In terms of qualifications, Shanaido's qualifications have reached the qualifications of kings, but what is the special attack qualifications? , Xiaotian doesn't know whether Shanaido's special attack has surpassed the qualifications of the emperor, reaching a terrifying level, or is it like Pikachu, whether it is strong or not depends on the mood, but what is the special attack qualification? , which is enough to illustrate the extraordinaryness of Shanaido

The most important thing is that Shanaido has an extra fairy type. You must know that the general Shanaido only has a super power type, and Xiaotian's super power has an extra fairy type, which is the attribute of immunity to dragon skills.

In addition to the improvement of level strength and the change of aptitude, in the end, if Shanaido has 770 more magical characteristics, a characteristic that Xiaotian has never seen before

"Inheritance characteristics; when Shanaido faces death, he can use inheritance characteristics to pass on his own power"

Seeing this inheritance feature, Xiaotian scratched his head with some doubts. Is there any use for this feature?When I die in the future, Shanaido's power will be passed down from generation to generation to protect the family?

Instead of this, it is better to cultivate a nine-tailed or water arrow turtle, a thousand-year-old nine-tailed tortoise, wouldn't it take longer?

"Forget it." Shaking his head, Xiaotian gave up the cranky thoughts in his head. Looking at Shanaido, who had changed a lot in appearance, Xiaotian showed an excited and satisfied smile. Now Shanaido's appearance has become beautiful, not to mention his strength. Great improvement, this trip is really worth it

Ignoring the curious crowd around Shanaido, as well as Shanaido who was a little shy because of the sudden change in appearance, Xiaotian began to call home.

The thing that can affect the signal here is the Shanaido hijab that radiates this powerful superpower all the time. Now, the Shanaido hijab has been absorbed by Xiaotian's Shanaido. Without the strong superpower interference, the signal here has returned to normal.

Because of those growing fruits, Xiaozhi, who is usually very impatient, is not in a hurry when he returns, but is honestly waiting for the people of the Xiaotian family to come here. Of course, during the waiting period, Xiaozhi was not idle, looking for wild animals everywhere. Pokémon battle.

568. Super Prizes of the Alliance Assembly

A day later, people from the Xiaotian family arrived and sent a plane to Xiaotian and others. Then the family members also took the growing fruit found here by Xiaotian and others back to the New World for research, hoping to plant this fruit sooner. But it's a lucrative deal

Continuing the flight journey, Xiaotian lay lazily on the chair to rest, Xiaozhi returned to his bloody appearance, Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao looked curiously at the spirit outside the plane, the Rockets trio was in the corner, look wretched

"Xiaotian, look at this" At this moment, Sundae walked up to Xiaotian, raised the communication watch on his wrist, and said to Xiaotian.

"What is this?" Seeing a stone-like item displayed on the sundae watch, the lazy Xiaotian was a little puzzled

"This is the reward of the Hoenn Regional Alliance Conference" Sundae replied solemnly to Xiaotian

"Reward, oh" Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian returned to his lazy appearance

The champion of each regional league competition, in addition to the deserved championship trophy, will also be rewarded by the league conference. In the past, Xiaotian won two championships, and naturally he also received two rewards, but those rewards are for ordinary trainers. It may be a very precious thing, but in Xiaotian's opinion, those poor alliances are too rude.

If you beat all the contestants hard, you will get tens of millions of gadgets, so the reward of digging is simply losing the face of those regional alliances.

Xiaotian has already thought about it, if his new continent holds regional competitions in the future, Xiaotian will definitely bring out the treasures that will make the contestants jealous. After all, it is also the most grand competition in the 900 area, and I can't lose face in the new continent, right?

"Xiaotian, this thing is a treasure." Looking at Xiaotian's lazy appearance, Sundae knew that Xiaotian didn't care about this thing, and hurriedly said to Xiaotian

"What? Just those poor gangsters in the league who can take out treasures as prizes?" Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian looked at Sundae with a flickering expression on his face and said.

"'re right. The Fengyuan Alliance will not take out such a baby as a prize, because it's an accident." Xiaotian's words made Sundae's face stiffen, and then Sundae explained to Xiaotian.

"This extraterrestrial meteorite, at the beginning of the alliance and knowing what it would do, was confused as the championship prize of this competition and announced it, but there was a research apprentice who once held this meteorite for research. I know how he did it, causing the meteorite outside the sky to emit a ray of light, and it unexpectedly irradiated a Pokémon not far away, guess what happened?" Sundae asked Xiaotian solemnly.

"Dead?" Xiaotian looked casual

"Uh.. it is indeed dead, but before that Pokémon died, after it was irradiated by the light from the meteorite, its strength exploded, and the level directly increased from level 40 to the level of the king."

"What? The Heavenly King who stepped directly from level 40 to level 70? His strength has soared to level 30? How is this possible?" Hearing Sundae's words, not to mention other people in the plane, even Xiaotian sat up straight. , full of astonishment

"It's a pity that the Pokémon died not long after, but after inspection by the researchers, it was found that the Pokémon died because it couldn't withstand the surge of power, so you should know this. what does it represent"

"What does it represent?" Hearing the words of the sundae, Xiao Zhi looked dazed

Everyone turned their heads in unison, with contempt on their faces, Xiaozhi successfully refreshed everyone's perception of him, and his IQ has no lower limit.

"In other words, if a powerful or physically tyrannical Pokémon is likely to withstand that power, it will be the light emitted by the meteorite, and its strength will be greatly improved?" Xiaotian's face was a little solemn.

Doesn't this mean that as long as there is a powerful enough or physically powerful Pokémon, and the meteorite continues to shine, it can continue to create a powerful existence in the sky, even a quasi-champion, champion-level?How can there be such a horrible thing?For a time, even Xiaotian was shocked

"Yes, after repeated research by the researchers, although they still didn't understand the situation of this meteorite, everyone guessed that this extraterrestrial meteorite was a crystal that was completely unfamiliar to human beings, condensed together, because the researchers took very little A small amount of meteorite slag has been tested, and it can still emit that strange light, and it can improve the strength of Pokémon, but the improvement is very small," Sundae explained slowly.

However, seeing Xiaotian's increasingly serious expression, Sundae knew that Xiaotian had misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained again

"Of course, this meteorite is not infinite. Those meteorite slag used for experiments will disappear directly after it emits light. It can also be said that it is the meteorite slag that turns into energy rays to enhance the strength of Pokémon. And the mysterious light bgda that emitted Pokémon directly to the heavenly king made this meteorite even smaller to the naked eye.”

"You mean, although this meteorite can improve the strength of the Pokémon, it consumes its own energy. When the energy of this meteorite is exhausted, it completely disappears?" Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian suddenly not worried

Before, Xiaotian thought that this meteorite could strengthen Pokémon infinitely, so Xiaotian was shocked, but now it seems that to strengthen Pokémon, you need to consume the power of the meteorite itself

And the meteorite only upgraded the Pokémon to the consumption of the king, and it can be seen with the naked eye that the meteorite has become smaller, so the Pokémon that this meteorite can strengthen is not much stronger. You know, the stronger the Pokémon, the more The more terrifying the energy, in Xiaotian's opinion, with the size of this meteorite, I am afraid that it will be the end of the Pokémon's promotion to the champion level, and even level 100 can't be reached.

"That's right, but even so, the energy of this meteorite is quite terrifying. After my family's calculations, this energy meteorite may be able to directly raise my sister's Bite Lu Shark to level 99. You can imagine that this time How intense the league competition will be"

"I can directly raise the 96-level Bite Lu Shark to level 99. I'm afraid all the strengths will be crazy." Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian couldn't help sighing, and then Xiaotian wondered "Since this meteorite is so precious, Will the people from the Hoenn League still use it as a prize?"

To be honest, if Xiaotian is thinking in the position of the Fengyuan Alliance, Xiaotian will definitely be reluctant. How can strength be important in face or something, or it is the fact that he uses his own strength to improve it.

"Hee hee, the Fengyuan Alliance is of course reluctant to give up, but now it's not enough to give up your face. If it's an ordinary item, it's naturally no problem for the Fengyuan Alliance to withdraw the prize, but this extraterrestrial meteorite can't do it, those big forces I won't agree, and it's still a large group of forces, so now the Hoenn Alliance is regretful, who made them foolishly announce this meteorite as a prize?" Sundae said gloatingly.

Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head. Now that the prize has been announced, it will be difficult for the Fengyuan Alliance to withdraw this meteorite.

The most important thing is that when the meteorite improved the strength of a Pokémon, the news was leaked, and it was not just a matter of the Hoenn League. Level 99, it was enough to make all the families. crazy peak power

For a time, everyone in the plane looked different.

Xiaozhi was confused. Originally, Xiaozhi planned to show his skills in this competition and defeat Xiaomao. Even if he didn't win the championship, at least he would have a showdown with Xiaotian in the final final, which was also Xiaozhi's dream. The scene, but now, thinking of the madness of those families, Xiao Zhi can't help shaking all over, it's too scary

The Rockets trio had a smirk on their faces and their mouths full of laziness. I guess what beautiful picture is imagining in their minds?

Xiaosheng, Xiaoyao, Xiaogang and others were surprised, but they were only shocked by the preciousness of this extraterrestrial meteorite. The preciousness of the treasure that can make all families go crazy can be imagined.

The only thing that has nothing to do with her is Xiaoxi. This cute girl has absolutely no understanding of the preciousness of this meteorite. This is a treasure that even her father Sakagi may be crazy about.

569. Arrive at Caiyou City

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