"However, Xiaotian, I am afraid that the people from the alliance will..." Suddenly, the excited face of the Holy Land suddenly cooled down, and he said to Xiaotian with some hesitation, the darkness in the alliance, the Holy Land still knows

A continent that has never been developed is of inestimable value. Some people in the alliance will probably extend a greedy hand of darkness here.

"Hmph, Alliance? Are they qualified?" Xiaotian said with a sneer after hearing the Holy Land's words, according to the laws of the Alliance, if someone finds an undiscovered island, then the ownership of the island belongs to the person who found it. Naturally, the same goes for a continent

It’s just that no one has ever found a continent, and the value of a continent is too great, I’m afraid some people in the alliance are simply reluctant to give up such huge benefits

But no matter whether those people are willing to give up, if they want to snatch the things in Xiaotian's hands, it depends on whether Xiaotian agrees or not.

Xiaotian doesn't want to cause trouble, that's because Xiaotian is lazy, but it doesn't mean that Xiaotian is afraid of trouble

"I found this continent, so this is mine, the darkness of the alliance? Hmph, let them try it out" Xiaotian said confidently

"Xiaotian, I believe in you." Looking at Xiaotian with a high-spirited and confident face, the Holy Land was heartbroken, and he really deserved to be the man of his choice, he was handsome

"Xiaotian, the level of Pokémon here is generally very high." After being in high spirits, everyone began to study this land.

"Yeah, in terms of the level of Pokémon here, the average trainer in this continent, if you don't say it's hard to move, I'm afraid it will be hard." Hearing the Holy Land's words, Xiaotian couldn't help but nodded and said.

In the developed areas of other continents, there are more than [-] or even more than [-] levels of Pokémon suitable for novice battles, and there are more than [-] levels of Pokémon suitable for ordinary trainers to fight, and more than [-] levels of Pokemon. It is already very rare, and only Pokémon above level [-] will be very rare.

But here, Pokemon below level [-] are rare, most of them are level [-] or even level [-] Pokemon

It is the elite level of the [-]th level or even the quasi-king of the [-]th level, which is almost always encountered here, even the king, the quasi-champion, the champion, there are such terrifying existences.

It can be said that this place is completely a pure wild ecological environment, so finding a continent does not mean that you have this continent, at least you have to be able to develop it.

"It's easy to develop this continent, the key is that the three islands are a little troublesome" Xiaotian was a little worried.

It is not difficult to develop this continent. If Xiaotian would rather waste a lot of time, Xiaotian can develop it himself, but it is not necessary.

Moreover, Xiaotian is not a person who eats alone, so he can ask someone to help, give them some benefits, and save a lot of time while relaxing himself. Others can benefit more and win more.

How can the Holy Land be his girlfriend? Her family can be counted as one. After two years of development, Xiaotian's own family has become very powerful now, not to mention his own family.

The Damu family and their neighbors have always had a very good relationship. They can also be counted as one, or even the Yulongdu family. Anyway, they have some relationship.

After all, once these families want to share the benefits in this new continent, it is not a simple development. They must also help to resist the deepening of the alliance. Once these families participate, it is a win-win relationship. It's not Xiao Tian who is fighting by himself.

However, the development of the mainland is easy to say, but the three islands make Xiaotian embarrassed

If it is simply to destroy the races on the three islands, Xiaotian himself has the ability to do it, but Xiaotian is reluctant to do so.

Such a powerful strength is completely the natural defense of this continent, and the three islands are simply three natural Pokémon forbidden areas. You must know that having a Pokémon forbidden area as a backup has huge benefits.

But those three islands are too close to this continent, and those three races can still fly. Once those three races go crazy and attack this continent, it can be said to be a huge disaster for this newly built continent.

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And even if Xiaotian is of no use here, they have branches in three directions. Once the three islands attack at the same time, even Xiaotian will not be able to do it alone.

"It seems that we need to find an opportunity to solve these three forbidden areas." Xiaotian thought to himself.

After all, the forbidden land of Pokémon on land is to show its own posture, just want to live their own small life, you don't come in, everyone does not violate each other

But who knows what those three islands thought?If someone is curious about the human world, and the entire ethnic group comes out for a walk, it will be miserable for this continent.

"Holy Land, go and inform your family and ask your grandma if she has any plans to develop this continent." Xiaotian turned his head and said to Holy Land.

Later, Xiaotian began to think about the family to invite. Of course, the Damu family has always had a good relationship with his family. Especially in the past two years, his family has studied the items in his system store. The two families can be said to have a lot. cooperation, not to mention wearing a pair of pants, it's almost the same


Counting the big wood family and the holy land family, there are only two. You must know that the resources of a continent can be unimaginable. Just look at other continents. How many families are there on a continent?

Don't talk about big families, just talk about those medium-sized families, small families, and a lot of dark organizations, these organizations together are simply too many, plus there are several large families in each continent, it is conceivable that there will be competition. how intense

However, in this newly discovered continent, it is completely different. At the very least, there are only two families that Xiaotian agrees with. Oh, and only three families are counted. Compared with other continents, they are pitiful.

"Where is Yulong's family?" Xiaotian lowered his head and thought, Yulongdu and Xiaotian have a good relationship, and Yulongdu's character is also good, with his own bottom line and principles of justice, the only thing that Xiaotian doesn't like That is, because Yulongdu is an official of the alliance, sometimes Yulongdu will obey the orders of the alliance, which is something Xiaotian doesn't like very much.

Although Yulongdu is an official of the alliance and must obey orders, but look at Xirona, a cute girl who loves her personality, and is not used to the alliance's way of doing things, she is called a real champion.

Of course, Xiaotian also knows that the strength of the Wulu family is still his own strength, and Yulongdu is not as good as Xirona, but he is very unhappy that Yulongdu obeys the command of the alliance, so after thinking about it again and again, Xiaotian finally decides Let's take Yulongdu's family as a back-up first, let's talk about it at that time.

519. Family Arrival

After several days of inspections, everyone has confirmed that there is no strong ethnic group living on this continent, so Xiaocai asked Sundae to ask about the family's meaning

Of course, even if there is no powerful Pokémon group, there are still powerful Pokémon. At least, there are a lot of strong champion-level existences on this continent.

It's just that compared to a continent, the champion-level Pokémon here is not a big trouble, and in terms of Xiaotian's strength, the champion-level is nothing.

At the same time that Sundae called to inform the family, Xiaotian also called to start contact.

"What? You discovered a completely unfamiliar continent?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaotian's father was completely stunned

"That's right, you should inform Dr. Damu. During this time, the two of us have often cooperated, and the relationship is very good. Moreover, the value of one continent is inestimable. If we don't find some people to develop together, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave this huge benefit. "Although Xiaotian's father knows that Xiaotian's strength is very strong, he doesn't know how strong he is.

"[-]" Therefore, on the issue of developing the mainland, Xiaotian's father advocated finding more families to develop together

"As for the family, the Sundae family and the Damu family are enough. These two families are enough. Will other families join in the future? Let's talk about it at that time. As for the ownership of this continent, you don't have to worry about it. I found it, it belongs to me, and no one can take it away." Xiaotian said seriously

"Since you have already paid attention, just let it go. The family supports you, but you have to remember and pay attention to safety." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaotian's father was very pleased.

My son, not only is the talent of the trainer unparalleled, but also the strength of his family's industry has increased dramatically because of the research on some strange things brought out by Xiaotian.

A son who is so proud of himself, since he has paid attention, how can Xiaotian's father object

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