"Welcome to the arrival of the boss of Sakagi" Xiaotian got the news at the first time, and came to welcome Sakagi with a smile on his face.

"Huh? What do you call me?" Hearing Xiaotian's address to himself, Sakagi stared at him, and asked Xiaotian with a fierce look on his face.

Hearing Sakagi's question, Xiaotian broke out in a cold sweat. This is the rhythm that Sakagi asked himself to call his father-in-law, not to mention how strange it is to have a father-in-law at such an old age. The sundae heard himself calling out Sakagi's father-in-law, this is going to be a big deal

"Well, Xiaoxi and our travel companions are all here," Xiaotian whispered to Sakagi

"Oh yes, yes, yes" Sakagi only reacted when he heard Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi had not recognized him yet, if Xiaoxi was confused when he heard Xiaotian call her father-in-law, Xiaoxi would not be sad Die, and then don't bother with Xiaotian about this title issue

"Haha, Damu Xuecheng, it's been a long time." Afterwards, Sakagi greeted Damu Xuecheng with a big smile. They are also the top strengths in the Kanto region, so the two sides will naturally be familiar with each other.

"Oh? Even the champion, Hirona, is here?" Although Sakagi knew about Hirona, he was not familiar with it, so he was just curious about Hirona.

"Sakagi, why did you join in?" Facing the greeting, Damu Xuecheng asked angrily. Although the two were both from the Kanto region and were familiar with each other, one was a family and the other was a dark force. Can't talk about how good

"Let me introduce, this is Mr. Sakagi, a Gym trainer in Joban City in the Kanto region, a very powerful trainer." Because Xiaoxi was here, Xiaotian didn't say that Sakagi was the leader of the Rockets, otherwise, he would use Xiaoxi as the leader of the Rockets. Hee's kindness, once you know that Sakagi is the boss of the dark organization, the first impression is absolutely bad.

Of course, even without Xiaoxi, Xiaotian would not have leaked the news that Sakagi was the boss of the Rockets. Everyone present, except for Damu Xuecheng, knew the true identity of Sakagi because of some things, but no one else knew the true identity of Sakagi's boss.

"Uncle Sakagi, I remember you. It was you who helped Zoroark who saved me. Thank you for saving Zoroark." Seeing Sakagi, Xiaoxi said to Sakagi gratefully.

"Xiaoxi" saw Xiaoxi, and Sakagi was immediately excited. Although intellectually, Sakagi knew that it was not suitable to recognize Xiaoxi for the time being, but seeing Xiaoxi so close and so real, facing Xiaoxi The impulse of the flesh and blood still makes Sakagi unable to suppress the psychological impulse

"Cough, boss Sakagi" Seeing Sakagi looking at Xiaoxi excitedly, Xiaotian coughed twice and hurriedly reminded Sakagi

"I'm sorry, because you look too much like an old friend of mine." Xiaotian woke up and looked at himself and Xiaoxi with puzzled expressions. Sakagi also knew that he had lost his way, and hurriedly told Xiaoxiao Hee explained and apologized

"No, it's okay." Although it was embarrassing to be seen by Sakagi, in the face of Sakagi's explanation and apology, the kind-hearted Xiaoxi simply forgave Sakagi, but in Xiaoxi's heart, there was a lot of doubts. Similar to yourself?Is it the mother?Will my mother meet Uncle Sakagi?

Xiaoxi looks a lot like her mother, Xiaoxi knows this, and Xiaoxi doesn't think there are people who look like her imagination, that's a coincidence, right?

"Okay, since Sakagi is here, let's get down to business." Feeling Xiaoxi's doubts, Xiaotian hurriedly stood up and interrupted Xiaoxi's doubts. If the stalemate continues like this, God knows if he will come to the scene to recognize him. kiss or something

"I got news from Sakagi before that there are people at the top of the alliance who are already preparing, and they plan to attack from the direction of those three islands. Naturally, I won't worry about the defense power of those three islands. What I worry about is because of those people's defenses. Attacking, will make the Pokémon on those three islands more wary of humans, and even hate humans, so we have to contact those three islands before those in the alliance attack. Baby explain clearly, those attacks have nothing to do with us" Xiaotian said to the crowd with a solemn expression

This is definitely the top priority, otherwise once the Pokémon of the three islands hate humans, it will be difficult for Xiaotian and others to make friends with the three islands.

And once you can't make friends with those three islands, then three such powerful islands are simply a nuclear missile from time to time, which will cause disasters to the mainland at any time. This is unparalleled for a newly developed continent. big event

Entering the area of ​​the three islands from the outside direction, then to the Pokémon on those three islands, that is the invader, there is no need to talk at all, just do it directly, and the whole clan goes together, so Xiaotian I'm not worried that someone will use the power of those three islands

Only in the direction of the mainland, the areas that go to those three islands are qualified to talk, but now there is a big problem, that is, there is an extra Sakagi, Xiaotian couldn't help but look at Sakagi with some embarrassment

"What? Don't want me to participate in those three islands? It doesn't matter, as long as the mainland can be developed." Feeling Xiaotian's embarrassment, Sakagi said casually

Sakagi has no idea how valuable the three islands are, nor how strong the three islands are. Otherwise, Sakagi would never be able to say such things as casually as he does now, and he will be shameless at that time. get involved

In Sakagi's opinion, even if the three islands are very powerful, they are nothing more than a forbidden area for Pokémon. There are so many forbidden areas on the mainland, why should I stare at the three islands?

Compared with Banmu's randomness, Damu Xuecheng was in a tangle at this time. Damu Xuecheng knew very well that the three islands were completely different from those forbidden areas on the mainland. First of all, it was in terms of strength. , then the power of those three islands is terrifying

The second and most important point is that the three islands are likely to be captured. Of course, they are not captured, but become friends with those three islands, but Xiaotian is right, with Pokémon The honesty, once they become friends they agree with, then it is not much different from subduing

And those Pokémon forbidden areas on the mainland, want to conquer?That's because there is no door, so good that Zhao even becomes a friend, it is also impossible

Damu Xuecheng was in a tangle for a while. To talk about letting Damu Xuecheng divide the interests of the three islands, Damu Xuecheng would be in tears, but if the interests of the three islands were not divided

Damu Xuecheng is very clear that with his own strength, he does not know when he wants to have a dialogue with those three islands, whether he will share huge benefits or just delay it, and it may even be because of the alliance. The attack of people makes the island more vigilant or hostile to human beings, making it more difficult to conquer?

Damu Xuecheng lowered his head and thought for a long time with a tangled face, and finally Damu Xuecheng gritted his teeth.

".ˇ Let Sakagi get involved, I share an island with Sakagi, and it just so happens that we are both from the Kanto region, so we can take care of each other." After speaking, Oki Snow City sighed heavily, and it seemed that he not only wanted to make a huge difference In the future, he will have very close cooperation with the dark organization. At this time, the distressed tears of Damu Xuecheng are about to fall.

525. The island in the east, the fast dragon family

Seeing the pitiful appearance of Damu Xuecheng's tangled tears, Sakagi curled his lips without cutting it, isn't it an island with some strength, as for it?Seeing you feel distressed, tears are almost flowing out, Sakagi despises Dagi Snow City in his heart

Xiaotian understands the distress of Big Wood Snow City. After all, it is better to own an island than to share it with others. However, Xiaotian has to sigh in his heart, this Big Wood Snow City is too stingy.

Let Sakagi join in. Although Damu Xuecheng will share some benefits, it is not too serious. Those high-quality Pokémon are naturally fewer because of the two divisions, but the rest are not much different.

Even if there is one more Sakagi, when you really become friends with the Pokémon on the island, it is nothing more than making those Pokémon one more friend. If you have something to do, those Pokémon who should help will still help, not because of one more Sakagi. something - changed

,Unless there is a difference of opinion between Damu Xuecheng and Sakagi, or even the two fight, those Pokémon may choose two because they can't favor one person.

However, this kind of thing will basically never happen. The interests of the two families are tied together. How could there be a fight, and there is still Xiaotian shaking on it, just like the Pokémon forbidden area, Silver Mountain, this powerful forbidden area and the alliance headquarters. have a great relationship

However, there are many factions in the Alliance Headquarters, which means that there are many who can be related to the Silver Mountain. However, apart from the high-quality Pokémon obtained by these factions, they may be allocated less because of the large number of factions. Other aspects are not will have a big impact

But since the big wood snow city has let go, things will be easier to handle, and the next step is to go to the island

Because Xiaotian's strength is the strongest, and with Xiaotian's strength, he is very confident that he can talk to the islands in the east, so three people who have never been to the island, Sakagi, Xirona and Damu Xuecheng, plan to follow Xiaotian first. God to see what the situation is saying

After all, although I heard Xiaotian say that the power of the island is very powerful, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. Is seeing it believing?

In addition to the leaders of the three families, Xiaoxi and Sundae also went together. The two women were also very curious about the three terrifying islands that Xiaotian mentioned.

In fact, Xiaoyao is also very curious, but Xiaoyao's strength is not good, and there is no one to protect it. Unlike the sundae, which is protected by Xirona, Xiaoxi is protected by Sakagi. Xiaoyao can only pouted and waited helplessly. Waiting for Xiaotian to come back

A day later, Xiaotian and the others finally came to the eastern island

"I'm looking for your leader" As soon as they flew to the range of the island, Xiaotian and others encountered a quasi-champion intermediate-level fast dragon. That's right, the Pokémon race that lives on the most powerful island in the east is the fast dragon. , a powerful and terrifying group

"Roar" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Kuailong lowered his head to think for a moment, then turned around to lead the way for Xiaotian and others

Although this fast dragon is powerful, it is only a gatekeeper on this island. It is not qualified to refuse the request of Xiaotian and others to see the leader. As for whether the leader can see these little ones, there are stronger ones. Calculate

Under the leadership of this fast dragon, everyone from Xiaotian flew into this huge island. The three surrounding islands are huge, not to mention the most powerful fast dragon clan, which occupies the largest island among the three islands.

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