber brother and the robber boss hurriedly controlled the machine to sink into the sea, so that the fire-breathing dragon who was trying to catch the machine in the air failed to succeed.

"Run, let me see where you can go. When the sundae brings Suijun and Minas to me, where else can you hide?" Seeing the other party sinking into the sea again, Xiaotian said with a cold face

Xiaotian chased in the air for most of the day. How could Xiaotian let them go who played with Xiaotian?

"Old, boss, what should I do, that little 16-day-old chased after him?" Haili, the robber brother asked with a look of horror

"How is it possible, this is impossible, how could he find us?" At this time, the robber boss in the sea was completely panicked, and at the same time was very puzzled.

Above the vast sea, it is impossible for you to be encountered by the enemy as soon as you appear

But how did that Xiaotian keep tracking himself in the sea in the air?The most important thing is, since that Xiaotian can catch up with him, why not release the water-type Pokémon to stop him?This is something that the robber boss doesn't understand.

"Boss, is that Xiaotian still chasing us? What should we do?" Through the observation mirror, the robber brother saw that Xiaotian was still in the sky, and asked the robber boss with trembling hands.

"What should we do? Of course we ran away. Let's play with him like that. Is it okay if we are caught by him?" The boss roared angrily when he heard the robber's younger brother. Now the robber's boss is regretting to death. In this situation, what did you do when you had nothing to do, why did you play that evildoer?Well now, my only way back is useless

"Boss, since that Xiaotian can catch up with us, why didn't he release water-type Pokémon to stop us?" At this time, the younger brother also felt that something was wrong, and asked the boss with some doubts, since the other party can catch up, why not block us? Woolen cloth?

Even for the safety of the two doctors, you can break the machine first, and then drag it to the sea, right?

"How would I know?" Hearing the younger brother's words, the boss was very irritable. Now the robber boss can't understand how Xiaotian caught up, and Xiaotian didn't release water-type Pokémon to stop him. What the hell was the other party trying to do?

Because the fire-breathing dragon is too big, the two robbers didn't need to see Shanaido behind the fire-breathing dragon

"Boss, do you think that Xiaotian doesn't have a water-type Pokémon? So he can only chase in the air." The younger brother suddenly asked the boss, licking his face.

"Are you a pig? How could such a powerful trainer have no water-type Pokémon?" Hearing the younger brother's words, the robber boss scolded angrily, feeling that his IQ was insulted

How could such a powerful trainer have no water-type Pokémon?For the robber boy who said this, the robber boss is also helpless. Being with this idiot boy has lowered his IQ. The robber boss is already thinking about whether it should be changed in the future.

"It doesn't matter whether Xiaotian has a water-type Pokémon or not, and no matter how he catches up with us, I only know that once he catches us, we will be miserable, so run" the robber boss said firmly.

Although the intestines of the robber boss are all regretful at this time, but the surface effort still needs to be done, pay attention to the prestige

"But boss, that Xiaotian has been following in the air, and we can't run away," the robber said weakly. Although the younger brother admires the boss's ability to run away in this situation, it is obvious that he can't get rid of that Xiaotian. what

"Since you are not benevolent, then I am also welcome." The robber boss suddenly had a ruthless expression on his face and said viciously.

"Boss, what are we going to do?" Hearing the boss's words, the robber boy looked at the boss with admiration.

"Go in that direction, run quickly." Hearing the younger brother's question, the robber boss pointed in one direction and said with a formal face

"..." Hearing the words of the robber boss, the younger brother lowered his head into silence and controlled the machine...... Sure enough, he still escaped

"Accelerated, did you run?" In the air, Xiaotian was reminded by Shanaido, and in fact he didn't need Xiaotian to remind the fire-breathing dragon to speed up.

Below, the robbers in the sea controlled the machine to escape like death, while in the air, Xiaotian rode a fire-breathing dragon and chased in the air with perseverance.

After such a long period of tracking, Xiaotian and the robbers have long since left the Hoenn area continent very far away, and have reached the deep sea.

And Sundae has not yet sent water-type Pokémon because the machines used by the two robbers are driving very fast in the sea, although it is nothing to Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon, that is because the fire-breathing dragon is powerful.

But it will take a while for the sundae to catch up, and it will take a lot of time for the sundae to send Suijun and Minas of Xiaotian.

In fact, the route that Xiaotian is following at this time is not safe. Just like the forbidden area of ​​Pokémon on the mainland, there are also dangerous areas in the sea.

On the sea, Xiaotian has never seen the passing ships and planes. Xiaotian always thought that it was just a coincidence that no planes and ships passed by.


But in fact this is not the case. Under the pressure of Xiaotian, the two robbers have deviated from their driving route, and everyone has entered an unfamiliar sea area. That is to say, the sea area here is not involved in the alliance. totally dangerous

Of course, even if Xiaotian knew it, he would not hesitate to catch up. Now let alone a strange sea area, even if he forced his way into the forbidden area of ​​Pokémon, Xiaotian would have to catch those two robbers.

Not to mention the place where even the robber came, how could Xiaotian, who was flying in the sky on a fire-breathing dragon, dare not come in?

Xiaotian was also ruthless and tracked for two days with a face, and the water-type Pokémon of the sundae had not been delivered yet. It can be seen that even the goods below are running away.

"Boss, we are so lucky that our little life is still there." The robber brother said happily to the boss in the sea, running wildly in this unfamiliar sea area, but did not encounter a powerful wild water-type Pokémon blocking the way, I have to say that the two very lucky

However, although the two of them said that they were lucky enough to encounter a powerful wild water-type Pokémon blocking the way, the two of them were extremely haggard at this time.

No way, Xiaotian in the air is hungry and has the food in his backpack to enjoy. When he is tired, he can lie on the back of the huge fire-breathing dragon and rest.

As for the two robbers below, they could only do it themselves, driving the machine without sleep, and even using the fastest speed to eat, swiping and pulling twice to finish the task, for fear that Xiaotian would release a water-type Pokémon to attack them.

516. Strange place

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