The Dragon-type Pokémon is a kind of Pokémon that is more precious than the Pokémon in the nature reserve. This kind of Pokémon is placed in the hands of those big families, and it is also a very precious Pokémon.

So, to put the dragon-type Pokémon in the nature reserve, is this a thing that is short-circuited to what extent?Anyway, Xiaotian can't do such a local tyrant.

543. Absolu


"Master, I'm so tired, take a rest." Xiaoyao lay on the stone on the side, panting and acting like a spoiled child to Xiaotian

"Well, there is a small town passing by a bridge in front of you. Then you should have a good rest. Then you will lie down and sleep and no one will care about you. You can't have a good rest here." Xiaotian glanced at the surrounding rocks. Said to Xiaoyao

After a day's travel, Xiaotian moved towards the last gym again, and after this day's observation, Xiaotian also found that the people from the Fengyuan Alliance didn't realize that they had lost a nest of dragon-type Pokémon. My heart is finally letting go

"Is there a town in front of you?" Hearing Xiaotian's conversation, Xiaoyao suddenly became full of energy, full of fighting power, and she didn't look like she was lazy before.

"Well, cross the bridge in front and arrive at the town, and then you can have a good rest." Seeing Xiaoyao running to the front, Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head, Xiaoyao is "four forty" Head, if I hadn't been crazy about playing with my Pokémon before, I wouldn't be so tired now. I haven't seen the weak Xiaoxi, is there anything wrong?

"Yeah, there really is a bridge. After crossing this bridge, you can have a good rest." Xiao Yao, who was running in front, cheered excitedly when she saw the bridge.

Just as Xiaoyao was eager to pass the bridge, Xiaotian's Pikachu suddenly made a vigilant cry.


"Huh? Xiaoyao wait." Feeling Pikachu's warning, Xiaotian hurriedly stopped Xiaoyao

"What are you doing? Master?" Hearing Xiaotian's voice, Xiaoyao looked at Xiaotian with some doubts. Although she wondered what the master called her, Xiaoyao obediently stopped.

"Wait a minute, it's dangerous" Seeing Xiaoyao stop, Xiaotian and Xiaoxi hurriedly took a few steps to catch up with Xiaoyao

If it is really dangerous, Xiaoyao and Xiaoxi stand with him, and Xiaotian can at least protect the safety of the two girls


Just as Xiaotian and Xiaoxi had just caught up with Xiaoyao and the three of them were standing together, the bridge over the river suddenly banged and broke apart. Except for the bridgeheads on both sides, the middle was completely broken.

"This... this..." Seeing such a situation, Xiao Yao stepped back several steps in fright. She was secretly afraid, but she was also a little fortunate. Fortunately, Master Xiao Tian reminded herself, otherwise she would fall off with the bridge. Arriving in the river, Xiao Yao couldn't help but drop a big cold sweat while looking at the rushing river below.

Soon, Xiaoyao found something wrong. In the place where the bridge broke, there was a white Pokémon. Xiaoyao hurriedly took out the Pokémon illustration to check it.

"Absol?" Before waiting for the picture book to speak, Xiaotian on the side was a little surprised and called out the name of this Pokémon first.

"Absol, the Pokémon of Calamity, lives in the depths of the steep mountains and hardly ever appears in populated places, but it is said that once it appears in front of people, disasters will surely occur" Xiao Yao's magic The baby picture book makes a mechanical sound

"That is to say..."

"From now on, it is very likely that there will be a disaster." Xiaoxi and Xiaoyao's voices were trembling, which was frightened

"I found you, Absol"

"Damn, you still dare to destroy the bridge, I must teach you a lesson today." At this moment, two angry voices suddenly came from the other side of the river. When I looked up, I saw two men holding wooden sticks and looking at them angrily. Absol on the Broken Bridge

"..." Looking at the two people on the other side of the river who made a gesture of not giving up to Absolu, Xiaotian looked at them with admiration. They were very courageous. As a human being, he actually provokes Pokémon alone, especially Absol, a wild Pokémon that is high-level for most trainers.

Xiaotian suddenly felt that the IQs of the two hunters who drove the machine into the big pit were normal. At the same time, a huge sense of superiority in IQ slowly rose, blocking the can't stop

"be careful"

"Hurry up!" The two women who saw Absol jumping to the other side of the river and were frightened by the introduction of the Pokémon Pokédex anxiously shouted to the two awesome elder brothers

Then, Absoluri ignored the two of them and disappeared into the distant rocky mountain

"What should I do? The bridge is destroyed, and there is that Absol. It appears in front of human beings, and there will be a disaster. Is this true? Or is the disaster created by Absol?" Looking at the fracture the bridge, Xiaoyao looked sad

"Absol, will it really cause disaster?" Xiaoxi thought with some doubts. Although Absol is not a cute Pokémon, Xiaoxi likes such a handsome Pokémon as well.

Compared to the two big brothers who were furious and furious on the other side of the river, and Xiaoxi and Xiaoyao who were in a complicated mood, Xiaotian was much simpler, and his eyes were shining as he looked at Absolu who was far away.

"Absolu, an absolutely rare Pokémon, you must get it back" Xiaotian's old problem has been committed again. Whenever he encounters a rare Pokémon, he always thinks about turning to his own chassis.

"Master, the bridge is broken and we can't cross the river." Xiaoyao looked at Xiaotian pitifully

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaotian couldn't help rolling his eyes. As a trainer with Pokémon, he couldn't cross the river because the bridge was broken?What's in your little head?

"Shanaiduo, use teleportation, take us across the river" to release Shanaido, Xiaotian commanded to Shanaido


Xiaotian has always felt that Shanaido is the most pretentious in battle. When he opens his eyes, it turns blue, and then he uses all kinds of super power skills that are difficult to defend.

When they came to the other side of the river, it was probably because of the two women shouting before. The two big brothers with infinite courage led Xiaotian and the three of them to the town in front of them with great enthusiasm.

It's a small town, but it's actually just a huge village. It doesn't even have some huge buildings. There are no department stores at all, but it's enough for people to rest.

After understanding, the three of Xiaotian also knew about the deeds of the Absol. It turned out that the Absol used to live in the depths of the nearby rocks and rarely showed up in front of humans, but some time ago, they didn't know what happened. It often appears near the village and destroys the bridge here. Counting the bridge destroyed today, the Absol has destroyed three bridges in a row.

So all the villagers here think that Absol 2.0 is the source of the disaster, and even want to destroy the Absol, but unfortunately it is not strong enough

Xiaotian understands this quite well. To put it bluntly, it is a slightly larger village. There are not many trainers. Can the village handle it?

"Master, that Absolu caused disaster here, let's help them." Hearing the villagers' complaints, Xiaoyao was overflowing with sympathy and begged Xiaotian to help them. believe the villagers

And with the strength of this village, there is basically no hope of defeating that Absol.

"I didn't expect that Absol was really causing the disaster," Xiaoxi said sadly.

Originally, Xiaoxi did not believe that Absolu would cause disasters, but now hearing the words of the villagers, Xiaoxi had to believe the facts...  

544. Arguing for Absol

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