"Master, tell me, what are the qualifications of these three Pokémon? Don't lie to me with 5.8" Xiaoyao said to Xiaotian with a serious face

Originally, Xiaotian said that the Pokémon here are all low-quality Pokémon, Xiaoyao still believed it, but when Xiaotian saw these three Pokémon, he was stunned for a moment, and then his overjoyed expression was a big surprise to Xiaotian before. Speaking of words, Xiaoyao can't believe it at all.

"Uh.." Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaotian felt a little guilty, and after checking the Pokémon as rewards again

"I said these three Pokémon are exceptions, do you believe it?" Xiaotian asked Xiaoyao weakly

"What do you think?" Xiaoyao frowned again

After going crazy for a while, Xiaoyao suddenly looked at Xiaotian with a solemn expression, "Master, I just saw your surprised expression, these Pokémon are very precious, I know you don't want me to be sad, but such an opportunity should not be missed. , Master, you should continue to smash Easter eggs.”  …

556. Making Energy Blocks

"As I said, these three Pokémon are only exceptions, and the other Pokémon are too low-quality," Xiaotian explained after hearing Xiaoyao's words

"Master..." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoyao was immediately moved

As for Xiaotian, the three of them have only drawn three Pokémon, are they all exceptions?Who would believe it?Are you fooling the fool?So Xiaoyao firmly believed that Xiaotian didn't smash Easter eggs because she didn't want to make herself sad, and Xiaoyao was moved for a while.

"It's really just an exception." Looking at Xiaoyao's moved appearance, Xiaotian said helplessly, but what he said was completely lacking in confidence.

In fact, even Xiaotian feels amazing. There are so many Pokémon here, but he and others only got three Pokémon, but they are all exceptions. All right

However, what Xiaotian didn't know, in the new world at this time, Xiaozhi was looking at Pikachu in front of him with a dazed expression.

"Pikachu, I think you're a little different, but anyway, I think you're closer." Xiao Zhi smirked

If Xiaotian is here and sees Ash's Pikachu, he will be very surprised

Race: Pikachu

16 Attribute: Electricity

Qualification: ?


Introduction, the protagonist of this world has been connected with the luck of this world. He is a magical Pikachu, sometimes strong and capable of overturning divine beasts, and sometimes weak and losing to Zhan Wu scum, his combat power is linked to mood

That is to say, at this time, Xiaozhi and Pikachu are the real protagonists of the world. In the previous trip, although Xiaozhi encountered divine beasts and fought with them, Xiaozhi did not play a role at all, and belonged to soy sauce. As for knocking down divine beasts or something, it's totally nothing.

But from now on, Xiao Zhicai really begins to belong to his awesome life

At the same time, Xiao Mao, who was also in the New World, was holding a Poke Ball and secretly wiped away a cold sweat.

"Huh, this little guy's strength is so strong, he almost capsized in the gutter, but fortunately, I finally conquered you" Xiao Mao showed a sunny smile

In addition to Xiaozhi's Pikachu, which has been completely changed, Xiaomao has captured a new Pokémon. Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon and Xiaomao's jenny turtle have also undergone huge changes. Of course, these Xiaotian don't know

At this time, Xiaotian is content with the three Pokémon that he has harvested, and happily embarks on the journey of continuing his journey.

A day later, the three of Xiaotian stopped in a small town again, because Xiaoyao was going to toss again.

This is a town famous for processing energy cubes. A large number of tree fruits are planted here, which can be used to process energy cubes. There are even energy cube processing machines in the Pokémon Center.

Because there are a lot of tree fruits here, there are many tree fruits that can be picked for free. Seeing this situation, and being attracted by the people around, Xiaoyao picked a large basket of tree fruits with great enthusiasm. Looking forward to running to process the energy block

"I said Xiaoyao, can you process the energy cubes?" Xiaotian asked worriedly, looking at Xiaoyao's enthusiastic processing energy cubes

Xiaotian has to worry. Thinking of the terrifying scene where Xiaoyao processed energy cubes and poisoned a large area of ​​Pokémon last time, Xiaotian still has lingering fears.

"Of course, master, I may have the ultimate secret recipe." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoyao excitedly took out a secret recipe, while processing the energy cube against the secret recipe.

"Is this...reliable?" Xiaotian asked weakly. First of all, with Xiaoyao's technique of poisoning a large number of Pokémon, Xiaotian really couldn't understand, what is Xiaoyao's so-called ultimate secret recipe? After research, the most important thing is, what the hell does this so-called secret recipe draw?Xiaotian doesn't understand at all

"I hope your Pokémon can still be alive after eating your ultimate secret energy cube" Xiaotian sent his heartfelt blessings to Xiaoyao's Pokémon in his heart

"Xiaoxi, why do you only use one kind of fruit for the energy block you process?" Xiaotian asked with some doubts when he saw that Xiaoxi on the side could see the block.

"Is there any problem? This is a spicy fruit. The processed energy cube is suitable for the taste of fire-type Pokémon. This yellow fruit is a bit sour, which is suitable for the taste of electric-type Pokémon. Pikachu likes it very much. With these fruits, they all have the right taste for Pokémon." Xiaoxi answered Xiaotian's question while clinging to the energy cube.

"But....I see that Xiaoyao has cut a little of each fruit and put them all into the machine."

"......" Xiaoxi

"........."Xiao Tian

Looking at Xiaoyao who is constantly busy with all kinds of fruits being cut into the machine one by one, Xiaotian finally knows why the energy cubes processed by this girl can poison a large number of Pokémon. What is your taste?A hodgepodge?

Shaking his head, looking at Xiaoyao who was energetically processing energy cubes, Xiaotian gave up the idea of ​​stopping Xiaoyao, and could only express his deep sorrow for Xiaoyao's Pokémon in his heart.

Soon, Xiaoxi and Xiaoyao finished processing the energy cubes and came to Xiaotian with a plate each.

"Master, I've finished processing the energy cubes. Next, it's time for the Pokémon to use the energy cubes I've processed. Let's see if they like it or not." Xiao Yao was extremely excited and looked forward to it.

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaotian's body trembled, and subconsciously took a step back and covered his Pokeball. Xiaotian didn't want his Pokémon to try Xiaoyao's energy cube.

"Master, what are you doing, do you want your Pokémon to taste my energy cube too?" Xiaoyao said happily when she saw Xiaotian's hand on her Pokeball

"......" Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaotian's cold sweat burst out.

"But, no, this is my ultimate recipe, I have to let my Pokémon try it first, and then it's your turn." Before Xiaotian could speak, Xiaoyao said proudly

Then Xiaoyao released her Pokémon, and pushed the big pot full of energy cubes over, looking at her god 523 Pokémon with anticipation

"This is the energy cube I made, come on, you guys have a taste"

Although as Xiaoyao's Pokémon, Pokémon should listen to Xiaoyao's words, but at this time, these Pokémon were embarrassed and hesitant. Yao's Pokémon have lingering fears one by one

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