As for how to use meteorites?It's very simple, as long as Xiaotian returns to the New World, Xiaotian can announce that he has used meteorites. In this way, without meteorites, there will be nothing to grab.

Of course, there are also machines that use meteorites in the Hoenn area, but Xiaotian never thought about using the machines here. Those people will never do everything possible to destroy them, and it is impossible for Xiaotian to use them under their noses. meteorite

What's more, Xiaotian didn't want to use the meteorite, but to extract the energy inside to get points. Therefore, the only way now is to return to the New World.

"In this case, it's useless to talk more, let's fight." Thinking of this, Xiaotian threw the Poké Ball, ready to start fighting

The level 95 giant psychic puppet, the level 95 Shanaido, the level 100 fire-breathing dragon, and the level 88 holding carnivorous beast, these are the Pokémon released by Xiaotian and ready to fight

The 95-level Psychic Earth Puppet doesn't need Xiaotian's command at all. It only needs to let it attack everywhere like a wild one. This product is an invincible super fort, enough for the opponent to choke.

The level 100 fire-breathing dragon is the main force of Xiaotian's command. Naturally, it goes without saying that his strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

The 88-level giant carnivorous beast, the super big meat shield, the most abnormal is that it can devour the opponent's attack and restore physical strength. At the beginning, Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon and fierce biting land shark combined did not defeat the carnivorous beast, you can imagine the resistance of this product. The most important thing about the degree of beating is that the melting beast does not need Xiaotian's command, as long as it is released to withstand the attack, it is enough for the opponent to drink a pot.

As for Shanaido and Pikachu, Xiaotian kept them as spares, and Xiaotian also had to guard against the other party commanding Pokémon to attack him and others.

Just as Xiaotian released the Pokémon, Xiaozhi and others also threw Pokeballs, each releasing their own Pokémon.

Ash released a fire-breathing dragon, and Pikachu, who was sometimes super god and sometimes super ghost, came to fight

Xiaomao released the strongest ace water arrow turtle, moon elf, and the advanced fossil pterosaur of Tianwang.

Sundae also released Bangira, who was promoted to the quasi-championship level, and a fast dragon to play.

Shirona released her strongest ace, a 96-level fierce bite land shark, and a 96-level fire-breathing dragon

The rest of the people also released their own Pokémon, Damu Xuecheng, Yulongdu, Banmu, the powerful trainer invited by Xiaotian's father, and even Xiaoxi did not leave, and released their own Tianwang-level Pokemon to play together.

In such a situation now, it does not mean that the more Pokémon released will have an advantage. In a big melee with many people, there are too many Pokémon, and the trainer will not be able to command them.

However, seeing the fire-breathing dragon released by Hirona made Xiaotian and others unusually different. I didn't expect that the strength of the fire-breathing dragon of Hirona had increased so much after not seeing it for a while.

Moreover, with the fire-breathing dragon's full-colored emperor-level aptitude against the sky, I am afraid that now the fire-breathing dragon's strength has completely surpassed Hirona's trump card, the fierce bite land shark, and has become Hirona's strongest Pokémon.

Among them, Damu Xuecheng and Yulongdu were the ones who responded the most. These two uncles almost cried when they saw Xirona's fire-breathing dragon. As for why, it was naturally because the three of them were fighting for the fire-breathing dragon baby, but they didn't rob Xi. Rona

On the opposite side, seeing Xiaotian and the others getting out of the plane and releasing the Pokémon without saying a word, everyone was dumbfounded. What's the situation?Under normal circumstances, don't you have to say two scenes before you start?Why did it come to you, and the Pokémon was released directly, what does it mean?

Then, before the people on the other side can understand, Xiaotian and others have already launched the attack first, saying that, anyway, we don't want to fight in the end, so try not to make noise if you can.

".ˇ Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flame" Xiaotian took the lead in launching the attack

Following Xiaotian's command, an incomparably huge blue flame shot out in an instant. The super-long distance, super-large range, super-strong attack, and the strength of the fire-breathing dragon were all revealed in an instant.

"Bite the land shark using dragon's breath"

"The fire-breathing dragon uses jet flames"

"Bangira, use earthquakes"

"Water Arrow Turtle, use the water cannon"

"The Moon Elf uses the power of awakening"

"Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon is handsome, fire-breathing dragon, we also use the fire-breathing dragon." You will know who said it as soon as you hear it.

While Xiaotian directed the fire-breathing dragon, the rest of the group also directed the Pokémon to attack, without any hesitation at all.

"Damn, get away"

"You bastards, you are not following the rules"

"Quick, use your skills to block the opponent's attack"

"Block it, block it, are you stupid, can such an attack be blocked?"

The attack from Xiaotian and others directly hit the other side by surprise, and the people on the opposite side were beaten and stunned a group of people.

The quick-response, hurriedly directing their Pokémon to evade the skills of Xiaotian and others, while those trainers whose IQs are half a beat slow and even those who want to resist the attack, under the sudden attack of Xiaotian and others, not to mention all Destroyed, at least was knocked down a large group

The fire-breathing dragon's powerful jet of flame, coupled with the attack of Xiaozhi and the others, if the opponent resisted together, it might be possible to block it, but the people on the opposite side obviously did not make concerted efforts.

There are those who dodge, those who are slow to respond, and who do not command Pokémon, just relying on the remaining trainers who want to resist the attack jointly launched by Xiaotian and others, which is too beautiful.

584. War 2

Although the people on the opposite side were knocked down by Xiaotian's sudden attack, there were too many people on the other side, and many of them were not attacked or evaded in time.

The rest of the people saw that Xiaotian directly attacked without saying a word, and also knocked down a group of people, all of them were angry and wanted to fight back.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use full power to burst and burn" Seeing such a situation, Xiaotian hurriedly instructed the fire-breathing dragon to use his ultimate move

Once the opponent starts to fight back, it is impossible for the Pokémon of Xiaotian and others to stay together all the time. Whether it is chasing the opponent or dodging the opponent's skills, it will lead to a big melee situation, so Xiaotian intends to take advantage of the fact that the two sides are not scattered too widely. Come directly to a big move, try to clear the opponent's combat power

In the field, after hearing Xiaotian's command, the fire-breathing dragon rushed straight into the sky, and then began to condense super-large fireballs in its mouth.

"Damn, that fire-breathing dragon wants to use burst and burn, stop it." On the opposite side, seeing the fire-breathing dragon's movements, everyone was shocked. The powerful strength of the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame was obvious to all, and now he wants to use the fire-breathing dragon. The trick, and it is the explosion and combustion with the largest destructive power area. When I think of the consequences of letting the fire-breathing dragon use the explosion and combustion, everyone on the opposite side trembles at the thought of it.

830 "Using the Silver Cyclone"

"Use Dragon's Breath"

"Using the Vine Whip"

"Use a flash of lightning"

"Using Thunder Attack"

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