Looking at the girl who was still smiling in her sleep, Xiaotian couldn't help touching the beautiful face of the sundae, with infinite love in her heart.

"Xiaotian, are you awake?" Feeling Xiaotian's movements, Sundae woke up

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Seeing that Xiaotian was looking at him hotly, Sundae shyly shrank into Xiaotian's arms, pretending to be an ostrich

"Get up, it's time for breakfast"

Although other people don't know what happened last night, if the sundae doesn't go out for breakfast, once Shirona misunderstands the sundae and becomes ill, and looks for the sundae, it will be all revealed.

It is also fortunate that the people in this world are super strong, even if they get a blood, it will not have much impact.

"You go out, I want to get dressed." Hearing Xiaotian's words, the sundae was still huddled in the quilt, even if everything that should have happened last night had happened, and had seen everything that should have been seen, but in the face of Xiaotian's fiery heat. The eyes of the sundae are still very shy

"Cut, it's not like I haven't seen it." Seeing that the sundae was stuck in the quilt and couldn't get out, Xiaotian could only walk out helplessly. However, don't look at the sundae's young age, but the figure is really perfect. like


In a previous life, Xiaotian once heard a famous saying, some people say that for a man, the most perfect artwork is a woman's body. Now, Xiaotian really understands the meaning of this sentence.

What next time? Xiaotian spent a few days with the sundae to the fullest. Originally, Xiaotian planned to leave after Liebite Lu Shark woke up, but because he ate the sundae, Xiaotian planned to accompany the saint more. generation

But when the good times also come to an end, a few days later, Xiaotian finally wants to leave and embark on a new journey

"Father, I will let Liebite Lu Shark stay to protect the mainland. I have already agreed with it. If there is anything in the future, just tell Liebite Lu Shark directly. It will take action. If there is anything that can't be solved, be sure to notify me. "Xiaotian gave the fierce bite Lu shark that guards the mainland to his father.

"Sundae, if you miss me, you can go to me. Of course, I will come back to see you when I have time. Although I really want to tell you to cheer up, hurry up and continue to travel with me, but what I want to say is , we must pay attention to safety, in the future, we will have time." Xiaotian comforted the sundae who was about to leave.

"Boss Sakagi, you can rest assured that I will take good care of Xiaoxi. You secretly let the nine trainers and their Pokémon go. Although I am very angry, I will not say anything for Xiaoxi's sake. Yes, but remember, dark experiments are not allowed in this continent, absolutely not allowed, and there is no next time," Xiaotian whispered to Sakagi

"Long Tianwang, since you are optimistic about Xiaozhi's future and potential, if you have the opportunity to teach Xiaozhi," Xiaotian instructed Yulongdu, Xiaozhi's talent is good, just a tendon in his head, which is similar to Yulongdu's lack of strings. Longdu might really be able to communicate with each other.

"Hirona, no matter how strong you are, it's not as important as your body. Don't work so hard in the future, take care of your body." Xiaotian told Shirona very differently, and this Shirona blushed again when she faced herself.

534. Continue to set off

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The bright sky, on the huge ship, Xiaotian is looking down and thinking about his future itinerary

To be honest, with Xiaotian's current strength, if he uses all his strength to win the league championship, it is absolutely foolproof. Xiaotian has no interest in the league competition.

But travel still has to travel, not to mention that in order to improve strength and see more skills, just to find more talents for his own continent, Xiaotian can only travel around

"Forget it, it's a trip anyway, so let's take part in the league competition by the way" Xiaotian thought to himself.

"Huh?" Just when Xiaotian was thinking about his life, Xiaotian suddenly found that Xiaoyao, who was training Pokémon on the deck in the distance, was talking to a stranger

The stranger who was talking to Xiaoyao, had a deep impression on Xiaotian who had read the original book, not because of how strong he was, but because of his character that impressed Xiaotian deeply

She has a super sissy voice and a super stingy personality, just because Xiao Yao doesn't know his Pokémon Menggonia, and praises the other party's biscuits as full of deliciousness, not super delicious, this guy I remember hating Xiaoyao

Even in the next gorgeous competition, Xiaoyao was ruthlessly pitted, but unfortunately, the weaker force was defeated by the angry Xiaoyao.

According to the strength of Xiaoyao in the original book, Xiaoyao is estimated to have a strength of more than forty levels at most. Xiaoyao

So Xiaotian just glanced at it and didn't care. It was just that weak, Xiaotian ignored it. As for the matter of pitting Xiaoyao in the gorgeous competition, Xiaotian didn't plan to remind Xiaoyao, and regarded it as a lesson in life.

Bowing his head, Xiaotian continued to think about life. He couldn't help thinking of what Sundae said to Xiaotian when they parted.

"Xiaotian, take good care of sister Xiaoxi, and don't make sister Xiaoxi sad and don't forget me, even a little bit." When Xiaotian set off, the sundae had tears in the corners of his eyes, although he hesitated for a long time, but Saint Dai still said to Xiaotian with a firm and aggrieved face.

"Sundae..." Xiaotian was stunned at that time, Xiaotian knew very well about Xiaoxi's feelings for Xiaotian, but because he was worried that the sundae would be sad, and Xiaotian had no other way, so he kept dragging, Xiaotian didn't expect Sundae to say such a thing at all.

"How could I not feel my sister Xiaoxi's feelings for you? I'm afraid that you will be embarrassed, and I don't want sister Xiaoxi to be sad, but I'm more worried that you won't love me as much as you do now. What should I do?" The pear flower who cried on behalf of the rain, and the pitiful little appearance with aggrieved face, made Xiaotian feel distressed to death.

"Are you afraid that I will be embarrassed?" Hearing the words of the sundae, Xiaotian's heart trembled fiercely. While moved, he also had infinite pity for the sundae.

"Don't worry, no matter if I have other women in the future, my feelings for you will never change," Xiaotian assured the sundae with a solemn face.

Thinking of what the sundae said when we separated, Xiaotian has infinite pity for the sundae, but at the same time, there is a little more excitement. This is a common problem for men, and Xiaotian is no exception.

"Thank God, thank you that this world is not a monogamous system" Xiaotian raised his head to thank God, the problem he had been struggling with was accepted by Sundae himself, Xiaotian never thought that it would be so easy to solve

What Xiaotian doesn't know is that if it weren't for Xirona, the sundae had compromised, and it would not have been easy for the sundae to accept Xiaoxi. Although the sundae didn't want Xiaoxi to be sad, no one would be willing to take it. Share your loved ones with others

However, since the sundae, who is the main palace, has spoken, Xiaotian's mind has begun to liven up, and he looks at Xiaoxi who is resting a little hotly.

The beautiful face, slender figure, well-behaved personality, and soft voice all show the beauty of this well-behaved girl

"Master, what are you looking at?" Feeling Xiaotian's gaze, Xiaoxi's face flushed, covered with pink clouds, and asked weakly, not daring to face Xiaotian's gaze, just a fiery look , making Xiaoxi shy and unparalleled

"..." Sister, this is not good, you are too shy, you are not usually like this.

Xiaotian didn't even think about it, when did Xiaotian look at Xiaoxi with such fiery eyes?However, I have to say that the shy Xiaoxi doesn't have a seductive taste.

"How should I tell Xiaoxi? Say it earlier? Not good, let's give Xiaoxi some time to prepare? But the sundae has let go, I'm afraid of Mao? However, the sundae just let go, I was thinking Pao Xiaoxi, isn't this not a good thing?" Xiaotian slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep in his wild thoughts.

A day later, on the island of Zabe, in the auditorium of the magnificent competition in the city of Priza

"Master, do you think Xiaoyao can win the championship of this gorgeous competition?" Xiaoxi asked Xiaotian with her big cute eyes.

At this time, Xiaoxi is still full of pink clouds, and it seems that she feels the change in Xiaotian's mind. Every time she faces Xiaotian, it makes Xiaoxi extremely shy.

"Xiaoyao's strength is good, this time there is a great hope to win the championship." Xiaotian answered Xiaoxi's question. If there is not much change, Xiaoyao won the gorgeous competition this time. Of course, in this game In Xiaotian's heart, he didn't say it

Xiaoyao's strength is still very weak. Even if he is not in the mainland, after a lot of training, he can quickly improve the level of the Pokémon, so Xiaoyao does not need to stay in the mainland at all, and Xiaoyao has to participate in the gorgeous competition. won't stay on the mainland

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