However, what everyone did not expect was that on the way they were going, they met a person who claimed to be a trainer of Laluras.

"I'm the gentleman known as the trainer of the three sisters with superpowers, so is Kojironi"

"Lalulas, come here quickly, I'll take you to see a doctor, your sisters are worried about you," the person who claimed to be a Lalulas trainer said to Lalulas, and with this person's words, appeared on the field two strange things

"Shanai Shanai"

"Ai Lu, Ai Lu"

If Xiaotian is here, Xiaotian can see at a glance that the so-called Lalu drawing trainer is actually Xiaojiro in disguise, but he just wears a hat, a white beard, and a suit. This disguise is simple. Don't want it, but the effect is very good. At least Xiaozhi and others didn't recognize Xiaojiro. I have to say that this IQ is no longer there.

Although Xiaozhi and the others did not recognize Kojiro, the action of Lalu Lassi dodging behind Xiaosheng made Xiaozhi and others suspicious. If Lalu Lasi is really this person's Pokémon, Lalu Lasi How can you hide?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

"Are you really the trainer of this Lalulas? There are also these two Shanaido and Elluedo, I always feel something is wrong." Xiaozhi looked at the other party suspiciously and said.

Hearing Xiao Zhi's question, the opposite Kojiro, Musashi who played Shanaido, and Miaomiao who played Elleido fell down in a cold sweat. At the same time, he was still a little puzzled, how did this kid become smarter today?

"I. Of course I'm a trainer of Laluras." Facing Ash's suspicion, Kojiro replied weakly.

"Really?" Xiao Zhi and the others kept swiping at each other with suspicious eyes. Although they felt something was wrong, they couldn't see any flaws.

But it doesn't matter if you can't see it. Xiaozhi has another way. He takes out the Pokémon illustration, and Xiaozhi swipes at the other party. Obviously, this is a trick, and he has experience.


"Meow, monster Pokémon, the eyes will light up at night, sleep during the day, and have the habit of collecting sparkling things to bring back to treasure" Pokémon illustrated a voice

"Meow? Team Rocket!" Xiao Zhi and Xiao Sheng shouted in surprise when they heard the voice of the picture book.

"That's right, it's us." Seeing that Xiao Zhi had discovered his disguise, the Rockets trio were not hiding either, they pulled off the disguise and said the classic lines of the Rockets

"You... weren't you in the New World before? How did you come with them?" Looking at the Rockets trio in astonishment, Xiao Zhi asked in astonishment. You must know that he, Xiao Sheng and Sundae did it together. The plane came here, and it was a super fast high-tech plane.

"Haha, of course I came with your plane," Musashi replied proudly after hearing Ash's question.

But in his heart, Musashi was cursing and asking how did I follow him?We came after crawling on the plane, what a broken plane, the flying one is so fast, it scared the baby to death

"We need more rockets for that Lalu Lassi, let's go to Poison Pink Butterfly and use the strong wind." The powerful force brought by the strong wind made Xiaozhi and others unable to raise their heads at all.

"Desert Naia uses missile needles" Countless glittering missile needles, like small missiles, boom boom boom boom, producing a series of explosions

From the power of the skills used by these two Pokémon, it can be seen that the strength of Team Rocket has a great hint, especially after the trip to the New World, the strength of Team Rocket, who has been tossing all over the continent, is very obvious.

547 Opportunities of a Small Victory

Musashi and Kojiro released Pokémon directly

"Damn, Pikachu used [-] volts" to avoid the missile needle attack, and Ash directed Pikachu to counterattack

"Xiao Sheng, take Laluras to the Pokémon Center for treatment, we'll block the Rockets" Xiaoyao on the side also released Pokémon, ready to join the battle

It's nothing to block the Rockets, but Lalulas's illness can't stand the delay, so Xiaosheng lowered his head and thought, turned around and left here with Lalulas on his back.

The battle between Xiao Zhi and the others and the Rockets was not too intense. After all, although the Rockets' strength had improved tremendously, they could not stand the siege of Xiaoxi, Xiaoyao, and Xiaozhi.

But I have to say that although the Rockets trio had no lower IQ when they captured Pikachu, at other times, they were still smart.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Snake's use of smoke, the Rockets successfully got rid of the obstruction of Xiaozhi and others, and took the lead in finding Xiaosheng who was running wildly with Laluras on his back.

Just when the Rockets trio threatened the determined Xiaosheng to hand over Lalu Lassi, the Rockets "Seven-Five-Three" trio suddenly flew up uncontrollably, and were severely beaten. Throw it out, turn it into a meteor, and disappear into the sky

"What's going on?" Just when Xiaosheng was puzzled, a figure suddenly flashed in front of Xiaosheng, and two Pokémon appeared in an instant.

"This is Shanaido and Eluledo?" Xiao Sheng was a little surprised when he saw the two Pokémon that appeared, and then realized that these two Pokémon should be Lalulas' relatives

But when Shanaido and Eluledo wanted to take Lalulas back, Xiaosheng refused the request of the two Pokémon, because Lalulas was sick now, even if it was exchanged for Shanaido and Ellulei They have no choice but to hand it over to the Pokémon Center for treatment.

Seeing Xiaosheng's refusal to hand over Laluras, Shanaido and Elluiduo were immediately angry, their eyes turned blue, and they used a powerful fantasy technique to attack Xiaosheng.

"Lalulas is sick and can only be treated by the Pokémon Center. I will never give it to you." Facing the anger of the two Pokémon, Xiao Sheng insisted on his face, and then gritted his teeth and closed his eyes to prepare to endure opponent's attack

But after waiting for a long time, without feeling the attack, Xiaosheng opened his eyes, and what he saw was Lalulas, who had been behind him, but at some point, he appeared in front of him and blocked Shanaido and Eluledo. s attack

"Lalu Lasi" saw that the sick Lalu Lasi blocked the attack for himself, Xiaosheng was moved

It seems that they were moved by Lalu Lassi's behavior. Shanaido and Eluledo gave up the idea of ​​taking Lalu Lasi back now, and made an agreement with Xiaosheng that after treating Lalu Lasi, they would return it to themselves.

"Thank you, I will definitely abide by the agreement." After thanking Shanaido and Elluiduo, Xiaosheng hurriedly ran towards the Pokémon Center.

The impatient Xiaosheng didn't know that his persistence along the way and the care he took for Lalu Lasi along the way left an incomparably deep emotion in Lalu Lasi's heart.

After half a day, at the Pokémon Research Institute, Laluras has completely recovered.

"Fortunately, you delivered it in time. If it is later, the consequences will be disastrous." Miss Joy said to Xiaozhi and the others, looking at Laluras who had already woken up.

"Lalu Lasi" hugged Lalu Lasi, Xiaosheng was happy at the same time, but also extremely sad, because Lalu Lasi has fully recovered, which means Lalu Lasi is about to leave

"Lalulas, I made an agreement with them to return you to them, let's go." Xiaosheng's expression was a little down, because the agreement with Shanaido and Elleido, no matter how long Xiaosheng was in his heart, No, don't give them back Laluras

Xiaosheng came to the outside of the Pokémon Center with Lalu Lasiwu in his arms, Xiaosheng shouted into the air

"Shanaiduo, Eluledo, I will obey our agreement and return Laluras to you." Xiaosheng believed that the two Pokémon were worried that Laluras must be around

Just after Xiaosheng finished calling Shanaido and Elleido, two strange creatures suddenly appeared in the field. Although these two strange things looked a lot like Shanaido and Elleido, they looked strange. The thing came out with his feet, Xiaosheng's face turned black

Xiaosheng, who has seen Shaneduo and Eluledo appear, of course knows that if those two Pokémon appear, they will definitely appear suddenly in a teleportation. Moreover, the two strange characters that look like Shaneduo and Eluledo are in front of him. The thing, in the forest before, just finished fooling us, just saw it, and now it's here again?Do you think I'm stupid?

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