However, although he was shocked by Xiaotian's strength, A Zhe still stood firm in front of the crowd and prevented them from leaving.

Looking at the other party's firm expression, Xiaotian knew that the other party was determined to stop himself and others. Although he understood the other party's difficulties and difficulties, it did not mean that Xiaotian agreed with the other party's behavior. against yourself

Just when Xiaotian was planning to command the fire-breathing dragon to kill Azhe, a few Pokémon flew in the distance, and felt the monstrous atmosphere emanating from those flying Pokémon, Xiaotian knew that another strong man was coming.

"No, there are powerhouses coming, they are so fast, we have to hurry up, or more and more powerhouses will come." Seeing the flying Pokémon in the distance, Xiaozhi said exclaim

"Nonsense, if you are not strong enough, you can't catch up." Hearing Xiaozhi's exclamation, Xiaomao on the side continued to complain, Xiaomao's interest is to cheat with Xiaozhi

"Xiaotian, we know that you are strong, but there are many of us in the current situation. We advise you to call the meteorite out."

"Yes, do you know how many forces want to compete for meteorites now, you are the main target, under such circumstances, it is impossible for you to return to your continent, so you should call the meteorites out."

"Hand over the meteorite, don't force us to do it"

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. You'd better see the form clearly and give up the meteorite."

Soon, these few strong men came to Xiaotian not far away, and persecuted Xiaotian softly and hard, hoping that Xiaotian would hand over the meteorite

Some people know Xiaotian's strength and persuade him softly. After all, many forces now know that the meteorite is in Xiaotian's hands. It can be said that as long as the meteorite is in Xiaotian's hands, then Xiaotian will face countless enemies.

There are also strong people who are naturally strong and are not afraid of Xiaotian. They speak fiercely, forcing Xiaotian, and there are even more arrogant second-hand people who directly despise Xiaotian.

However, these powerhouses who came over did not notice that Xiaotian's increasingly cold face

"One junior champion, eight quasi-champions, a bunch of rubbish, who gave you the courage to come to me and talk nonsense?" Xiaotian looked at the other party with a calm face and said coldly



"You... bold." Hearing Xiaotian's words, the other party's face turned red with anger. Of course, there are also smart people. Among the nine people on the opposite side, the only champion-level trainer heard Xiaotian's cold and harsh words. The words suddenly sank in my heart. While scolding the pig teammates, I secretly said that I was not good.

"I admit, it's really impossible for me to be the enemy of the whole world, but when will it be my Emperor Shitian's turn to be so presumptuous in front of me with just a champion junior and a few quasi-championship-level garbage?" Xiaotian His face was still calm, but then, Xiaotian let out an angry roar

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"roar" a roar

Feeling the anger in Xiaotian's heart, the fire-breathing dragon's heart was also extremely angry, and then he launched an attack without saying a word.

"Damn, how dare you?"

"Bastard, you are too arrogant." The fire-breathing dragon launched an attack directly.

The battle started in an instant, and the opponent thought that he was strong and had a lot of people. Even if Xiaotian was strong, he couldn't help them, and he couldn't even resist their combined strength.

But the reality is cruel, because soon, the people on the other side will know how ignorant and weak they are.

In the field, the fire-breathing dragon with full vitality is completely unstoppable by the opponent, spraying flames, ultra-long-distance linear attacks, super huge attack range, super power, those strong opponents, let alone resisting the fire-breathing dragon's attack, Even if two or three Pokémon are added together, it is difficult to resist the fire-breathing dragon's attack.


With super attack power and super fast flight speed, the fire-breathing dragon completely shows the terrifying strength that shocks everyone.

"Destruction of Death Light", a trainer of the other party angrily ordered a Pokémon to attack

But it's useless, even if the opponent is a quasi-champion-level powerful Pokémon and uses the ultimate move to destroy the death light, the fire-breathing dragon just turns back and sprays a flame, which not only blocks the destruction of the death light, but also the powerful power of the flame is even more powerful. He fought back against the opponent's skills. With only one blow, the opponent's attack failed and he was manipulated, and he was severely injured.

"Using Lightning Flash" has trainers who want to take advantage of speed to attack fire-breathing dragons

But it was still useless. Facing the opponent, the lightning flashed like a flash of light, and the fire-breathing dragon waved its huge claws, hitting the dragon's claws, knocking the opponent flying, and adding incomparably huge damage.

The other party has Boscodora with super strong defense and anti-beating?The fire-breathing dragon hit the steel tail and pulled it out more than ten meters away. Can you resist the beating?

The other party has an ice-type Pokémon that restrains the dragon type?Fire-breathing dragon hits hard, killing instantly

Suppressing, crushing, completely suppressing from the beginning to the end, the fire-breathing dragon used its own power to completely abuse the opponent's eight Pokémon, the opponent was completely useless to fight back, and soon, the opponent's eight quasi-championship level Pokémon, all the Pokémon, and the dazzling and dazzling loss of combat effectiveness are simply not enough to express the anger of the fire-breathing dragon. All eight Pokémon on the other side were seriously injured.

Only one Pokémon ran away, the opponent's only champion-level trainer, when he saw the fire-breathing dragon's great power, he ran away secretly when the situation was not good.

Xiaotian didn't chase after this trainer who had a good tone before and was very mean in his eyes. Instead, he abused these eight pretenders, or tortured them to death.

586. War 4

A Zhe player on the side didn't use his hands, but stared at Xiaotian and abused these eight powerful trainers with a stunned expression on his face.

Then, after seeing Xiaotian defeating the opponent's Pokémon, Azhe instructed Shanaido with a fantasy technique, and threw the eight trainers on the opposite side to where they went. Anyway, they disappeared.

"Okay, so strong" Looking at the irresistible fire-breathing dragon, A Zhe's face was full of shock. The strength of this fire-breathing dragon was completely incomparable to the Pokémon used by Xiaotian during the competition.

"Too, it's too strong, it's so harmful." Xiao Zhi on the side looked at the domineering, incomparably handsome fire-breathing dragon in the air, shouting, envious, don't want it

"Are you an idiot? Back then outside the New World, the trainers that Xiaotian defeated were all stronger than these people. It's not like you haven't seen it before. What are you excited about?" Xiaomao on the side continued to black Xiaozhi as usual

"Eh. Even if I have seen a fire-breathing dragon fight before, but every 16 times I see a fire-breathing dragon fighting, it makes my heart boil." Ignoring Xiao Mao's mutual blackness, Xiao Zhi looked at the handsome man in the sky with envy. Charizard

"Are you still going to stop us?" Xiaotian asked A Zhe, who was stunned and stunned.

"Uh... no" Hearing Xiaotian's question, A Zhe thought for a while, and moved out of the way, not blocking Xiaotian and others

Although in A Zhe's heart, he really wanted to help his family get back the meteorite, but looking at the strength displayed by the fire-breathing dragon, A Zhe knew that he could not stop the other party at all, even if he tried his best, it was useless. too different

And Azhe is very suspicious, even if there are more powerful trainers in his family, or more people from the family, it is useless, Xiaotian's strength is too strong

It is not difficult to steal the meteorite from Xiaotian, so after thinking quickly, Azhe gave up the idea of ​​continuing to block

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