"This isolated island, because of the thunderclouds above and the huge sea vortex on the sea, neither ships nor planes can pass here, so I have lived here for a long time. I saw your plane before, I thought you were ex-planets. Where are the rescuers?" Robinson explained slowly to Xiaotian and others.

"Have you lived for a long time?" Xiao Zhi was shocked when he heard Robinson's words. There are only ten days left until the Caiyou Alliance Conference, and Xiao Zhi is very worried that he will not be able to catch up with the conference.

"Yes, it has been a long time, because there are no ships and planes passing by here, and for some reason, there is no signal here, and it is impossible to leave this island. I have been trapped here for a long time."

"My Caiyou Conference..." Hearing Robinson's words, Xiao Zhi's face was extremely ugly

"Although I'm sorry, but if you want to leave this island, I'm afraid it will take a long time. I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with the Caiyou Conference you said." Robinson comforted Xiaozhi.

bgcd "For a long time..." The Rockets trio on the side of Robinson sipped one by one for a long time. The gray-haired old man and the old lady couldn't help shaking their bodies

"Don't!" The Rockets trio let out a scream, how miserable and miserable the sound was

Compared to Team Rocket, who was screaming and screaming, Xiaotian was very calm and his face was incomparably indifferent, but in his heart, Xiaotian directly sighed at Xiaozhi's IQ.

It's really not good, it's not enough to fly out with a Pokémon, even if Xiaogang Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng have no flying Pokémon to carry, isn't there Xiaotian? With the size of Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon, all of them are added together and sprayed. Fire dragons can stand it

But obviously, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang didn't think of this at all. Seeing Xiaozhi's dark face like constipation, Xiaotian knew that Xiaozhi was still worried about the Caiyou Alliance Conference in his heart.

"Xiaotian..." Seeing that Xiaotian has been looking into the distance, the sundae is a little puzzled

"It's a magical place. The planes in the sky can't pass, the ships in the sea can't pass, and for some reason, there is no signal here. This island looks very mysterious." Hearing the sundae's call, Xiaotian said indifferently.

"..." Hearing Xiaotian's words, everyone looked at Xiaotian suspiciously. Under such circumstances, Xiaotian, do you still have the mind to study the mystery of this island?What a heart

"Let's waste a day and explore this island." Xiaotian made up his mind and said to everyone

"One day delay? One day? By the way, Xiaotian is here" Did Xiaozhi's eyes light up when he heard Xiaotian's words, Xiaozhicai realized what Xiaotian meant, and immediately became happy, with Xiaotian there, what to worry about of

Seeing Xiaozhi who suddenly became elated, Xiaotian turned his head and ignored the smirking Xiaozhi, this guy's IQ is too low

Except for Xiaozhi, the rest of the people also reacted at this time. With Xiaotian here, it is not easy to leave this island, so everyone's nervous mood is relaxed, and they all start to look around curiously, intending to explore this mysterious island. island

"You can't go in, this island is too dangerous, there are a lot of ferocious Pokémon in it" Just when everyone was going to go to the forest, Robinson suddenly stopped everyone

"It doesn't matter, we are all trainers, we are not afraid of Pokémon, but you, since the Pokémon here are very vicious, how did you live for so long?" Hearing Robinson's words, Xiao Zhi was full of confidence, and then asked with some doubts

"There are a lot of fruit trees not far from the seaside, and the food is plentiful. I have always lived by the seaside, but I can't do it in the forest. There are ferocious Pokémon in the forest, and they will attack humans." Hear Xiaozhi Robinson replied with some fear, obviously, it seems that he has eaten the Pokémon here before.

"Aha? Ferocious Pokémon? Just in time, I need a special training before the Caiyou Conference. The Pokémon here are just right for me to have a special training." Hearing Robinson's words, Xiao Zhi suddenly became enthusiastic

"Don't worry, the Pokémon here can't hurt us, Xiaozhi, don't you want special training? Then you go ahead and open the way, the destination, the mountain in the middle." Xiaotian first comforted Robinson, then Command Xiaozhi to open the way

This island, except for the outermost fruit trees, is full of forests, and in the middle is a huge mountain. In Xiaotian's opinion, if this island has any secrets, it should be above the middle mountain.

The Pokémon in the forests of this island are indeed very vicious, as Robinson said, and the first reaction when they see a human being is to attack, and their strength is quite good. More than ten urgent quasi-king level Pokémon

But Xiaozhi's strength is not weak, because Xiaotian is an anomaly, Xiaozhi's current strength is very different from that in the original book, and it is very simple to deal with the Pokémon here.

Especially Xiaozhi's Pikachu, who just turned on the super god mode at this time, whether it is more than [-] levels, [-] levels, or more than [-] levels of Pokémon, one hit, one hit, look at Xiaotianyan The beads almost popped out

Although the progress is very smooth, everyone is full of doubts, because most of the Pokémon here are in the primary or intermediate form, and there are very few Pokémon in the ultimate form.

You must know that when the level of Pokémon is sufficient, it can evolve after a certain degree of stimulation, and only after evolution can Pokémon continue to improve its strength and level more easily.

But the Pokémon here are all very good and high, but they rarely have an evolutionary form, which is too abnormal. (Bookstore shu05.com)

566. Fruits of Growth

All the way to the top of the mountain, Xiaotian gave up the idea of ​​a big secret here with disappointment. Before everyone explored it, almost all of them were solved by Xiaozhi. Even if Xiaozhi encountered the strongest one Baby, there's nothing but a king-level Pokémon

This kind of strength seems too weak to Xiaotian, and with such a weak strength of this island, it seems that there will not be any good genius treasures.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, everyone found nothing precious, until they came to the top of the mountain, everyone saw a strange fruit tree

It is strange because there is no record of this fruit tree, and the fruit on that fruit tree will drift down with the wind after ripening, and be blown down by the wind from the top of the mountain

"System, check what's the use of that fruit tree"

"Growing fruit, after the Pokémon eat it, they can continue to upgrade the level without entering the "seven-nine-zero" transformation."

"Without evolution, can you continue to improve your strength without any impact?" Xiaotian was a little disappointed when he heard the system's words

What is the use of such fruit?Although Pokémon have enough levels but have not evolved, it is more difficult to continue to upgrade the level, but these problems are not a problem at all, as long as the Pokémon does not evolve?

As long as the Pokémon evolve with sufficient levels, not only can they continue to improve their strength, but after evolution, their strength will also increase, and even some Pokémon whose potential has been developed to the limit can be upgraded to the highest level during evolution. reach level ten

In this way, there are some Pokémon that can evolve twice. It is these two evolutions that have fully improved the level of [-]. Although it is said that Pokémon that can be upgraded to [-] each time are rare, but each evolution is rare. , Pokémon's strength will be improved, this is true

Therefore, these fruits are completely useless in Xiaotian's view.

"That's it? Xiaotian" Seeing Xiaotian's disappointed look, the sundae on the side asked

"These fruits are completely useless, only those Pokémon that have not reached the ultimate evolution are useful, and the effect is only to allow Pokémon to continue to improve their strength without any impact in the case of useless evolution." Hear Sundae's Asked, Xiaotian shook his head a little disappointed and replied

"Can the Pokémon be upgraded without any impact?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi and Xiaozhi's eyes instantly lit up.

"Xiaotian, if you eat this kind of fruit, will those Pokémon evolve in the future?" Xiaozhi asked Xiaotian expectantly.

"Yes" asked the system in his heart, Xiaotian answered Xiaozhi's question, and at the same time Xiaotian had some doubts, these useless fruits, what is Xiaozhi doing so excited?

When he saw Xiaoxi with the same sparkling eyes, Xiaotian suddenly felt a change in his heart.

"Yes, in this world, apart from those trainers who pursue power, there are many trainers like Xiaoxi who like cute and beautiful Pokémon, and strange trainers like Xiao Zhi who don't care if their Pokémon evolve or not. "

Seeing the reaction of Xiaoxi and Xiaozhi, Xiaotian realized that this fruit is useless to him, but it is very popular for trainers like Xiaoxi and Xiaozhi.

Xiaoxi likes cute and beautiful Pokémon, but after the level of those Pokémon is high enough, with the stimulation of defeating the opponent, those Pokémon will evolve. It's not cute anymore, although Xiaoxi is angry about this, but there is no way to do it

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