"This... is the Big Jaw Ant an evolutionary type, a Dragon-type Pokémon?" Pointing to the Pokémon that suddenly appeared below, Xiaoyao asked Xiaotian in a cute manner.

"Well, the final evolution of the big-jawed ant is the desert dragonfly, which belongs to the ground-type and dragon-type Pokémon." Xiaotian answered Xiaoyao's question excitedly, but he was thinking of his own.

In the eyes of most trainers, dragon-type Pokémon represent power and preciousness. Although Big-jawed Ant is not a dragon-type Pokémon, it will have dragon-type attributes after evolution, so there is no difference between the big-jawed ant and the dragon-type Pokémon. Definitely a very precious and rare Pokémon

Xiaotian didn't expect that he would really come here, the big jaw ant nest that Xiaozhi encountered in the original book

In the original book, Xiaozhi came here because he got lost. Xiaotian can come here, which means that Xiaotian is also lost. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that through the original story, Xiaotian knows very well. , under these huge pits, there is a huge lair

That is the lair of the big jaw ant, and in the original book, there are dozens of big jaw ants here, which collectively evolved into ultrasonic larvae in the lair, and then flew away

That is to say, there is not only one mandible ant here, but many

Thinking that there are almost a small number of dragon-type Pokémon here, Xiaotian is a little excited, not to mention that Xiaotian now has a continent, that is, those ordinary trainers, seeing so many dragon-type Pokémon , absolutely can't keep calm, so many big-jawed ants, but a great fortune.

And Xiaotian, who owns a continent, does not despise these big-jawed ants just because he owns a continent. Yes, Xiaotian has his own territory, but because he has his own chassis, everything is subconsciously. , Xiaotian will want to build his own site better, and if there is something good, he always wants to dump it on his own site, and these big-jawed ants are no exception.

"Master, do you want to catch these big-jawed ants?" Seemingly seeing Xiaotian's intentions, Xiaoyao suddenly asked Xiaotian

"Yeah" Xiaotian nodded

"But master, these big-jawed ants live here well, is it really good to catch them?" Seeing Xiaotian nod and admit, Xiaoyao said with some embarrassment, Xiaoyao didn't want Xiaotian to catch these big-jawed ants

"Yeah, master, this is the home of the big-jawed ants, let's not catch the big-jawed ants, okay?" Xiaoxi on the side said weakly.

From Xiaoyao and Xiaoxi's point of view, Xiaotian's behavior of catching these big-jawed ants is no different from that of Pokémon hunters. If Xiaotian wants to conquer which Pokémon, the two women will never say much, but look at Xiaotian. It looks like the sky, this is to capture all the big-jawed ants here, this is completely the behavior of Pokémon hunters

"These big-jawed ants will evolve into ultrasonic larvae at the same time, and then all fly away. Instead of letting those ultrasonic larvae fly away, why not let them live in the new world?" Hear the words of Xiaoyao and Xiaoxi , Xiaotian said with a smile

Xiaotian is indeed very tempted by these big-jawed ants, but Xiaotian will not make Xiaoxi and Xiaoyao sad, so Xiaotian will convince the two girls first, and then subdue those big-jawed ants

Although on the mainland, Xiaotian already has two extinct and super precious Pokémon groups, but who cares about their own good things?

"Evolving at the same time, how is it possible?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoyao and Xiaoxi looked in disbelief. It is not easy for Pokémon to evolve, let alone a large group of Pokémon evolve together?

"Hey, don't worry about it for now, I'll ask you guys, if those big-jawed ants really evolved together in 1.3 and all flew away, wouldn't it be better for them to live in our new continent?" Xi and Xiaoyao, Xiaotian did not explain too much, but asked the two girls

"Well, if those big-jawed ants really evolve and fly away, it does make them live better in the new world, no, master, what if those supersonic larvae want to return to their homeland? You caught them , can't those ultrasonic larvae be able to go home?" Xiaoyao thought for a while, and then asked Xiaotian with a serious face

"Well, this is a problem. Those ultrasonic larvae flew away, probably because the ant's nest is underground, and it is no longer suitable for ultrasonic larvae to live in. Of course, it is also possible that, as you said, they will return to their hometown, Well, I will catch those ultrasonic larvae on the continent and let them live in the new continent, if they still want to fly away, I won't stop it, that's all right?" Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaotian lowered his head and pondered. After a while he said... . . .

541. Preparation

Seriously, Xiaotian doesn't know if the evolved ultrasonic larvae of the big jaw ants will leave the new world, and they have to go to where they should go, but this is also something that can't be helped, Xiaotian can't lock it. They don't give them freedom

Xiaotian only hopes that after those ultrasonic larvae reach the mainland, they can live there well, otherwise, Xiaotian has no choice.

"Do those ultrasonic larvae want to change a place of life, or do they have a fixed place to go?" Xiaotian thought with some doubts

"However, no matter what you say, there are still many strange and magical places in this world." At the same time as he was puzzled, Xiaotian also felt a little emotional.

So many ultrasonic larvae will cause a huge sensation wherever they go. I am afraid that the place where the ultrasonic larvae are going is definitely a strange and mysterious place.

However, Xiaotian is just a little bit about it. There are too many mysterious places in this world that humans have not explored. This is normal.

Release a flying-type Pokémon, Xiaotian intends to find a place

According to the plot of the original book, Xiaotian knows that there is an underground lake around here. Although it is said to be an underground lake, there is a big hole above the lake, directly above the lake.

And the passages under these big pits extend in all directions, connecting the underground lakes one after another. As for those big-jawed ants, they are hidden in the underground passages. If Xiaotian wants to catch all the big-jawed ants in the underground passages here, it is simply too much. difficult

In the spirit of goose plucking, Xiaotian intends to snatch up those ultrasonic larvae directly. It happens that Xiaotian, who is familiar with the original plot, knows that the underground lake is the place where the colonies of the big-jawed ants evolved.

The only thing that makes Xiaotian a little embarrassed is that Xiaotian does not know when the big jaw ants will evolve, and it is likely that he will have to wait for some time.

"I found it" After careful search for the flying-type Pokémon, I finally found the underground lake in a very secret place. Just when Xiaotian was about to go there, a huge rumbling sound suddenly came from a distance.

Then Xiaotian and others saw a huge machine, waving a huge shovel and driving straight towards the big pit

"The big jaw ants are ours..." The excited voice from the machine echoed in the air

"This is... Someone discovered the big-jawed ants here and plans to arrest them? But..." However, Xiaotian was not worried at all, but looked at the idiot as he drove into the big pit. the machine

"Master, master, someone is trying to catch the big-jawed ants, you quickly help!" Xiaoyao on the side also reacted, and hurriedly shouted to Xiaotian

For these big-jawed ants, Xiao Yao even refuted her most beloved master at first, how could it be possible for others to capture these big-jawed ants?

"Don't worry, just keep watching." For Xiaoyao's impatience, Xiaotian calmly looked at the machine that the other party drove into the pit

I saw that after the huge machine drove into the big pit, before the machine could act, a large group of big-jawed ants suddenly appeared in the big pit, and then the big-jawed ants opened their huge mouths and bit the machine. up

The steel that is usually extremely hard and the steel defense that the machine is proud of is under the mouth of the big jaw ant.

"Eat...eat?" Xiaoyao and Xiaoxi on the side were stunned

Soon, the machine in the big pit was completely wiped out by the big jaw ant colony, leaving two hunters hugging and trembling together.

"Hey, these two idiots" Seeing such a result, Xiaotian couldn't help but sigh, some people in this world have too low IQs, I don't know why, Xiaotian suddenly has a sense of superiority in terms of IQ

"Okay... what a horrible big-jawed ant" Xiaoyao exclaimed with some stammering. At this time, Xiaoyao can fully feel the shadow of the two poor hunters in the big pit.

In the blink of an eye, the huge machine was completely eaten by the big-jawed ants, leaving only two humans. If it was his turn, wouldn't he faint?

"He...will they be eaten?" Seeing that the big-jawed ants did not disappear after eating the machine, they waved the predators towards the two hunters, and Xiaoxi on the side stepped back with a frightened face After a few steps, the little face turned pale with fright

"No, look." Xiaotian pointed to the bottom of the big pit and said to Xiaoxi. Although these ants look horrible when they eat, they don't eat living things, which means they don't eat humans. Or a Pokémon, at most it's just an attack, Xiaoxi is completely frightening herself

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi weakly came to the edge of the big pit to look, only to see that the two hunters had rolled their eyes and fainted from fright, and the big-jawed ants sneaked into the bottom of the big pit one by one ,Disappear

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