The thinking of cute girls is something you can't imagine at all.

"Well, Uncle Damu, don't get excited yet, well, you know the strength of that island, your strength is not enough." Looking at the excited Damu Xuecheng, Xiaotian suddenly poured a basin of cold water over it.

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Damu Xuecheng's excited face suddenly stiffened, his face darkened.

Xiaotian is right, if you want to be friends with the Pokémon on the three islands, at least you have to be able to talk to them, you don't need to be able to defeat how many Pokémon, but at least you have to have friends with them. they are qualified to talk

Like Hirona, although level 96 is powerful, it is nothing on those three islands, but at least Hirona is barely qualified to talk to those Pokémon.

But Damu Xuecheng...quasi-championship-level strength, let alone talking to those Pokémon, before Damu Xuecheng sees the leader, any champion-level Pokémon can fight Damu Xuecheng. down

"This... Xiaotian...." Damu Xuecheng looked at Xiaotian with a stiff face

"I can't help you with this." Hearing the words of Damu Xuecheng, Xiaotian spread his hands and said that he had no choice.

There is really no way to do this. If Xiaotian takes Damu Xuecheng to talk to the leader of the island, then people only recognize Xiaotian and not Damu's family, then it will be a fool.

"Uncle Damu, you can only improve your strength as much as possible now, and try to talk to those Pokémon as soon as possible," Xiaotian said to Damu Xuecheng

Hearing Xiaotian's conversation, Damu Xuecheng's face was stunned, and he felt extremely heartbroken. What qualifications do he have to talk to the leader of the island?I also think about it, but how much strength is needed to do it, I don't say whether it can reach that level in this life, you let me as soon as possible?Where can I go early in the morning?

"My own strength is not enough, it seems that I can only think of other ways." Suddenly, Damu Xuecheng changed his slump, and his little eyes rolled around, not knowing what bad idea he was thinking of.

"Okay, the three islands are settled like this. Have you found the place for the forbidden area of ​​Pokémon?" Xiaotian suddenly changed the topic and asked Shirona and Damu Xuecheng.

The powerful Pokémon that were defeated and cleaned up before were not killed by Xiaotian, but were caught, waiting to be put together, otherwise, how did those Pokémon forbidden areas on other continents come from?

"I've already found it. It's a huge forest with lakes and mountains. It's enough for those Pokémon to live in it, but is it really good to put those Pokémon together?" Hearing Xiaotian If so, Shirona first answered Xiaotian's question, and then asked worriedly.

Shirona has to worry that this continent has a large number of high-level Pokémon due to its long-term wild relationship. If all these Pokémon are gathered together, the power is very terrifying.

"Don't worry, I won't put all the high-level Pokémon on this continent together. I still know how terrifying all the high-level Pokémon on this continent are, and I will continue to sort out a few in the future. Pokémon are forbidden to place those Pokémon, and compared to other continents, we still have a great advantage." Hearing Xirona's worry, Xiaotian explained with a smile

When other continents were first developed, they did not have the terrifying strength of Xiaotian. Many of the powerful Pokémon faced with machines at the beginning, or they were attacked in groups to defeat those powerful Pokémon. This is why Pokémon is forbidden. So the reason for the hatred of human beings, this is the hatred passed down from generation to generation

As for the Pokémon forbidden area on Xiaotian Continent, although those Pokémon were also defeated and gathered together, they were all defeated one-on-one. I can't blame others for my own strength

Therefore, although the Pokémon on the continent of Xiaotian may also hate humans, they will never hate humans like the forbidden places on other continents.

Of course, although those Pokémon won't hate humans like other forbidden areas, Xiaotian will not be stupid enough to put all the high-level Pokémon on the continent together. The strength of those powerful Pokémon gathered together is Very terrifying, Xiaotian would not take this risk.

522. Sakagi's Call

In the next time, the three companies began to develop this continent as much as possible

What is the most precious thing in this world?Resources occupy at least the same, let alone those material resources, in the world of Pokémon, Pokémon resources are the most important

In the next few days, the three families went crazy. There are a lot of wild Pokémon in this continent. This is a lot of Pokémon resources, and I don’t know if it’s because of the long wild time. The Pokémon here are not like Like other continents, once the level is high, it is difficult to conquer

Anyway, there are many people in the Damu family, the Xiaotian family, and the Sundae family, and they have conquered a lot of high-level Pokémon with high racial values.

The method of subjugation is also very simple. It is very simple to eat a little food, and then play with them for a while. As long as the wild Pokémon shows friendship to you, it is very likely to be subdued.

This method was first known to Xiaoxi. No matter where Xiaoxi goes, as long as she sees wild and cute Pokémon, she always likes to make Pokémon "August [-]" food for them, and then play with them.

This time as well, Xiaoxi made Pokemon food for wild Pokemon, and released her own Pokemon to play with them, and then it was useless for Xiaoxi to say that the wild Pokemon was very smart and got into the small hole by herself. In Xi's Poké Ball, Xiao Xi was stunned

I can't help but be stunned, that wild Pokémon is a quasi-king-level Pokémon, and it ended up being a meal. After playing with it for a while, it entered your Poké Ball by itself. You don't think it's strange. ?

It is also because of the strangeness of this incident that after being known by others, some people began to learn that Xiaoxi took out Pokémon food to feed his favorite wild Pokémon, and played with them, and then subdued...

It is precisely because of this that the people of the three major families are simply too happy to talk to each other. They have just started to develop the mainland, and have not developed many resources yet. Their strength has been improved because they have conquered many high-level Pokémon. quite a few

The sundae, who knew about this, didn't even fight. He took Pokémon food everywhere, tempted, and hooked up with his favorite Pokémon. Not to mention, the sundae really won a few favorites. and powerful Pokémon

Just when everyone was developing this new continent in full swing, a call came to Xiaotian's mobile phone.

"Boss Sakagi, I didn't expect you to call me, what's the matter?" Seeing the caller, Xiaotian said with a smile, although he was a little puzzled.

At the beginning, Xiaotian owed a few favors to the Rockets boss, so Xiaotian was still very polite to the boss Sakagi.

"Xiaotian, you are nothing short of a miracle, and the evildoer is not enough to describe your growth." Facing Xiaotian's question, Boss Sakagi first praised Xiaotian with admiration.

Boss Sakagi still clearly remembers that when he first talked to Xiaotian on the phone, although Xiaotian asked for help at that time, he let Sakagi know that he once had a daughter

As for Xiaotian, although his strength is considered strong, he is also quasi-championship-level strength. In Sakagi's view, although he is a monster, he is nothing.

But how long has it been now, Xiaotian has grown to the point where he can resist Groudon, Groudon, that is a super beast, with such strength, but the existence that face Sakagi needs to look up to, and then

"Xiaoxi is my daughter" Sakagi said to Xiaotian with a serious face

"What?" Hearing Sakagi's words, Xiaotian was stunned. However, after thinking about it carefully, Xiaotian quickly regained his composure.

"It seems that you have already thought of it." Seeing that Xiaotian was surprised at first, and then calmed down, Sakagi said with a smile, so he didn't need to explain himself, it seems that Xiaotian believed it.

"Is it you who gave Xiaoxi the three Pokémon?" Xiaotian's tone was a little puzzled, but a little certain

"That's right, otherwise, how could such a small town come up with such precious three Pokémon, it's just a hidden gift from me to Xiaoxi."

Hearing Sakagi's words, Xiaotian fell silent. Although Xiaotian already believed Sakagi's words, what if Sakagi deceived himself?And Sakagi didn't let himself know before, and now he suddenly explained this matter, why is it?

Xiaotian's silence did not affect Sakagi, but instead told Xiaotian a story

"In the beginning, in order to achieve greater ambitions, I came up with the idea of ​​​​the super mythical beast Kakuza. Now think about how self-contained I was at the beginning." Sakagi said with some self-deprecation

"However, it was also because of that incident that although I was seriously injured and escaped from the mad Kakuza, it also allowed me to meet a beautiful and gentle woman I could not extricate myself from love. She is Xiaoxi's mother, Sakura Xi, The time I spent with her was the happiest and most relaxing time in my life."

"But the good times didn't last long. When I recovered from my injury and wanted to take her with me, Sakura knew that I was the boss of the dark organization and was resolutely opposed, and even wanted me to disband the Rockets, but at that time, my heart was full of With strong ambitions, in the end, I had to leave and choose to leave"

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