"Congratulations to our Xiaotian contestant, who successfully won the championship of the Caiyou Conference in Fengyuan area. Xiaotian contestant won the championship trophy again after the Kanto area and the Chengdu area." The host shouted excitedly

The next step is to accept the applause and cheers of the audience. Xiaotian has become accustomed to this. Now Xiaotian is only interested in that meteorite, and the rest are not important.

Soon, "[-]" began the most exciting moment in the mood of Xiaotian's incomparable expectation and the envy and hatred of the rest of the forces, the award ceremony.

In the past league competitions, the championship trophy that represented glory was the top priority, but now, the meteorite as a prize is the existence that makes everyone crazy

Under the attention of countless audiences, the president of the alliance in the Hoenn area stepped onto the podium with an old face and came to present the award.

Behind the president, there is a display cabinet. In the transparent cabinet, the items for awards, the champion trophy and the items for awards, energy meteorites are enclosed.

Opening the cabinet, the president showed a smile that was even uglier than crying. Although the president knew very well that under the attention of all the audience and countless audiences in front of the TV, he should show a smile of blessing at this time, but when he thought of the meteorite Worth, the president's heart is bleeding, he's dying of heartache, he has the heart to cry, how can he still laugh

"Congratulations, Xiaotian, for winning the championship trophy in the Hoenn area. You are an excellent trainer and an extremely talented trainer. I hope you will work harder in the future and go further on the road of trainers." President Reluctantly showing a fake smile to encourage Xiaotian

No way, no matter how upset I feel now, I still have to talk about the scene

"This is your championship trophy, and it is also the honor you and your Pokémon deserve." The president took out the championship trophy and handed it to Xiaotian

"This is your prize, the energy meteorite." The old president, whose heart was bleeding, turned around with trembling hands and took the energy meteorite as a reward item.

However, just as Xiaotian was waiting with anticipation to accept the prize, the energy meteorite, which was the prize for the championship, suddenly appeared abnormal.

I saw that the meteorite, which was originally a stone, suddenly cracked and exposed the tape recorder at the moment when the old president came into contact, and then came out a few words that almost made Xiaotian blow his hair.

At the moment when the old president touched the meteorite, the meteorite suddenly cracked. The scared old president shivered all over, and then the old president was shocked and asked in surprise, "What's going on?" Then. ....

"Since you have sincerely asked for advice"

"We will tell you mercifully"

"To prevent the world from being destroyed"

"To protect world peace"





"We are the Rockets in the galaxy"

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us"

"Meow, that's it"

"............" In an instant, the entire venue was quiet.

"Musashi, Kojiro" looked at the recorder that the meteorite turned into, Xiao Tian's face flushed red, then a black face, turned his head angrily and looked at the confused Sakagi in the audience

I told you so early that Musashi and Kojiro were going to hit a meteorite. How did you become the boss?Not being in touch for so long and stopping the Rockets trio from doing something stupid?Most importantly, how is the defense of the Hoenn area done?Don't you know that the prize has been dropped?

At this time, Xiaotian's mood is not to be mentioned. If he sees the Rockets trio again, Xiaotian swears that he will never spare these three second-hands. Beating eight times a day will be light.

Unlike Xiao Tian who was angry on the podium, when the people in the auditorium saw that the prize was stolen, the ambition that had been quiet suddenly became active again.

The current situation is different from the open and fair competition. As long as anyone can find the three second-hand guys who stole the meteorite, then the meteorite belongs to whoever is. For a time, the leaders of countless forces were excited and thumped in their hearts.

Of all the people, the worst is the Hoenn Regional Alliance. The prize as the champion was stolen, but they have to take full responsibility.

Ignoring the embarrassed and already dark-faced president of the Fengyuan Alliance, Xiaotian hurriedly turned and left the podium.

As for the stolen prizes, Fengyuan Alliance will give an explanation sooner or later, but the most important thing right now is not the time to be held accountable. It is the most important thing to find the three second-hands of the Rockets and get the meteorites in their hands. I didn't see it. Have those powerful people left impatiently?Don't think about it, you know what they're doing

"Team Rocket has learned to be smart. They know that they can't take the meteorite away under such circumstances, and they know how to steal it. My God, it seems that I have to be careful, but don't let them steal my Pikachu." Chi lamented the huge improvement in the IQ of the Rockets, while worrying about his own Pikachu

"However, since Team Rocket stole the meteorite, why did they keep a tape recorder? Since the registration number, isn't this courting death?" Xiaogang on the side asked with a confused expression.

"..." Hearing Xiaogang's words, everyone sighed in silence, the habit of dying is unacceptable.

Seeing Xiaotian coming out of the podium, everyone in the New World hurriedly chased Xiaotian and left together. Everyone knew that the most important thing now was to find Musashi and Kojiro.

The Sundae family, the Xiaotian family, the Yulong family, the Ogida, the Rockets, and even many other major forces are mobilizing their own forces to find Musashi and Kojiro, including those who see interests like a cat smelling fish. the dark organization

It can be said that in the whole world now, people from countless forces are looking for Musashi and Kojiro. Their huge level of 1.2 shocked even Xiaotian. It's crazy.

When mobilizing his own forces to find someone, Xiaotian rushed to replace the Pokémon. Now this situation is likely to fight with other forces to snatch the meteorite. Xiaotian naturally wants to be safe.

"A group of turtles, can't you upgrade a level 96 Pokémon to a level 99 treasure? Is it so crazy?" Looking at the crowd searching the mountains and fields outside, Xiaotian complained to himself.

Xiaotian's world origin can directly raise a level 95 Pokémon to level 100, which is not much better than this meteor, and I have never seen Xiaotian so crazy.

Look outside, with Caiyou City as the center, the collapsed outward, the planes all over the sky, the overwhelming searchers, and even some powerful trainers are all searching for Pokémon everywhere. I mean...  

582. The Rockets appear and leave

It has been five days since the end of the alliance competition. As time passed, the search operation not only did not end, but became more and more intense. More and more people came to Caiyou City to join Musashi Kojiro's large army.

According to the investigation of many forces, it is finally guessed that Musashi and Kojiro did not leave Saiyou City. After all, whether it is by car, by plane or ship, or even by Rocket Team's exclusive hot air balloon, it is impossible to leave without knowing it. There are always people. when you see

However, the results of the investigation showed that there was no evidence of Team Rocket leaving, so people from many forces speculated that Kojiro and Musashi, who stole the meteorite, were still in or around Saiyou City.

Of course, this is just a guess, and it is also a fluke in the hearts of those big forces. Otherwise, once Musashi and Kojiro leave here, the world is so big, where can I find it?So everyone can only hope that these two goods do not go far

Spreading out from Caiyou City as the center, countless searchers, planes whizzing past in the sky, cars running on the ground, in short, all places where people can hide are all key areas for key search.

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